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UrBaN BoMbEr


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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by UrBaN BoMbEr

  1. I encounter people on the daily that want to get at me/my humble business. lol I can now explain this to them before involving staff. Thanks for the confirmation Succ.
  2. True! I put one of my gun stands off to the side of the large tunnel coming off of spawn. I turn it at a 45° angle so it will be as unobtrusive as possible. Remember jacket; It's where you setup your stand right next to me selling $500 VALs, until I bought 45 if them and you got salty and pulled all the guns from your stand???
  3. I agree! But as stated, other players do not necessarily see it as we do... I'm just asking for a confirmation from staff that this is griefing/minging and prop-block. Then I can deal with it as that. But if staff doesn't agree, I'd likely know what the rules are so I can avoid more trouble.
  4. As the Highest Rated Gun Dealer in Downtown, I would like to ask the rules for entity sales stand. Having a stand up more than anyone, I encounter more issues regarding them than most players. There are dealers who can't compete with me (or my guerilla gun monopoly tactics), and get salty. The following are griefs that I get regularly. I usually will try moving my stand, but if the offender continues I do @ request staff to remove them. How the situations are handled varies depending on who takes the report. 1) Text screen over my stand. 2) Placing their stand DIRECTLY in front of my stand to not allow players to access my stand. 3) Putting props on my stand to not allow players to access my stand. My thought is that someone's stand would be generally modeled after the rules of someone's base. Players cannot spawn props or textscreens onto/into someone else's base. Otherwise every door would be blocked, every building (& camera) would have a text screen in front of it and salty kids and minges would over-run the world! Some clarification will help establish rules and give me the ability to direct the offender to them and possibly reduce the need for staff intervention. Or... I can respond with the same (probably worse) tactics to resolve when it happens to me. I've had issues (forum reports on me) about similar issues, so this is my attempt to play by the rules. Ultimately, this comes down to people minging for no proper RP reason. They get their feelings hurt and have to resort to childish tactics... Thanks in advance for your help! And if you need a quality firearm at a reasonable price, please visit UrBaN BoMbEr'S Gun Stand!
  5. That's a great idea... +1
  6. I have spoken to Lolita (Special Ed) on a few occasions about his despicable style of play. His response has been that he did not care if people to liked him. Now he wants proof of people dislike for him removed? There is a reason his rep is so bad...[removed] and I have even been approached about creating petitions to perm ban him from the server. I don't think there should be an avenue for toxic people, who continue to play like an minge to have their -1 rep removed. This is what the Rep system is for. Want better rep? Be a more likable player! Post edited by Umbak for personal attacks. Rest of post is valid.
  7. Player: Voltz STEAM_0:0:131627286 04/25/19 - 0730am Bug: Slashing the PD health board (as a spirit caller) drops unlimited spirit jars. Recreate : Slash the health PD board. While playing early (7:30 am), with like 6 players online. I was walking down the street and heard constant slashing by a spirit caller... I eventually walked into the PD and found player Voltz slashing the PD Health Board. When I eventually went into the PD, I found like 50 spirit jars on the floor that he had farmed. Later in chat he admits to farming "800 spirit jars and not getting any dark spirits". Since a TV doesn't contain a "spirit", I'd say this is a bug that is being exploited by Voltz. Evidence: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zt-Do6_Pvv4&feature=youtu.be
  8. I think the pig should be faster and should have his "bite" buffed. 2 blows from him and your pig food!
  9. I would ask if the map could represent where my (2) Weapons Stands are daily... UrBaN BoMbEr'S is the highest rated weapons dealer in the Downtown area, and a pillar to the community. Not directing people there would be a disservice to the players, and possibly considered scamming! * Mention this post for a free pistol with purchase.
  10. Most the servers I've been on don't have as low a tolerance to props clipping through the ground... Even some that you could straight precision props into the ground and leave small pieces exposed (I'm guessing it was still there when pushed all the way through the ground). I have not had any actual props disappear, only gun stands/entity shelves and the guns in them!
  11. Bug Description: For the 3rd time now, when I go to place my gun stand on the corner near the fountain, it disappears. Unfortunately, this ONLY happens when it is loaded with 40-80 guns! This morning's "poof" (was a lighter load of 40 guns and) lost like $200k in it! How to reproduce: It does not do it every time... It seems if you hit the rail that goes around the fountain area or the curb it does it occasionally. Priority: (High, Medium, Low) It is probably LOW, but as the gun dealer who sells more guns than anyone, it has cost me nearly $1M, so I would rate it higher.
  12. I don't know Equinox, but He did handle a couple sits for me, and was good! If his (possible) mistakes can't be forgiven to return him to staff, I would hope his dedication to the server can be credited to return him soon. I Can appreciate the high standards, but let's weigh the costs too... I.M.O.: Throwing away GOOD staff, who made a mistake isn't going to benefit the server.
  13. Except to use it as a bludgeon, what use does it have? lol
  14. In the real world, when does a home burglar have a level playing field with an armed home owner? They have to enter a place they are not familiar with, and try to surprise someone who knows the place and with surveillance/alarms, probably knows where the burglars are... But back to RP: There was a guy on-server yesterday making the complete opposite argument! That players that base have no chance against the OP raiders... I base on the daily and have to say the advantage is to the raider. I can sit by any shooting port in my base and watch the door get blown off and a string if explosives come in without the raider having to walk through the door. I may shoot them, but not before all my props closest to the door are blown up. Mat grenades / explosives come out of a processor, and a few can be bought for a lot less than C4, so the cost is probably equal to gun they are raiding with. One way props are no more unfair than using a camera. I have been questioned by a mod for a 1 way prop they thought could be shot through (it could not), so staff are on the lookout for unfair bases. And from a playing aspect, how much easier should it be to take someone's loot? We already have to best stocked VIPs /CCs farming 20 processors and 40 printers at a time, that they have taken from 75% of the players gutsy/dumb enough to spawn them! Leave the raiding system alone.
  15. I agree to the fact new players should not be considered prey for back to back victimizing. Last night I found a new player based in the partially fenced corner of the park behind the bar/strip club. Homie had a meth lab, processor and unsilenced printer burning back there. Probably could have raided him with my fists. Instead I offered him some advice to find a place with a bit more protection and left him to his skid row base. Essentially what I am taking from It's Cold's post is not that we start a welfare system for noobs, but more that we just play a little cooler with them. If you raid a base with crocked props, no protection and a citizen panic running around the inside (probably with his keys out), kill him... Clean his printers/bit coins, etc, but consider not taking his loot, and really not just blowing it up to be a dick. I have been on this server for like 3 weeks now, and found there are definitely players who can raid, bounty kill, rob you and still be cool! And then there is Lolita... If you see a new guy on the street, break him off a gun, answer their questions and take a little time to give them some advice to help get going. Through the (continued) teachings of a few real cool players/staff, living here has become a lot easier for me!
  16. hecko, I am new to the Tits RP server (but very familiar with tits - lol). I played Gmod a couple years ago, and was a Super Admin on the TPS server. Things got super toxic, so I bounced, and shortly after the server closed. I decided the yesterday to fire it back up and found this server. After a few hours of on-server last night, I think this place is my new base! If you see me in game (likely running UrBaN BoMbErS Gun Emporium), come by and say hi!
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