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Knifu Waifu

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The first issue is bases. Most to all kidnappers use are either bases where its completely one color and you can't tell where your going or its a slightly different shade from the outside.


Another issue that is also connected to the all one color is that somewhere in the entire entrance of the base, there is one no collided wall thats not only where you can shoot through it, but its practically impossible to find within a reasonable amount of time while first entering the base. ( Most Kidnapping bases that have this trait require you to either crouch or jump crouch into a specific area all while they have a hidden area where they can see you and shoot but you can't see them )


And another Issue is that there is no Role-play involved in kidnapping, you're just hitting someone in the back of the head with a stick or sandwich and carrying said victim off to a pitch black area where they have to either wait 5 minutes to kill themselves or for the captor to get bored with them and kill them.


CC's with the bludgeon is also a issue, most CC's have a plethora of weapons at their disposal as well as healing items and some that give armor. This makes it damn near impossible to stop them when they use their jumping swep go into the sky just to come down and hit your noggin and carry your body off into their little cave.


Kidnapping should be implemented in with Role-play, not only should said kidnapper HAVE to place the box, but there should be a new system to kidnapping so its not just a one hit to the back.


Thank you for reading this.

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Im pretty sure its a rule that people cannot have bases where the path isn't clear

  • Your base must have a clear path through. This means no full blackout/super dark bases, invisible bases, or maze bases where the path is not obvious


The issue about "ccs beign op for kidnap" is talked about here. https://titsrp.com/showthread.php?tid=9365&pid=64256#pid64256 

I can also add that the person is forced to carry the victim for 10 seconds. If you cannot kill someone who is forced to carry their victim for 10 seconds, maybe has a third of their health gone from adrenaline and has a disadvantage of looking at their kidnapped victim or carrying them before you shoot at them I honestly think thats just you being bad at the game.

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NO -1 for this keep kidnaping the way it is stop complaining


The majority of the kidnappers on the server are minges, half of them target people they dislike just so they can keep them from actually Roleplaying on the server. Kidnapping NEEDS to be reworked due to the amount of people trying to waste and disrupt the part of the roleplaying community.

Im pretty sure its a rule that people cannot have bases where the path isn't clear

  • Your base must have a clear path through. This means no full blackout/super dark bases, invisible bases, or maze bases where the path is not obvious


The issue about "ccs beign op for kidnap" is talked about here. https://titsrp.com/showthread.php?tid=9365&pid=64256#pid64256 

I can also add that the person is forced to carry the victim for 10 seconds. If you cannot kill someone who is forced to carry their victim for 10 seconds, maybe has a third of their health gone from adrenaline and has a disadvantage of looking at their kidnapped victim or carrying them before you shoot at them I honestly think thats just you being bad at the game.


As I previously stated, people do it to minge and be assholes to players. Theres no RP relation to kidnapping with the only exception being the DELI gang.

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This is the same argument as if I raided someone I was called a minge. Its by definition rp since they are taking time and risk to kidnap you for most likely the purpose of getting money by you buying the box. It's pretty rare imo that someone will kidnap and just leave you there and if thats what happen most of the time they are using a larger kidnap base to store alot of people, making cops and players notice the base more and respond to kidnapping more, I would say that is triggering more rp than removing kidnapping will add. Just because you want to have an easy time and lazy rp doesn't mean kidnapping doesn't add anything, people jump on the opportunity to kill someone for kidnapping and if people are using the bigger kidnapping dupes there is alot of traffic in that area. Will removing kidnapping actually add something? I say no, even if you lose 5 minutes of your gameplay most likely for being lazy again (not using /cr for example) I think again thats your problem and if its that huge of an issue why are you not taking the talent that literally nerfs kidnapping by another 33% on you?


"I got kidnapped  :@ remove please"

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I think people are spam kidnapping cuz basing = dead. I think basing should be touched before we mess with kidnap. It will tilt a lot of players if we nerf/mess with kidnapping and leave basing how it is. I am friends with a lot of kidnappers and most of them spam kidnap cuz basing = most boring thing on the server. If you're basing with printers you're making little money and it isn't fun to do(with printers). Also, when you kidnap people it makes people want to raid you more. If you have a really good base, most of the time nobody will try and raid you(if they do they just lose).



-1 for now, I'd rather just have basing fixed and see how kidnapping is then. If kidnapping is still a dominate/common thing... then sure, we can look into changing it.

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This is the same argument as if I raided someone I was called a minge. Its by definition rp since they are taking time and risk to kidnap you for most likely the purpose of getting money by you buying the box. It's pretty rare imo that someone will kidnap and just leave you there and if thats what happen most of the time they are using a larger kidnap base to store alot of people, making cops and players notice the base more and respond to kidnapping more, I would say that is triggering more rp than removing kidnapping will add. Just because you want to have an easy time and lazy rp doesn't mean kidnapping doesn't add anything, people jump on the opportunity to kill someone for kidnapping and if people are using the bigger kidnapping dupes there is alot of traffic in that area. Will removing kidnapping actually add something? I say no, even if you lose 5 minutes of your gameplay most likely for being lazy again (not using /cr for example) I think again thats your problem and if its that huge of an issue why are you not taking the talent that literally nerfs kidnapping by another 33% on you?


"I got kidnapped  :@ remove please"



Not what he is saying I've literally seen most of the people including a couple of rare gang members just mass kidnap people or kidnap same people over and over again just for shits and giggles while some are doing it for xp, most of the time it's just to do it. And for that raiding thing I believe raiding that person repeatedly back to back is classified as minging anyways back to the topic at hand people who are kidnapped are also risking their lives cause most of the time the kidnapper just gets mowed down. And yes it might be a bit mingey doing it, but kidnapping has always been a dick move here's a easy way to deal with it just be alert and attentive, but at the deli gang? Pretty sure I've seen them do exactly the thing you hate, but there is already a cool down for kidnapper and person being kidnapped and not to mention that kidnapper can be instantly gunned down by anyone watching or just seeing him carry the body so I really don't see much of a problem with it than you getting upset over being kidnapped.

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Here's your average little kidnap story (any similarities to actual people/kidnappers is purely an unfortunate coincidence), annotated by timestamps


We have ourselves a quaint little corner of the town 






Suddenly, someone jumps out of the base, which turns out to be a waiting hole for our kidnapping predators to lurk in! They have one-way props so they can see whoevers walking, and when someone pauses or starts typing, they attack!





Some poor unlucky bastard is hit on the head even before the predator lands, and gets picked up within an instant. In the next few microseconds, the predator, seemingly an Olympic sprinter, nears his base[spoiler=0.5 to 0.7s]3ddf49f935.png



The people around start to notice, and some even take measures against it, but its too late! [spoiler=0.9s]b2b6f59cf9.png



The righteous townsmen try to find their way in, but it's a confusing journey, with crouch jumps and labyrinthine corridors, and the predator can see all of them plain as day. Before long, they manage to find their way, but too late! 10 seconds have passed and now the predator shoots at them with his majestic CC sweps. A minute passes and the story repeats yet again (yes, that's actually how short the kidnapping cooldown is, accounting for the time it takes for your previous kidnap to wake up)


This is a real issue and the only person I can see contributing any actual thing here is Jawson. I agree with him that basing should be fixed first and that might ease the kidnapping issue, but for fucks sake, the massive blatant kidnapping IS an issue. Stop being all "ooooo lolol ur just bad at da game git gud nerd" and "stop complaining hur hur dont speak up about the things that makes the server bad stop being noisy i like kidnapping so you should stfu".

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As I previously stated, people do it to minge and be assholes to players. Theres no RP relation to kidnapping with the only exception being the DELI gang.


On top of having an actual roleplay scenario, the Deli gang also uses the real kidnapper classes like cultist most if not all the time.


Its by definition rp since they are taking time and risk to kidnap you for most likely the purpose of getting money by you buying the box.


I never get the option to buy the box and if I do get it once in a blue moon its always 30k which people also do on purpose knowing you won't pay that much. This gives me an idea though, maybe sugar can make you have to place the box to take their stuff in the first place. You don't place their stuff, it's "because" you never took it in the first place.

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