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So, as staff, I often find that new players break rules due to their lack of knowledge of the rules.

That is why I propose that when a player joins for the very first time, they have to answer a 10 question quiz about the MOTD.


I would be happy to write a bank of multiple choice questions from which 10 would be chosen at random for the quiz.

In order for a player is able to move, chat, etc., they must achieve at least a 60/70% on the quiz.


I think this would help in two ways:

  1. It will eliminate the excuse of "well I didn't know the rules" in sits, because that is a stupid reason to begin with, and with a quiz, that excuse would be impossible.
  2. It would help weed out minges, since minges are lazy, so making them do work before they can minge will deter a bunch of them.

Hopefully you'll take my suggestion into consideration :)




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I think most people will just spam click the answers and go on with what they do anyways.


If its not too much work this could be added as a form of punishment, do a 15-20 question quiz of motd while frozen and when you are done you can move again as a punishment kinda if you verbally warn someone.

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I think most people will just spam click the answers and go on with what they do anyways.


If its not too much work this could be added as a form of punishment, do a 15-20 question quiz of motd while frozen and when you are done you can move again as a punishment kinda if you verbally warn someone.


With a passing score of 70%, spamming would be hard, since the questions and the order of the answers would change each time.


If spamming would be an issue, make it so there is an increasing cooldown every time you get it wrong (sorta like when you guess the passcode too many times on a phone).

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I hate servers that do this. Unfortunately I feel it would drive people away more than it would help us




If I joined this server for first time and saw that there was a quiz you must complete to play... I'd leave instantly. Keith does this thing where he will make the new player(that get in sits) read the !MOTD and he does a small quiz on them after. I think that's cool/neat but having to fill in a quiz to play is just... yikes



Main reasoning is because I would think the server is too serious. It's a game... and a game that you have to fill a quiz out to play seems a bit much.

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