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Dan's 10 Step Plan to Revitalize the Server

Dan Hunter

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34 minutes ago, White Crow said:

I'm sorry but these ideas are not enforceable if "being mean" was bannable we would lose 75 percent of the community most of the stuff you bring up are simply based on player behavior.  I think bone. represents my views pretty well. Dokerz dont say icefuse again. #DontIcefuseMyTitsrpValues

If you read the post he doesn't suggest people getting banned for being mean. He just requests people be nicer. You tell someone to be nicer and they spin it that everyone is now snowflakes and that everyone needs their safe place. The vocal community is very toxic for the most part. I don't know how the non vocal people feel.


@Dan Hunter I think you have good ideas here but unfortunately the "veterans" of this server grow more and more toxic each year. Change is poison to them so they will fight you tooth and nail and try to run you out if you don't align with their values. I will definitely look over these and implement some as I see fit. Nice perspective on a few things.

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23 minutes ago, Sugar Tits said:


@Dan Hunter I think you have good ideas here but unfortunately the "veterans" of this server grow more and more toxic each year.

you're a cringe and bad owner 🖕


make good changes and you wont get toxcicity 🖕

on a serious note tho i read through your things and most of the things are nice thoughts but some of them dont really have clean ways of being implemented. I mainly like the raiding part of the server and thats what i usually comment on, while i agree with your idea of making the curve for raiding and basing easier for new players the main problem i see at the moment is no one bases for the plethora of reasons you dont want to base and when a new player does try to base the nolifers come in and do a 85 man raid on you to steal your 2 printers that u just put down and if you try to get it back they have the same 85 members defending their base and commonly breaking some rules in the process if you ever would be close to winning that raid.

Toxicity is a problem forsure but i dont know of a way to remove it except from bans and the toxic people being called out for their cringe when they are.

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Sorry if I was toxic I don't ever want this server to be like icefuse.  Icefuse seems like a happy place. There is drama that TITSRP does not see as a former member of the Icefuse Community of course. there are a lot less toxic people on icefuse. However what we have here is something special. I don't want to ruin that.

Edited by White Crow
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11 minutes ago, HIDDEN said:

Hey!!!! Doordash man!!!! not all "veterans" are the same!!!! Do not clump me in the same lump as the menace known as Jack Johnson. I actually care about the plights about the new comers and the image of our server, that's why I made the "pov you are me" thread to show how crazy the ACTUAL veterans are!


Ok in all serious though @Dan Hunter I do like a lot of your ideas, some not so much but I do like a majority of them!


#1, this is a good idea. If I am being honest even though the name TitsRP is really funny I will admit it does give us a semi-bad rap, like sometimes people on my steam list who normally play any gmod server will not join me because the server is called "TitsRP" and it makes the server look like a giant meme and well it was a giant meme most of its life however recently it almost seems to be heading into a more serious direction like the new gambling update for example or the new MOTD is very modern, sleek and serious compared to what was in the server before, so I am starting to wonder if TitsRP outgrown TitsRP.


#2, I guess? The real issue with building is actually, in my opinion, people only really building in fountain or people on CC's building random shitty "bars" on rooftops or on top of tunnels which makes all the Hobos, Sewer Lord and Preacher who is the only one technically allowed to skybase useless. It is kind of unpopular but I think honestly that we should enforce a hobo only building on the street/sidewalk rule for large structures (I don't think we need to destroy those tiny fishing dupes people use but those big annoying dupes that get placed to advertise a custom model or to generally be obnoxious)


#3, from my experience "refer a friend" is rarely ever used for its intended purpose and often gets misused/abused, I've played on servers that have had that kind of system and it sucks because the second you spawn in you have twenty different people in your friend asking if they can refer you.


#4, I actually agree with this. I genuinely think, even if someone wants to get on and troll for a 20 minute youtube video and their fans come to do the same, even if like 10 out of the 1000 rdmers stick around and actually play the server, that's still new players we otherwise wouldn't have gotten it. Most staff members these days act like the ban button doesn't exist unless it's someone they don't like or some random rdmer.


#5, I mean I do think we should be a bit lighter on ban appeals, like it's just a game no need to constantly deny ban appeals because the guy broke the rules, like even if he did only like 5% of banned darkrp players bother to appeal at all so that usually means they're dedicated to the server at least a little bit. However we shouldn't "reach out" to people, if they wanna rejoin the server just allow them to appeal. The only, only people I think should stay banned are the ones who are "removed from community" due to serious stuff not directly related to darkrp.


#6 YES YESSS YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS. I don't think it's to hard for new players to raid, but I would say it is almost neigh impossible to actually defend your base on this server, literally EVERY raiding swep on this server other than Lockpick, Keypad Cracker and Hacker Phone completely over-ride your base. Doesn't matter if you spend 1 hour or 5 to build it; C4, Timebombs, Material Grenades, Blowtorches, Battering Rams, Breaching Charge, etc ALL completely destroy/remove sections of your base. 90% of new players I see who get raided because of this almost instantly rage quit. It simply isn't fun. I am honestly surprised that the raiding meta has been the way it is for as long as it is because even @Sugar Titsknows how messed up the system is for new players or simply players who don't wanna constantly replace down their dupe every single time it gets raided, like we're the only server that really happens to. I don't know how sugar would change/fix it all I would say is maybe introduce defensive tools that are cheaper than the raiding tools that can be used to counter some of the most prevelant and dominating equipment like C4's


7#, everyone has different interpretations of what a roleplay job is, to me it means basically any job that isn't a cop, raider or designed to sit in a base and turtle for 24 hours. In my mind jobs like John Cena, Dat Boi, Doge, Abomination, etc even though they ARE useless, they still get used pretty often as sometimes people just like to mess around as the funny frog or the funny china chair throwing man.


8#, I am pretty sure you CAN change the model, you just cannot use models from the CC editor but even that I think you can. I definitely know you can do /ms with it. Although I do agree that it should be for 48 hours instead of 24.


9#, yes but you have to remember that in terms of higher-ups, it's only really sugar tits and rubik, as far as I know sugar tits is the main developer and rubik is the owner who pays for the server and deals with all the community stuff (although it seems like he rarely does it these days) and they both are adults with adult jobs, they both said they want to do more but it's not always plausible for them.


10#. this I can agree with. People like sugar tits act like the server has only recently been like this but it has ALWAYS had this kind of culture. I want to assure you though that it's a vocal minority. The majority of players aren't calling you names or saying "who asked' in the discord they're basing or playing as cops or just chatting every once in a while. I think that a lot of players have a mob mentality like thing going on in contrast to what actually is happening on the server. I think a little bit people need to calm down because bullying some random kid because he has a questionable interest in anthromorphic sharks was a bit extreme and a down point in the community.


People in this community need to remember that words have meaning and impact people differently. For example my post was satire because I have pretty thick skin and people saying (I hopefully assume is just satire) pretend death threats or telling me to shoot myself wouldn't both me, but if I was having a really rough patch or I was currently struggling with depression at the time or anything else than I would've had a much different reaction. People need to remember that this is a GAME and people play them to relax and escape from reality, there is no need to downvote people to -56 forum points and shout "can we ban this noob' in the shoutbox and stuff just because they are unpopular, it's honestly kind of mean.


I do think this part that sugar said had merrit but if I am being honest sugar I don't like it when you lump me in with them,  I don't believe that I am a bully and the only people I really only tease is you and rubik because I look up to you guys both metaphorically and literally since you guys are the owners of titsrp and I know both of you well enough that calling you "doordash man" doesn't offend you. 


As for you Dan Hunter, don't let this community troll you to hard. TitsRP is my favorite DarkRP server but it needs some radical changes in both the server and it's culture/community if we wanna be back at the most popular slots like we were 2019-2020.

no ones reading this btw


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  • 5 months later...
2 hours ago, GoatNuts said:


Perma banning you for necro posting. 


But seriously most of this is...TitsRP defining things. We could get streamers. But who wanna stream it? Not me. I'm not gonna stream my staffing. Showing staff chat and other players bullshit isn't good. 

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2 minutes ago, Succ The Zucc said:

Perma banning you for necro posting. 


But seriously most of this is...TitsRP defining things. We could get streamers. But who wanna stream it? Not me. I'm not gonna stream my staffing. Showing staff chat and other players bullshit isn't good. 



Omg its not my fault that the owner of this post wanted to revive it!!!

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