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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Panduh

  1. Hey buddy, he did some bad shit lmao. If he wanna prove hes different I dont see why not, just gonna be a hard 1 to get back on the staff team.
  2. I remember this guy. Heck no. He shouldn't even be allowed back on staff. or make him prove he actually a goodie this time
  3. I have role already but why not Application Start ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Questions below are one liners What is your in-game name? Scooper Dooper What is the link to your steam profile? I forgot How old are you? 9 How many hours have you logged on the server within the past week? 1 Will you continue playing while your moderator application is still up? Nah Do you have experience with ULX (admin module)? Whats ULX? Have you ever been a staff member on another server / other game? No Have you read the moderation guidelines? No need to Do you have a good understanding of the rules? Never read em Do you have a microphone and use it constantly? I use it but eh Do you understand that abusing and not helping with admin sits will get you demoted? Demotion is great Questions below are 2 - unlimited liners Why do you want to be a staff member on this server? because booper is staff What are some qualities that make you worth while to accept? im very very hot Have you ever been staff on TitsRP before? If so why are you no longer staff? Please provide report link if available. no Would you like to be trained as a trial mod before-hand or do you think you're ready for full mod? Why? no Scenario Questions, 2 - unlimited liners (make sure you read the moderation guidelines beforehand to help with these questions) A player tells you that someone is farming money while they have a building sign up. What do you do and why? base with them Player X hits player Y for 1 point of armor damage and player Y kills player X. Player X reports RDM, what do you do and why? Tel him to deal with it Player X calls player Y a stinky butthole over voice. Player Y asks for an admin for disrespect, what do you do and why? bring him the player, jail him, and call him a stinky butthole 3 players report player X for rdming them but you cannot find the player in question, what do you do and why? ignore all 3 sits A player accidentally crossfires someone in a raid and the player that got crossfired calls an admin for RDM, what do you do and why? tell him to advert crossfire -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4. Panduh

    I'm resigning.

    SQuaNcH had bic boi gei
  5. Reapply and earn that mod after playing for a week or 2
  6. quests with new and cool rewards and free 100k? 100k may not seem a lot but it really helps out the new players
  7. Peace. Good luck with your application when you come back :)
  8. are you only asking this because ur a trap?
  9. Dont listen to silver he gay, gl with ur gang
  10. If they don't read it in the first place, making them read it won't do anything. If they are smart enough they will read it themselves
  11. Bad RP, cop killing civilians. smh
  12. Panduh

    nAmE chAnGE

    Succ is actually a gay furry.
  13. Im the best staff member of the week.
  14. Panduh


    I have a deli dupe and when I kidnap them they either get turned into a piece of meat or they pay their way out. Otherwise than that, I see no one else RPing with kidnapping. Except the people that work with me.
  15. I highly agree with all 3 of these ideas. Will save me a ton of time as well. Major +1
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