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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Panduh

  1. Panduh

    LSD Abusing

    Ohhhhhh what a booty hole. +1 for promotion
  2. *cough* Pandas are the best type of bears *cough*
  3. DM it m8! My discord is Panduh#3372
  4. You know this is going to happen. Its going to include the part when iEpic flirts with you then you are going to rep him...lmao
  5. DM me the results as well!
  6. *cough* we all rep whores *cough* \ Man, I am really sick. Hopefully I win the anti-sickness otherwise known as prizes!
  7. I use to play on a mac and crashing was a normal thing. I use to crash every 40 minutes ish. Sometimes less and sometimes longer.
  8. Christmas Panduh Panduh When I kidnapped you and gave you up to the devil Panduh#3372
  9. Steam Name:Panduh In-game Name:Christmas Panduh Discord(If you got one I need the Numbers with it): Panduh#3372
  10. Panduh


    Your Steam Name: Panduh Your In-game Name: Christmas Panduh Do I know you? (Yes/No): Yes
  11. He is obviously building ON the street...
  12. Panduh


    First of all, if you become staff you know NOT to noclip in RP. I suggest you report him for that. When I train people I go through a walk through with the simple lil basic staff commands all the way up to explaining when is the right situation to do that command. For example: when I trained Jackta he at first didn't know much. Now he knows when is the right time to use the commands and how they should be used. Plus I was on when Candy was around he could of easily asked to be trained but he never did. What i'm trying to say is that "I wasn't trained" is not a valid excuse for noclip abusing in RP. Ways to get trained: Ask in admin chat- PM me or someone else on discord- PM someone through forums- Wait until someone is willing to train you-
  13. Ah, ight. Well another OG BOT DUMBASS alt got banned, lmao.
  14. Well there was the gang update...which is REALLY cool. Gives way more things to do besides just farm with processors.
  15. No, terrorist are NOT AOS. Also do you mind telling us who arrested you?
  16. I just got today and a half day until break :3
  17. why is a tmod responding to apps 0.o And the reason I respond is because despite me telling I believe either dindu or piixel, they have not taken it away, and don't seem to care about it. I mean.. Ill take it, and I watch over the forums so, I mean, I like to think I benefit the server by still having the rank Well you really shouldn't have mod on forums if ur a t-mod
  18. Pretty sure respected are demoted staff. No, Respected are people who been on the server for a while. So basically trusted by people. Well then how come Piklas, Moist, and Peanut got it who all happen to be demoted staff? There are also Respecteds who were never staff at all. The reason why is unknown to me. However I have my Mod rank back so if you wanna re add me go ahead. I will also be reworking the list starting in January after all the holiday mess but for now you can keep this one updated. Alright
  19. Well this is the list for STAFF. Respected are just people who been on the server for a while and are known. They aren't really meant to do staff duties. That is the reason why they aren't on here. Pretty sure respected are demoted staff. No, Respected are people who been on the server for a while. So basically trusted by people.
  20. Alright, I will just double check with some other staff members to see if this is true and you will be added if you are part of the staff team.
  21. I'm sure he's talking about on the server inactivity. Also I would think that being on the server to unban someone doesn't count as being active. You just did a quick unban, then went back into hiding in your hole until the person to get unbanned. Moderator inactivity is not the same as admin inactivity. Moderators need to be constantly active...actually, I'm not rewriting this whole statement again, here: https://titsrp.com/showthread.php?tid=7468&pid=49843#pid49843 As long as you do what admins can do like accept reports I will put you as active because the Moderators/T-Mods are the ones suppose to be taking sits.
  22. This isn't a bug. We discussed this in a meeting and I can guarantee you this is how it's suppose to be. You should be able to get your stuff back once the revolt is over.
  23. I do the same to the head admins and sugar. I also lied to them how I am actually a good boi. Wow snake.
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