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Quest Megathread.... approved by rubik....


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Is a quest broken?
if ( sQuests:HasQuest(ply, "blackmarket") ) then sQuests:AddProgress(ply, "serialkiller") end (actual code of a broken quest lol)
Does a quest seem impossible or overtuned?
"Create 1 Artifact Weapon"

Post it here so I can annoy rubik to look at this post. I shall start.

1. Remove insane rng quest(Create 1 artifact weapon, Find a special item in a tier 2 lootbox) I think just the chances of those are insane like the scratch offs and other shit is fine maybe you can add one for even winning the lottery or maybe even some coinflips but 1/1000 and the insanely low chance of artifacts is kind of too much for quests.


2. Get unfunned as the mayor quest The mayor being unfunned happens like once a month if lucky just remove the quest imo its way to hard to complete even when you are being a cancer mayor


3. Reduce Poller quest from 10,20,50 polls to 10,20,30 polls. With a cooldown of 5 minutes per poll the jump from 20 to 50 is an extra 2 and a half hours of waiting time just to create polls.


To my knowledge the Destroy printer 2 hours old quest is broken and is most likely still looking for us to destroy the old printers and requires updates.

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