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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Panduh

  1. Panduh

    Bounty Hunter Bug

    Yea, a lot of players have been complaining about this. I will forward it so Sugar.
  2. Can someone tell herb that he isn't actually a mod and cant accept reports.
  3. Panduh

    Sonic Class

    So basically a cop on drugs? -1
  4. Tested this. It doesn't lock at all. I will let Sugar know
  5. I was literally on the job. I was also on it yesterday. I can never see my target and whenever I kill myself because I cant find them I always get demoted.
  6. Yea, would be a heck ton better +1
  7. If you make a discord bot you can also link shoutbox and talk to shoutbox from discord. It's pretty cool but I dont see too much use.
  8. Panduh

    MOTD Quiz

    If this happened when I joined a server I would leave instantly
  9. thats a house for peanut right?
  10. Saves a lot of time +1
  11. Panduh


    dog time is weird :monkaS:
  12. For the police supplier. Why not just make it a NPC? Its in the PD and its shows up a menu of the gun with stats and the price. It would be neat.
  13. We all know Rigbe is a family man and doesnt drink. Get outta here you liar
  14. He is right. Why would there be a beach if you can just basically have a portable beach with you? -1
  15. https://titsrp.com/showthread.php?tid=175 copied me
  16. https://titsrp.com/showthread.php?tid=175
  17. Panduh


    why would you have your own imagination when sugar can just do it for you? If Sugar doesnt do it, should we go on strike?
  18. Wrath is a nerd. He is really leaving because he has straight A+'s and is trying to get higher. You heccin nerd
  19. PM Sugar on discord. TitsRP Discord: https://discord.gg/hymAMA Sugar's Discord: Sugar Tits#9645
  20. All I see is Rigbe not taking those sits :monkaS:
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