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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Panduh

  1. Panduh


    "I deserved that rank"
  2. Homer Simpson is just a god. Dont complain
  3. Panduh

    el false ben

    My dad works at microsoft so good luck loser
  4. ACCEPTED try to touch me and I will demote u to user also I cant invite u to gang since I am not joinin de gang
  5. Boop is overall a saucy god
  6. +1 for Booper being the best Veteran Member
  7. Boy, did you just say Bears are obviously better. Hes not wrong
  8. more like bumping for post count and attention clarity lmao gottem
  9. So [ti-ki-noob] Got it. Welcome tikinoob to TitsRp
  10. How do u think people got promoted to Admin? Walter succ Sugar
  11. I am not sure when I will actually have extra time to do this. But either way, I will get this done by next weekend.
  12. If you guys give me some time :/ It's totally not like I have a lot of hw to do or anything
  13. You should get your VIP back. Although, I never saw you in my entire time on here. So maybe play more on the server before you apply for staff? I'm just saying that there has been lots of rule changes and getting staff back again like this isn't a good idea.
  14. It takes like 20 minutes to read the MOTD. Plus if you really want to help, most of the rules are self explanatory. You can just explain rules that most people tend to have difficulty with.
  15. Panduh

    A new era

    *joins in with 5 alts*
  16. You dont deserve it. jk i will add u
  17. Booper added the new t-mods. So yah can thank him. I was going to do it tomorrow morning but he did it before me :(
  18. I can help make it No help is needed.
  19. Atleast make em have weird faces. 20% chance for ur head to become pepe
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