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Business Companies

Knifu Waifu

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hecko so a base Idea that can be added onto with other comments would be the idea of adding Companies into the game.


Companies would be another way of introducing role-play AND another way to make money for those not wanting to sit in a base watching printers and bit miners.


There would be two paths for a Company, Legal And Illegal.


Illegal companies would be involved with:

Guns, Drugs, Explosives


Legal Companies would be involved with:

Food, Crops, Civil Products (Which could be anything)


Disclaimer: This is just an Idea. Not a complete suggestion ready to be used. Please leave a comment if you have anything to add how these can work or how they may not be needed.


Thank You for reading this and have a great rest of your Day/Night.

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Imo companies should exist like gangs with a structure and ranks. I'm curious how this could be implemented. You could argue that all it takes is /jobname Herb Co and boom it's a company but some features towards a business would be cool.

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For legal companies they could use the oil rigs in sewers and use the oil they get to power machines. Some machines could be something that turns grapes into wine (saw this on 1942rp) you could plant grapes, then become a job like "Winemaker" and have to power the machine and put the grapes in. if i remember how it worked on 1942rp I might edit this because the system there was actually cool.

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Implement them with gangs. Perhaps every gang could have a "Legal Operations" and "Illegal Operations" subset that you are able to join and switch between with a cool down. It could have perks that you get just for joining and ones that are unlockable. Maybe have them tied to a different XP pool, and while you get XP for things like selling a weapon from your gun stand, you also get "Operations/Union/Job Experience" that unlocks these perks.


Some of my ideas include, if you're a gun dealer and you're on the illegal team your adverts will be a different color/bolded to make them stand out, or you get 10% off a random shipment that changes every 30 minutes and can advertise it as a sale, or as a hitman you have a chance to randomly receive a hit from an "anonymous source," possibilities are endless with how auti creative we all are. 


I like wanted's idea of adding more legal ways of making money, and especially for utilizing the sewers for something other than hiding the mayor. I also recall a Baker job from 1942 that made bread somehow. All I remember is there were five of us in a tiny building down the road from the reich and we were scared as shit we were gonna be found out. 


add back meth

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  • Add in a command: "!companymenu" or something like to be able to view your companies' progress and how many members are employed.

  • Have ranks / positions such as: 

C.E.O - Super Administrator (Helps out with everything / can do anything)

Manager - Administrator (Helps out with business / can hire and fire employees)

Employee - User (Helps out with business)


  • Have a preset of banners to help out your business. If your company is at a certain level (let's say level 30 as an example), you can change your banner into an image that you MAKE or find online. (Must be accepted by Sugar though so no one has there shit as dicks lol)

Or, be able to type out your image. Such as having the logo as a letter or something. Booper's Company: BC or something

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Implement them with gangs. Perhaps every gang could have a "Legal Operations" and "Illegal Operations" subset that you are able to join and switch between with a cool down. It could have perks that you get just for joining and ones that are unlockable. Maybe have them tied to a different XP pool, and while you get XP for things like selling a weapon from your gun stand, you also get "Operations/Union/Job Experience" that unlocks these perks.


Some of my ideas include, if you're a gun dealer and you're on the illegal team your adverts will be a different color/bolded to make them stand out, or you get 10% off a random shipment that changes every 30 minutes and can advertise it as a sale, or as a hitman you have a chance to randomly receive a hit from an "anonymous source," possibilities are endless with how auti creative we all are. 


I like wanted's idea of adding more legal ways of making money, and especially for utilizing the sewers for something other than hiding the mayor. I also recall a Baker job from 1942 that made bread somehow. All I remember is there were five of us in a tiny building down the road from the reich and we were scared as shit we were gonna be found out. 


add back meth


  • Yes like a fisherman job that gets higher chance of rare fish when fishing and gets crab meat if he kill a player on crab job that he can use to make special dishes that give different perks like talisman.
  • Add indentured servant system that allows a user to pick different mission for a player to do that is like a quest like "chop 50 trees" or "make 10 of x item" that gives the owner the product automatically after the indentured servant completes the mission and gives the servant, servant tokens to buy items from the servant shop.

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I have some ideas.


Theres a factory that the Factory Owner owns (we'll call him FO) and operates, people can work for him on assembly lines where they take raw materials (metals bought from other players) and process them into various things; knives, ammunition, guns, and armor. This may sound simple and all but I think it has a lot of potential;


The FO could be inheritely good, not allowed to break the law/turn his whole factory into a black market ( this balances him and adds reasonable rules to him [failrp] ) and he mostly surveys the factories and confirms orders from players who want to buy rare/special (or even just large quantities of) guns, ammo, armor, etc.. 


Meanwhile, the workers have a choice; either work legally for the FO and manufacture only what he wants, OR they could try to manufacture black market items between legal items, trying to hide it from the FO while also having to make roleplay deals with other players for these items.


Ofc the cops could be allowed to do routine inspections of the building and uncover illegal items, which leads to more roleplay...


What do you guys think? It doesn't seem like it'd be all that difficult to make aside from animations and server resources but as static objects that players can't spawn this will limit how much stress the operation puts on the server. The other part that could be difficult would just be trying to figure out what they make/how they make it and what players would actually want to buy, be it legally or illegally.


Alternatively the legal items could be sold to the server or NPCs, with orders acting like timed "missions".

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