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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Panduh

  1. Panduh


    Ive crashed 3 times in one day from pressing tab... I didn't really mind though since I was just taking sits yesterday and running around.
  2. People that I saw got this bug I tried respawning them and It just spawned them in one area dead or alive and it didn't bring them back to spawn. Either people had to disconnect or wait until the kidnap timer goes out.
  3. Panduh

    Yes we did it

    Yup! Im suprised how he was able to get it out so fast! Even though its just a beta its still very good! Hopefully people enjoy this map!
  4. Bug Description: Firstly, you would need to kidnap someone and bring them to the ritual. After putting them on the ritual break the ritual and they get stuck as kidnapped and can't do anything. You can't respawn and when I tried to !frespawn myself it respawned me but I couldnt do anything and I was at the same spot. Race tried killing me and didn't work. How to reproduce: Kidnap someone and fuck them up hard. Or maybe someone will do this to make a owner of a base with lots of raidables disconnect and take all his raidables. Priority: (High) https://prnt.sc/h4l2hh
  5. Probably will not win but good luck to these luckey people
  6. Panduh

    Revolt Bug

    Bug Description: So, I was in stealth mode and I joined the revolution while I was stealth and people couldn't see I was red and the cops didn't know either. So I tried to go back to normal and I couldn't. How to reproduce: You can go to stealth mode and join the revolt, then you can kill cops while they don't know you are in the revolt. Priority: (Medium)
  7. I remember when you completely robbed Tunnel Snake Succ of his money because he kept betting 1 mill and you kept winning... Best way to earn money This man already got more rep than me by just posting this....
  8. He just wants him to leave so he can take all his sweps and money
  9. CSGO Bud | Just some in game mula :D CX Panduh
  10. Please replace the fountain and add a panda statue!!!
  11. You ignore me 69% of the time so this is my time to say "Hey Great To Have You In TitsRP"
  12. This happened to me a lot when I first joined... I had to command q to get out and it was a pain in the booty hole to get back on.
  13. This is because of the hitboxes... It shows you hitting them but it doesn't register.
  14. First, what does low high mean? Second I also experienced this bug and it's kinda annoying honestly... The guy kept saying I abused to get my stuff back. I would really enjoy if this gets fixed.
  15. Once you turn orange your part of the revolt and potentially could die by someone in the revolt and therefore get demoted as mayors assassin. I can see that annoying people so I don't think that will end up being a thing
  16. Panduh

    Boombox bug

    Quality of Life Description: My friend spawned a boombox and destroyed it because someone else changed it. Then after he destroyed it the music didn't stop until the song was over How to reproduce: Spawn a boombox, play a song, break it and no one can stop it. Priority: (Low)
  17. Panduh

    CC Editor Bug

    he did 4 times each time failed Alright. Then it might just be a bug.
  18. Panduh

    CC Editor Bug

    Once he added you, you are suppose to go to "Review" and then press "Make Edits" near the bottom of the menu. If you don't do this it will not save and won't allow you to be a editor. Hopefully this fixes it
  19. Panduh

    Boom Box Bug

    Oh okay, I thought it was a bug because my friend did it once and then couldn't do it again. Then I couldn't use it when I was able to use it before.
  20. Panduh

    Boom Box Bug

    Quality of Life Description: When buying a boom box and pick a song but nothing plays How to reproduce: Spawn in a boombox and pick a song but nothing plays. Priority: (Low)
  21. What if I sent u a picture of my amazing drawing? Would that give me one mill?
  22. Panduh


    I knew that Family Fued show will have to steal you back someday
  23. *Zek* Mommy!! Can I please have a computer! *Zek's mom* Sure sweetie! *Zek on computer* Hmmm this is boring, I think I should make 9 steam accounts and make me some money!! :D. Gets trade banned on all accounts... *Zek* Ugh... What a waste of time. *Zek* Ehh its alright, I will just make me some money on gmod.
  24. I legit just said out loud "Are you stupid" The heck are you suggesting more guns for on a map creation thread u dummy These are pretty cool suggestions. I still want to keep the essence of downtown in tact. And still keep the whole server silly. I don't wanna strive for serious RP (since we know how that ended up). I wanna keep core values intact and work on the week areas I think having something like: A PD like Evilmelon's that has a mayor room, big jail, underground system, lockdown system + a small court room A forest with a cave and a pond where you can fish The cave is a place where you can mine ore and it has a secret way to get into the underground system of downtown if you find it The underground system should be relatively large and unique compared to all other underground systems A train that circles the underground part and goes around the map Train tracks have other doorways if you run along them to get into the underground system PD can be accessed from the underground system A separate area for the bank which has laser inside that the bank manager can use for defense Some houses can have secrets about them that allow a small underground shelter A hospital with a section to heal and a chamber to quarantine ebola would be cool A small bridge that can be raised or lowered which allows passover from the sewer / underground system Compact for no cars, roads are wide enough to transverse smaller vehicles Just a lot of unique houses / buildings That's mainly everything I can think of that a really cool map would have. If you have any other suggestions to add onto this, let me know!
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