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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by bugman

  1. you are kinda -1 overall tbh
  2. at least make the weapon slots listed actually line up with what slot it is. Currently it lists it like it does in the data starting at slot 0 instead of 1
  3. grav gunning a timebomb into a vent where it cant be shot back and cant go anywhere other than straight up the vent =/= shooting a c4 in with a gun/ running it in to a base where you or the c4 is being shot at and it can go to the other side of the base.
  4. git gud or cope more
  5. Like I said in my original post this is just an undeniable fact that people fail to acknowledge for some reason and this will be the result of people not acknowledging that fact and complaining that the skill ceiling needs to be tanked. With a drop in the skill ceiling old players who have spent the time to git gud will be dissuaded from playing and new players to think "why would I choose this server over any other."
  6. the basing ideas are cool but this is one of the biggest points, lots of the areas of the map were changed on downtown titsv2 to go along with how basing was done(namely that old bases were fence spam mazes and were incredibly unfun). I know downtown titsv3 is a thing people bitch about asking for a lot but for major basing changes like these a new or slightly updated map would be incredibly nice. Adding rarer special tier of weapons that can only come from procs in the vein of old basewars weapon racks would be a cool concept and encourage actually using procs. I feel like this is what the whole change will come down to if the actual server/map isnt updated in accordance. One change that could help is adding back old foods like god food and old potions to have more variety, but if you leave the server the way it is now and remove the unique basing style the server will lose some of its charm. Titsrps raiding, and namely its rather large skill ceiling and floor is what got me to play in the first place. The difference between a day 1 player and a regular player is drastic, and removing this might make players interested for a short time before they realize that the only proper way to improve with these changes will just be aim. Not saying that needing to get better aim is a bad thing, but when its your only actual way to improve then the game gets stale. Editing to say this because I see this argument on every single post about basing or raiding or enchants or whatever. Yes, new players will lose to old players because the old players have more stuff and experience. You know where else you'll see this, LITERALLY EVERY SINGLE GAME PVP GAME EVER MADE. It's such a low brow argument that I usually just ignore it but i've seen the same copy pasted argument on just about every single forums thread over the past couple months
  7. I'm all for buffing basing, it's in a terrible spot right now and for many players they lose money from using things that used to literally just be a buy - forget - profit system (old bitminers and mini printers). Also as much as I enjoy the new printers, the old printer style of either run it like normal and make pretty good money, or superclock and make a shit ton of money but you have to watch it 24/7, was always a system I and many others enjoyed. Beyond this, not to shill the idea of selling money, but, yeah, public sale money was a good reason for many players to actively defend their bases and raid as you could make, or lose, pretty large sums of money but winning or losing raids. Further, with the idea of buffing basing to make it more enjoyable, raiding was fine the way it was, specifically the way it was before mat grenades worked like mat bombs. For those who dont know, mat grenades used to only fade materials and not clear fences like mat bombs do, AND mat bombs were harder to come across meaning that it was almost always a better idea to use another c4/timebomb instead of wasting a mat grenade. While I do agree with many of the nerfs (removal of c4 punting and fixes to c4 LoS) I also think the heavy nerfing of raiding just made it less fun, and when its not fun to raid, it discourages basing. Pretty much everything else has been covered by merh or tene so I dont really have much more to add but, I have one last thing to say. I dont care that sugar and new players say "basing isnt fun" clearly theres a lot of people who think it is as they were the main players of this server for almost its entire lifespan, and were the biggest players by far, so to discount this by just saying "erm actually i dont like basing so it clearly should be obsoleted". Thats the entire point we are making, basing isnt nearly as fun now and if it was put into a more usable state then it would be drastically more enjoyed by literally everyone.
  8. mechanic based but it should work like how banks already do partially, the bank takes a percent of someones cash that they have invested every time you press e, randomly taking it from different people. Like you said as it goes down it should take less money, but instead of a certain amount it should be like 50% at 5 mil then 40% at 4 so on so fourth. What I was saying in the discord would go along with what I said above, where the lower the amount of money the longer the cd on raiding the bank. At >50mil it can be raided with a 10 minute timer, then at 25 its an hour or 2, at 10 its 6-10, then <5 mil it can only be raided once per reset or something.
  9. only have the dot appear when hes close so you dont hunt him and just know when hes after you, bozo
  10. not a bad idea, especially considering how you are allowed to KOS if you are being bounty hunted while only one hunter is on.
  11. bugman

    Buff Procs

    Make it to where you can stack procs inside of each other again and make give me choice be functional while doing so (or just remove it entirely it kinda sucks for its price) and add tokens back to t2s. This lets people use different bases than the big ones, makes procs useful, and is just a lot more enjoyable.
  12. thats how printer accels used to work and they were a lot more interesting. They MASSIVELY increased the amount of money you made, but when you had printer bases with 20 or more printers it actually took effort to upkeep. The issue I see with basing is that they are removing things that are risk vs reward. Printers do make a lot of money at default and take very little upkeep, but id rather them make less money normally, and then be able to increase it drastically while also requiring me to actually put effort in. Bunker busters should be buffed or removed. Make them double blowtorch speed but only work in PD or something Heal bots are entirely just minge items, make it to where you cant place them in the street or someone elses base on top of removing the cancer push, it should be a defensive item.
  13. shitty unu, shitty hud. Please stop using your voice
  14. You cry a lot on the server, and you necroed this thread to cry about a post that everyone has already disagreed with. LOL!
  15. I dont see why people dont just mute them to begin with, if you are crying about being harassed then YOU should take the first step in muting/ blocking the other player. I've seen plenty of cases where someone cries about harassment while actively trying to interact with the person who they claim is harassing them. This is just an objectively false statement. Many games, namely valve games, allow you to say anything you want to other users and leave it up to the community to moderate itself. The only times you get bans on steam community is either if the game itself bans you, or if you are seriously threatening people.
  16. Masterful Farm: good Processor Dominance: higher chance for better loot from procs or chance for increased quantity up to 7-8 Pretty penny: the chance to get suga from xp should be upped again, its too rare for the perk to matter NIce Guy: doesnt decrease the amount of suga it costs to buy VIP it should be lowered to 2.5 mil / 150suga Fish Master: could also apply to carbon rod Wide Awake: who uses this Good Ear: good Junk Launcher: should be default perk Extra Bullet: good Blood Sucker: fine Precious Life: literally just too meta Two is Better Than One: the more people around you when you place a c4/timebomb lowers the timer by 4 seconds per person down to a minimum of 10 seconds Force Mug: increase mugging price for ccs and this is useful Force Drop: everyone uses this to force drop their friends, at this point it kinda doesnt need to exist. You could hange it to where you can be force dropped again after 2-10 hours, but you cant be force dropped by the Same Person within the same reset. Feather Hands: doesnt work, but was pretty good Dead Silence: make all raiding tools not make sounds (blowtorch, c4, lockpick, keypad crackers) Experienced Cop: maybe just half the cuffing speed instead of being instant Persuasive Fine: shouldnt exist I Basically Live Here: should be a default perk for non-cc cops, maybe 10 minute cd Free One: spawn with bacta grenade instead of healing mist grenade Slow Down: no one uses but it is honestly a good perk Instant Backup: same as i basically live here Steel Grade Cuffs: should just be harder to break out, people random cuff with this perk and you are left there for upwards of a minute Down But Not Out: just precious life for cops Bad Boy Finder: fine how it is Morpher: size change should just be a default for silly jobs Slippery Snake: no one uses but its fine Wow: no way to make this useful Power Stomp: bugged, and not that good when it worked Reinforced Legs: fine, be allowed for more than just silly jobs Alter Gravity: should be toggleable the same way as morpher Where is the Bathroom: perfect perk doesnt need change Pocket Sand: good perk Take the Pain: pretty sure its only for silly jobs, would be good if anyone could use it
  17. bugman


    OMG gang quests should scale with number of gang members because there are many gangs that are filled with hundreds of people. Lets say the quest is to farm 5k wood, then with 2 people it scales up to needing 8k wood, then with 3 10k wood. This keeps people from just having literal randoms slave quests for them, and also incentivizes people to not have gangs full of inactive players. For quest rewards you could have a perk that gives every gang member a 1.5x xp buff for 24 hours or a week.
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