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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Panduh

  1. Is this SeriousRP? sike im playin with u. It would make sense for that job to be implemented but eventually the job would be useless. Unless theres always sharks, but that job will eventually die like the crabs.
  2. Why do sits have to be gone every 1 minute again? I think there was a thread that someone wanted to make sits last longer but I forgot why it was denied. If you make the sits stay up there longer, your giving the staff member more time to complete what he is trying to do and eventually get to it. When I see people make sits and they dont get taken they eventually start saying shit in OOC and it doesnt stop until they take it. Should there be a button that thats says, "Your sit will be taken shortly" when pressed? That gives staff a chance to finish what their doing without making the user felt that hes being ignored even when theres active staff. Also when you press that button, that sit will permantly stay on your screen until its taken or ignored. Anyone wanna add onto that?
  3. dope asf. little things like that make the server even better
  4. Because if we can stop people from using ONE way of rdming or minging people why not do it? This is why there is staff, also it can possibly stop people from playing on the server because all they wanted to do was play as cops. -1
  5. All the OG's are gone. There still sum left though, also welcome back :)
  6. theres this cool aimbot thats like undetectable i used. u could try that one and use it basically all the time. even as staff
  7. Please stick with positive or negative feedback with this suggestion. A thread with requirements to apply would be cool for newbies and less gay applications that are just insta deny. For example, You shouldn't apply if your new and barely got 15 hours. Make yourself known, be active in forums, be in a gang, talk to players. Being more known gives you a higher chance of being accepted. Maintaining activity will make you look better and more dedicated to the server. Having atleast a 1 hour a day will increase your chances of getting accepted. Having detailed and long answers will highly increase your chances of getting accepted. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Just shit like that that will decrease less applications possible and maybe better applications? Also might cause less confusion with apps. What u b thinkin?
  8. its even more dead than the bank manager.
  9. Im really into Streamlabs OBS. Use that. https://streamlabs.com/
  10. Piixel. You know me b. You gotta give me something for free
  11. So we making a Amazon for TitsRP?
  12. I like the idea though but I see the problems that it can have.
  13. I like having a larger amount of armor. Running faster would be hecka good. Then a non-lethal would probably be pushin a lil bit but I dont see a major problem. +1 for ones I stated
  14. Ay this is pretty cool. :thumbsup:
  15. If they aren't going to read the MOTD in the first place, forcing it onto their screen wont do shit. Good intent but its really not going to help at all. Heck, if I was a minge and there was a command like this, id just leave the server.
  16. Yes, just don't go around the street screaming wasup n****
  17. The difference between this post and Yooo's post is that this one has some actual meaning and somewhat makes sense. Bear's post was just what the fuck are you doing lmao
  18. Without a doubt gave me a good time and had things to do for once.
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