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About YeenNico

  • Birthday 08/09/2005


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  • Favorite Game
    Blood Trail


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  • Addicted (25 Days) Rare

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  1. As someone who struggles with perceiving literally every color on the rainbow, a small array of display options for those dealing with protanopia, deuteranopia, protanomaly, and deuteranomaly would be niche but incredibly beneficial to myself and other users that deal with colorblindness. This would make it easier to view quest difficulties by color, organize your inventory if you have a bunch of mixed enchanted weapons, and navigate through menus and so forth. I wouldn't say colorblind options are a super high-priority thing, but it'd be pretty nice to see something like this be implemented in the future.
  2. IGN: YeenNico Discord: YeenNico#4146 Favorite Candy: Crunch Bars
  3. Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't it against the rules to play earrape/obnoxious sounds anyways?
  4. +1 for this. I love it! This is such a goated suggestion, this would literally be a game-changer for public hangout bases. Multiple screen sizes would be dope as well.
  5. I feel like this is really basic. I'm suggesting this because as someone who uses ambiance and stuff in their public bases, it's extremely annoying when I can't play certain ambiance videos because they're like, an hour and five seconds or an hour and two minutes long. I limit the videos to an hour tops for easy replayability and whatnot. Extending the maximum length of boombox songs to a tad bit longer than an hour, even if it was by a few minutes, would nullify this issue for a lot of people. Related picture below so that people know what I'm referring to.
  6. I had a lot of fun making this. It's a tavern that's sort of like a hangout spot, complete with a bar, booths, a lounge area on the second floor, and other necessities. Check out the Christmas tree in the corner. Critique is encouraged!
  7. Most of the people who play as Mr. Bones don't play him correctly, and they usually just leisure around spouting out incredibly unfunny bone jokes or they pretend to be Chinese/Nigerian with his different voices. There's also the ability to change the pitch & tone of the words you say as Mr. Bones, & it usually just leads to annoying, loud spam that's almost as bad as earrape in some cases. I feel like an option to mute Mr. Bones isn't like, a super high-priority thing, but it'd definitely be a good option to have.
  8. I've been trying to build a decent park dupe but every time I spawn props up against this wall, they become incredibly dark and not even flashlights will make them look brighter. It creates a weird, ugly contrast between literally all of the other props in my dupe and I can't find a way to fix it. Does anyone know how to fix this problem?
  9. I haven't even done anything "socially unacceptable", all I did was question why pedophilia jokes & false accusations are bannable (rightfully so) but zoophilia jokes & false accusations which are just as bad, aren't. I personally don't think free speech should apply to pedophilia/zoophilia jokes since they're heinous- cobaselic made a really good point earlier when he said that wanting to make jokes about pedophilia and complaining about not being able to do so is incredibly weird and sus.
  10. I changed my CC name a while ago since it was originally a joke. Also my PM isn't naked? If it was naked in the first place it wouldn't of been accepted. I just prefer playing without the clothes bodygroups because they look low-quality and retarded.
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