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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Sticks

  1. (got ur neck w that title lmao) hi i’m didiagitonalio i’m 6’3 and 9 of those inches are my neck if ur a girl i’ve definitely been in ur dms if i haven’t slide in mine Diagonal#3256 +rep me or i’m sliding in ur dms with unsolicited dick pics if ur a guy.
  2. earlier this year i had an encounter in the bathroom in which no drugs were involved at all and walking back to class i fainted in the hallway. i wasn’t out for long only a few seconds, but i still fainted none the less. i decide to go to the nurse and tell her that i just fainted and landed on my head. bitch has the audacity to tell me she’s on break, and that i need a pass anyway. i was really ablut to pimp slap her
  3. Sticks

    Name Me

    these are WEAK give me good ones
  4. Sticks

    Name Me

    hecko, Diagonal/Diabngoal/Dignal/Diogantylonal here I'm looking for new misspellings of my name. Rule is that it must be somewhat like Diagonal. Examples I've already gotten are: Dongwater, Diego, Dinglas, Dingledongle, Diablo, Dingo noel, Dingle dongle and my personal favorite Diagonanal Please give me some new ones like the previously stated ones.
  5. holy cannoli. Three admins on one post? The holy trinity they said it could never happen
  6. the servers cpu is at 99% is what sugar said.
  7. dub means win. if you think anything else you’re actually wrong. dub is short for w and w means win
  8. Chess and Checkers. please sugar it’s time for it to come back
  9. Remove Amphetamine cook as it’s no longer a thing. In NLR rules it says can when it should say can’t those are good rules and improve rp?
  10. https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/369628027077918720/397546026053009419/image.png?width=181&height=300[/img]
  11. Sticks


    yeah that’s me. i don’t flirt
  12. i have 400 hours why is it still harassing me in my f4 menu
  13. i’m suggesting this one more time b4 i kick u in the jaw. an actual taser
  14. Sticks

    Cant Raid Bank

    more than 20 people are on, still can’t raid it
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