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UrBaN BoMbEr


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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by UrBaN BoMbEr

  1. Comparing real world examples to things that happen in gmod, you will find inaccuracies... Jigsaw, teletubby stalkers, murderous Bounty Hunters, and yes, raiding with C4 are all things that don't generally happen IRL... But this is game, so the scenarios are turned up for player entertainment. And while your experience may have included custom class players, raiding (even with C4) is not exclusive to CCs. The most common raiding tools (C4, Makeshifts, mat grenades...) cannot be purchased as perm items on a CC. ​Any player can purchase raiding supplies from the B.M.D., other players or get them from a processor.​​​​​​ Making money by basing is not, and should not be easy! The days of someone having to open a door and 3 fadings with a lock pick is gone. Well built bases (dupes), good guns and a party to help defend will all increase your chances of holding off raiders. I was an admin on another server that required adverts for raiding. And we had to hear daily how it was "unrealistic, who would advertise commenting a crime".
  2. I'm not always one to say "everyone deserves a second chance". The fact you regret what you did and still intend on taking care of the remainder of your loan says a lot. I look forward to seeing you in-game again! Welcome new and improved Silverduck
  3. Awesome! I will reach out to him and get it back. Thx Rubik~
  4. A model for use on my CC keeps having access removed. Last week it disappeared on Friday, and I had the owner (Reiko / Neko Mimi) come on last weekend and give me the model again, then it disappeared again the next day. The model is under: models/player/shi/if.mdl I have included a photo on my !MS menu while the model was there. The missing model is at the bottom of the list. Please let me know what I can do to get this model back. Thanks! https://www.dropbox.com/s/5pija5fcnjto6zk/IMAG1098.jpg?dl=0
  5. I follow you... Players would have the option to tune in or not. My issue with the idea is more the intentional abuse of it. With a few people working in unison, the funkiest shit could be a server wide broadcast.
  6. In a perfect world... This would be a cool idea! But unfortunately, the players of GMod are not always "perfect"... My concern is the same expressed by Yeetus. That some kid(s) would have the ability to spam stuff like cock and ball torture wikis all over the map. I personally already have all boom boxes muted. But if players want to hear music they should probably be able to control their own music.
  7. As some of you know, I am the Co-owner of Rolex, partnered with my good friend ToeSlurper. We are backed up by several great officers and dedicated members that know the grind! Recently we have been involved a few incidents, and want to use these as an opportunity to improve what we do. While we are undeniably one of the top gangs on the server, there is room for growth and improvement! We are finding it's not necessarily the gang activities (raiding, kidnapping, etc...) that is damaging our reputation, but mostly being overly aggressive in our communications. As such, we have discussed being responsible in using the voice and text chat, as well as on the forums. In addition, we have all agreed to show staff respect, even in situations we don't necessarily agree with. We will voice our issues in a responsible manner and not instigate situations that can be remedied. In turn, we hope that staff will consider our discussions in an objective manner and not hold past transgressions against us. We have spoken to every member and made them aware that we are on a mission to patch up our relationships with those interested in doing so. I'm sure there will be people we still don't see eye to eye with... But for those willing to come to Toe or I and have civil discussions, we will make every attempt to remedy a negative situation involving any Rolex member. TitsRP is our home and we love it! Our hope is that this post will stimulate positive conversation regarding how we (and other gangs) can move forward and use our strengths to benefit the community.
  8. LOL! With each post you dig yourself deeper and deeper drama queen! Nobody is twisting your words Hecc & Fricc... You come out of nowhere telling some story that has nothing to do with this post and ONLY USE PRONOUNS and not 1 proper name. I'm not psychic... You have already been busted exaggerating stories about me, so I for you to have done it again would not be too much of a stretch. Checkout my posts... Notice I put actual names next to the people I am speaking to, or quoting. This makes it much easier to follow and avoids confusion.
  9. Hecc & Fricc (Tmod for 3 days): "What I said wasn't that you "screamed bloody murder" I said that you were unrelated to the report at hand." Herb (Admin) : "I am now curious as to why I was told one thing yet evidence proves the other and I'll be following this up with heck and frick." Hecc & Fricc: "I saw potential mass RDM and was just making sure that there was nothing off going on since you weren't raiding anyone and you suddenly C4ed a bunch of people" Your credibility is slipping lower and lower with all these bogus accusations that are not supported... You are correct, I was not raiding anyone. I was talking to someone near the fountain when I was killed by the Bounty Hunter (that both Derpington and I reported) . I had not killed anyone, especially with C4, and no reports of RDM made against me. The fact you had to "make sure" I hadn't done anything wrong makes it seem like you are looking for problems with me, rather than dealing with the actual mass RDMer in front of you. * Which was one of the complaints I made above.
  10. All good... I know you oversee dozens of people and probably thousands of sits. All you can do is work with what your given. Thanks for looking into it!
  11. I understood which sit you were referring to. Even though this will likely be misconstrued as salt again, I will provide a video of that sit as well, to dispute that "he's had 0 issues with you since his becoming staff", and now his lying to senior staff regarding this sit. Unfortunately, I did not have the video running for the initial RDM, or when I was pulled to my sit. When Zero Residual brought me and the bounty hunter, he began asking the RDMer the standard questions. Then player Derpington reported an RDM by the same player, which was claimed by Hecc & Fricc, who pulled the RDMer out of our sit. Zero Residual crosses admin land to the other sit, and !Brings me. It is in this time that I am starting my video. This video disputes Hecc and Fricc's claim that I was "screaming bloody murder" at the Bounty Hunter who RDMed me and at least one other player. I am calm, friendly and do not address the RDMer at all. Hecc & Fricc's (Charple Model) attention is immediately switched to me as soon as the staff member handling my sit (Zero Residual) !brings me to the second sit. Despite the fact the mass RDM sit was not concluded, and that I was still trying to ask questions, Hecc & Fricc returned me. Zero Residual, the staff member handling my sit even typed ): when he did it. So... A) I don't feel the sit was handled professionally by Hecc & Fricc because he has personal issues he has with me. B) When asked by Herb about this sit, Hecc & Fricc completely lied about my demeanor to cover not handling this sit properly. Video of sit: I'd also like to point out that Hecc & Fricc -Reps each player who reports him. He did it to me yesterday (As a staff member): fukin ded ( -1 ) - Last updated Today, 03:19 AM Rating given for UrBaN BoMbEr's post in Hecc & Fricc (New TMod) in a sit... (TRIGGERED) Negative (-1): more pointless dramaposting and then DamnedOne today: fukin ded ( -1 ) - Last updated 1 hour ago Rating given for |⎛ ҉ ٩DamnedOne٩ ҉ ⎞|'s post in Warn Appeal Negative (-1): toxic player, -rep bomber Really professional... Doesn't seem vengeful at all...
  12. LoL, is that what you heard? You should have just asked me, I could have given you the video. But if your expecting me to be "screaming bloody murder" then you are in for a disappointing surprise.. Honestly, I think your salt-o-meter is a little skewed trying to protect your new tmod... The video speaks for itself, if you want to deny what everyone else I've spoken to sees and hears in it, then you go ahead and call me salty. In the end, another gmod staff member's opinion is not going to cost me any sleep.... lol
  13. I didn't ask for a demotion or any action to be taken. I posted this at the suggestion of a staff member who I showed the video to.... And if I never posted this, and had an issue in a future sit, then it would be "why didn't you say anything then". You see the video and you think I'M SALTY? LMAO I can assure you, I'm not... I'm still selling guns and didn't collect any warns from any of his bullshit.
  14. A few days ago I posted a harassment report regarding player Hecc & Fricc. This followed a sit that I called b/c after several failed attempts on his part to report me, he resorted to putting a text screen over my gun stand to call me a scammer, which he was warned for). Multiple staff members commented to the toxicity this player displayed in the sit. The post turned into a pissing match and Rubik asked me to PM him if I had evidence of harassment. I PMed Rubik the details and told him I had a video of the sit, and asked what evidence he needed. I never received a reply and the harassment report was denied. Two days later, Hecc & Fricc was made a TMod. Not sure how a player that has had a harassment report, 2 warns (RDM and Minging), as well as another one that was removed in the past few weeks qualifies for a staff position. But I would like to show the senior staff, as well as the community what this new staff member acts like when HE is pulled to a sit. Staff should be respected members of our community and not conduct themselves in a manner of breaking rules, calling bogus sits, making revenge reports and then minging because he didn't get the results he wanted... In his first day as a staff member, I was in a sit with another mod for a RDMer. Hecc & Fricc pulled the RDMer from our sit for another case that was called. When I was brought to that sit by the mod handling mine Hecc & Fricc was more worried about trying to return me, than dealing with the RDMer. I am worried about the day he finally gets a sit I'm involved in where he can finally give me the punishment he feels (and says himself in this video) that I deserve... There is no way that someone that displays a need for revenge like this to be able to handle sits objectively or professionally. Video of Sit (06/04/19):
  15. For some reason it was STILL marked as private... I checked it on my phone and computer, and should (hopefully) work. Sorry...
  16. SORRY! Was marked private... Should work now!
  17. hecko All! I finally took a break from playing Gmod to edit a vid of Gmod... I was randomly given the opportunity to be Santa and 5 gifts were not enough! So I gave out over 100 loot crates over the course of 2 hours. This is the first video, with at least 1 more to follow (it takes a while to pass that many out!) A special thanks goes out to: * Mr Happykins - Professional Bodyguard Services * Blake C. - SWAT Ofc who escorted us to Mayor's office * JewWorld - Judge Gabe - Escorted us to leave gifts I the jail cells for the (not-so) good Girls and Boys
  18. The report was handled and closed... Jacket's opinion of it matters how? lol
  19. No Many players use building in outside areas for lots of reasons... Public bases, gambling, fighting rings, small gun sales buildings, fishing dupes, donation buildings, the list goes on and on.. I have never seen it so overbuilt that the hobos did not have a place to drop their junk and start panhandling. As is, I believe the rule is if a player reports a structure built outside, it is up to the staff's discretion to ask the builder to remove it. But if it isn't impeding, they have no reason to remove it. -1 to hobo only building...
  20. If it doesn't big out or add more time to load up, it would be cool! +1 The chef job seems to be pretty popular. Almost as many restaurants opening as gun shops!
  21. The gun stands are fine... Problem is people's placement, which staff can easily move. I don't know if it is possible, but having gun stands that server spawn and are locked in certain locations, that can be purchased and loaded by dealers.
  22. I was just kidding... I see the !motd everytime I log in and refer people to it daily. I appreciate the clarification! Also: visit UrBaN BoMbErS Gun Stand. Mention this ad and receive a free gun with purchase. (Jokes again... Nobody works at my stand. sorry)
  23. Best part... Cobaselic's impersonation of Bill Cosby! 10/10
  24. Rubik should make those rules available to people on the server...
  25. That's really nice Jakey... You can just give me a small loan of $1,000,000.
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