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[Official] Map Creation Ideas / Suggestions


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More guns.


I legit just said out loud "Are you stupid"


The heck are you suggesting more guns for on a map creation thread u dummy


These are my suggestions, I think it would be nice and add more to thr Roleplay experience as a whole on this server and give more options for different jobs. Not all of them here have to be added but more as just ideas. Here is my list:





  • A official bank (Other than PD)
  • A couple buildings that are more towards meant to be gunstores
  • A park 
  • A rich, middle class, and poor suburbs area
  • Another industrial area
  • A larger downtown area
  • Alleyways where Drug dealers can sell their drugs
  • Lots of buildings for bases
  • A city hall (Good place for Mayors office)
  • A court room (To justify arrests)
  • A bridge
  • More ways to buy armor and Health other than PD
  • Health can be healed at the doctors office
  • A containment center where Hazmat people can bring people with Ebola
  • A weather system
  • A day/night cycle
  • A NPC where you can sell fish too
  • Some sort of system where you can hunt (including fish) Where you sell it to the stores for money
  • A bar

That is about it for my suggestions, if I think of anymore, I will edit this thread. Please consider some of these ideas as they will certainly enhance the roleplay experience. Thanks!


These are pretty cool suggestions. I still want to keep the essence of downtown in tact. And still keep the whole server silly. I don't wanna strive for serious RP (since we know how that ended up). I wanna keep core values intact and work on the week areas


I think having something like:


  • A PD like Evilmelon's that has a mayor room, big jail, underground system, lockdown system + a small court room
  • A forest with a cave and a pond where you can fish
  • The cave is a place where you can mine ore and it has a secret way to get into the underground system of downtown if you find it
  • The underground system should be relatively large and unique compared to all other underground systems
  • A train that circles the underground part and goes around the map
  • Train tracks have other doorways if you run along them to get into the underground system
  • PD can be accessed from the underground system
  • A separate area for the bank which has laser inside that the bank manager can use for defense
  • Some houses can have secrets about them that allow a small underground shelter
  • A hospital with a section to heal and a chamber to quarantine ebola would be cool
  • A small bridge that can be raised or lowered which allows passover from the sewer / underground system
  • Compact for no cars, roads are wide enough to transverse smaller vehicles
  • Just a lot of unique houses / buildings

That's mainly everything I can think of that a really cool map would have. If you have any other suggestions to add onto this, let me know!

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Joker what maps have you made


About 3 test maps(Small,medium,large)


I also have made a little forest map with a cabin for a horror game me and my freinds used to mess around in.


And i currently have a big ass map ready for making if sugar lets me,right now it only has skybox,ground and spawn point,that is until he decides if i can.

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