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  1. Hello All! (hopefully the powers that be) I am Poxytron~ And i wish to bring attention a issue a lot of players have brought to my ear. by ear i mean the fact that Boom Boxes are simply not enough for entertainment of individuals. Namely, when folks are basing or hanging out in there homes/bases. Its already a hassle to go all the way to the theater! and even if you go there you risk your stuff being unprotected, even when you do take that risk the content can always be outvoted by minges and they just play earslapninety percent of the time. other servers pale in comparison to tits rp [note im loyal only to this server] however other servers have televisions to keep rp'ers and bases occupied and entertained. i'm saying and others can agree, that adding individual televisions for the home/base is ideal for one; player longevity, less staff strain [people are going to be chilling with these things, who tf gunna go outside and rdm if they got these] and more good experiences shared among the player base as a whole! Players that have expensive weapons or items have to tread lightly and its already bad enough that your stuff gets raided because you were bored and wanted to go watch YT with the homies! Boomboxes again are not enough to stave off the monotony of base management, some people just wanna take a break from growing crops or managing printer temps. or have a a friend over to crack a couple of talismans~. I implore this server, in order to ensure a stable player base and future that the Television add-on should be a feature this server offers to players to not only stay above the competition but to also foster good time between players and other players. Thank you for reading my humble request Hope fully others will back me up as well Yours Truly, Poxytron~
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