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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Sticks

  1. what is your name in game
  2. Sticks

    dude, wtf

    it already cant raid, if you see it raiding report them for exploiting
  3. ive been playing the server for 4 years, i have 25 warns, I know people who have been here longer, actively playing, with less than 10 warns. It is entirely possible to never hit 15 warns
  4. i got mine back in a day, maybe those people you are referring to should be less annoying to the sole person who does it for the server
  5. This looks very fair and balanced!
  6. This is a post that is being made out of mald. Nerf forcetake so that it doesnt take an entire stack at a time, instead make it take a set amount, so that if someone has 30 c4 in their inventory, someone cant just take all of them.
  7. not fair to new players who dont have bactas or ccs
  8. The no build zone is ridiculously too large. I’ve had dupes where it was a fifth of the size of the one Abstergo posted, and no one would get stuck in it, even 8 man parties who raided wouldn’t get stuck.
  9. i think this is a great suggestion, fuel.
  10. Theres really no point to it, its just a hassle to have to keep going back and forth for people who want to bet a lot
  11. I have recorded over 500 roulette numbers that I have bet on, there is no distinguishable pattern to any of the numbers. If you wanna know what numbers appeared last, just watch the table. It is literally RNG.
  12. Very smart conversation in the background
  13. Bumping becuSe this is extrmeely importnsnt because i do nt want to buy another printerw rack just tostrke one printer
  14. Why is saying the n word punishable with a ban, yet someone spouting anti trans hate speech for half an hour in advert wont even get moderators to tell them to stop?
  15. Thank you for the kind words. I don't know why the other staff are being apprehensive on this post. Nub is a very good staff member as he was previously. This post will be taken into account when promotions are thought of. Once again, thank you, we are all volunteers here and the only thing we ask for is for players to not be obnoxious and disrespectful.
  16. This was previously on the server, iirc they caused lag
  17. Sticks

    Auction NPC

    Sugar said that this is something he has considered for the future
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