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[Official] Suggestions for the Server


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CP thoughts:


  • Have it where the nonlethal pistol will not work on other cops
  • Have it where the CP cannot use the nonlethal pistol on players unless they actually broke a law as in they killed someone in the last 20 seconds or picklocked a door or even mugged. This is to prevent nonlethal abuse / nonlethal crossfire on players.
  • Have it where CP cannot want / arrest in spawn. This is for sits that are being made of "Admin, I was RDAed in spawn. Please help", and the staff member cannot tell for sure if they really were arrested in spawn or not unless the person has vid proof of them doing it.
  • Have something like "shownlr" but for arrests. Like, have a command as in "showarrest" for staff to see the exact location of the arrest.
  • Fix the bug of when you decline a fine or try to accept it and you don't have enough money to pay it and it sends you to jail for 1 hour. (Needs to be fixed because a lot of people complain about it).
  • (A thought that I might want tested) Have it where if you get voted in as mayor, they mayor can elect who he wants as that high ranking CP job as in SWAT Chief, Gaben, Juggernaut, Swat Sniper, Mayors guard (forgot the name).
  • Have it where the higher up CP jobs actually have a purpose. So, if the CP actually wanna do something, they have to bring it to their higher up to have permission. Or have it where the higher up (aka mayor) has to promote them to that higher ranking job. Once that mayor dies, that person will keep their rank until there is a new mayor that could fire them or until they change jobs.
  • Have it where if the mayor fires you, it has to be a valid RP reason and not for any reason he wants. (Mayor fired for: You don't seem worthy enough to serve for me) to (Mayor fired for: Helping criminals and being corrupt).
  • Have it where there is a PD job that only allows that one job (besides higher ranking CP jobs) in the prison cells. This is to avoid people that are a CP job just unlocking the cell doors and keeping them open and having a shit ton of chaos in the PD. Or to prevent CP jobs that are just mass unarresting people for no reason.

Other suggestions:


  • Change the pet models to actual pet models. Also, have it where the pet has an actual RP thing to do. As in, they have to find an owner or do something to get shelter or care.
  • Add more ways to earn good money besides farming in a base for hours on end. Nothing too op though. Like, have something that would earn you $50,000 for completing something but, it would have to be a decently hard thing to do or something that would require some type of skill in-game to do.
  • Change the handcuff function so it could be a bit easier to break out of.
  • Change the vehicles in-game for something that actually looks like a car. Nothing too big in size though. Just something simple. I would be happy with a bicycle. Also, have it easier to control the car.
  • Change the chat tag colors to something different. Like, a meaning behind each color. ( This is a stupid one because I ran out of ideas. Don't judge!) Like, purple for admins to show their rank in power. Something like that. Just some meaning. Change it up.
  • If this is possible... I would love to see it. Have preset checkpoints for the CP to place down (Only higher ranking CP as in mayor mainly). So, it would be better than just having idiot CP propblock the whole road and propblock the PD. And, have it where the mayors checkpoint doesnt count as his props, and also, have it where he can only place 2 things (checkpoint / roadblocks). Also, have it where the mayor is the only one with the power to give out the checkpoint keys / keycards to the selected CP to open / close the doors from the inside of the checkpoint. This one is really stupid but eh.








I ran out of ideas. Some are very stupid and some are alright in my opinion. Maybe you'll like some and put them to use. I'm bored so I gave these. Enjoy!

1 more thing:



Since I recently caught and warned a lot of people abusing the mugger class in spawn... Either remove the class since people don't know what they're doing and just abuse it in spawn, oooooor just make it impossible to pickpocket in spawn / mug in spawn. :P


People never read the sign in spawn anyways so might as well.

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Ah, so now what does the CP expert think of your ideas?


  • Have it where the nonlethal pistol will not work on other cops
  • Have it where the CP cannot use the nonlethal pistol on players unless they actually broke a law as in they killed someone in the last 20 seconds or picklocked a door or even mugged. This is to prevent nonlethal abuse / nonlethal crossfire on players.

The nonlethal already has a similar function where only people with bounties can be stunned and the lower the bounty amount, the lower that chance. However I do see your concern for the Mass Abuse and I personally think it could be solved by changing it to an actual taser that just triggers the spazzing arms animation for a long enough for CP to detain them with cuffs and giving it a significant cool-down for use. Another useful, yet simple edit until then could be changing the name to "StunGun" so that people stop using the dumb excuse "it says nonlethal so i thought it didn't do anything".


  • Have it where CP cannot want / arrest in spawn. This is for sits that are being made of "Admin, I was RDAed in spawn. Please help", and the staff member cannot tell for sure if they really were arrested in spawn or not unless the person has vid proof of them doing it.

You already cannot cuff in spawn, which is good, and with active staff you should be able to keep an eye on spawn. Not to say it's not ever a problem, because it definitely is, but if you remove the ability entirely, then you will create further problems, such as people the people who run into to spawn to avoid arrest. sometimes they will hop around and need to be stunned and arrest-baton rushed. Now, it is also FailRP for them to do this, but it may end up being just as hard to know who is being honest without actually being there or getting proof. I think your next idea down is a better solution for this issue, personally.


  • Have something like "shownlr" but for arrests. Like, have a command as in "showarrest" for staff to see the exact location of the arrest.

+1 this one is simply an awesome idea, and shouldn't be too complicated for sugar to do. It would also make my goal of trying to bring everyone a better CP force just a tad bit easier as I'll be able to easier distinguish truth from lie in CP cases.


  • Fix the bug of when you decline a fine or try to accept it and you don't have enough money to pay it and it sends you to jail for 1 hour. (Needs to be fixed because a lot of people complain about it).

It's my understanding that this only happens for 20k fines, but it still doesn't make any sense and I agree. However, I think LONGER jail times than 2 minutes IS necessary, but not THAT long. lol


  • (A thought that I might want tested) Have it where if you get voted in as mayor, they mayor can elect who he wants as that high ranking CP job as in SWAT Chief, Gaben, Juggernaut, Swat Sniper, Mayors guard (forgot the name).
  • Have it where the higher up CP jobs actually have a purpose. So, if the CP actually wanna do something, they have to bring it to their higher up to have permission. Or have it where the higher up (aka mayor) has to promote them to that higher ranking job. Once that mayor dies, that person will keep their rank until there is a new mayor that could fire them or until they change jobs.
  • Have it where there is a PD job that only allows that one job (besides higher ranking CP jobs) in the prison cells. This is to avoid people that are a CP job just unlocking the cell doors and keeping them open and having a shit ton of chaos in the PD. Or to prevent CP jobs that are just mass unarresting people for no reason.

This is an excellent idea, but in my opinion, it would likely be either very messy or very unused if left to the players to do on their own, though it may make them feel that they have more power to influence the city. I think this included in with some sort of CP WhiteListing would make it more functional. CP essentially Enforce Rules, so just as staff, it should be people that are trusted to do so, not just any minge that wants to spawn with special tools and feel powerful.


  • Have it where if the mayor fires you, it has to be a valid RP reason and not for any reason he wants. (Mayor fired for: You don't seem worthy enough to serve for me) to (Mayor fired for: Helping criminals and being corrupt).

I agree, although it is a way to promote revolts as a form of RP, I thought the goal was to have less violence, not more, which this causes more. I don't personally like the current frequency of revolts, it gets too a point where its not fun anymore and just obnoxious. "LETS ALL KILL COPS NOW!". Plus with how much I play CP, I'm sure I'm not the only one that gets annoyed after hours of doing good CP work and succeeding in it, to be fired for a stupid or even false reason. it is logged in chatbox, so it should be treated as any other demote.


Also Revolting for taxes should be allowed, since thats the OG revolt reason irl, and Mayor is elected by the people and should be allowed to be peacefully demoted by the people without the need for violence, given that it is a valid RP reason, I see no reason he cant be stripped of his rank, other than promoting corrupt RP where what the mayor says goes and you have to kill him to remove him, which is what its turned into.


I mean amfaufar is corrupt, but at least he's not an asshole, people like him. (yes this last part is a meme)


Other suggestions:



[*]Change the handcuff function so it could be a bit easier to break out of.


They are already easy enough to break out of if you REALLY want to escape. you have to think from the CP's perspective that he does need some time to detain this person sometimes. the cuffs are useless if they get nerfed anymore.


[*]Change the vehicles in-game for something that actually looks like a car. Nothing too big in size though. Just something simple. I would be happy with a bicycle. Also, have it easier to control the car.




[*]If this is possible... I would love to see it. Have preset checkpoints for the CP to place down (Only higher ranking CP as in mayor mainly). So, it would be better than just having idiot CP propblock the whole road and propblock the PD. And, have it where the mayors checkpoint doesnt count as his props, and also, have it where he can only place 2 things (checkpoint / roadblocks). Also, have it where the mayor is the only one with the power to give out the checkpoint keys / keycards to the selected CP to open / close the doors from the inside of the checkpoint. This one is really stupid but eh.



Not sure how you would make this work, but it sounds interesting. Maybe we could at least have the kind of preset roadblocks that are activated with a button or etc that come out of the ground to form a barrier in order to make catching vehicles / blocking traffic easier in major areas like main street. That seems like it would be simple enough to be functional.

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These are all interesting ideas from this page and the last page.


I will implement something tomorrow to give the printer a better risk / reward


For cops, would you want a ranking system? Like new players get a recruit rank and as they do more PD stuff, they can rank up? Or would you want it so the mayor could temporarily promote people once per server restart? I could make it so jobs are locked behind a certain PD rank. I also have a few ideas on how to make playing a PD more interesting.


Pet models are hard to find. The pet models we have now are stable too (smaller models tend to crash the server). On the topic of a pet revamp, that will happen too. You might want them as pokemon though with the idea I have with them.


Premade checkpoints are possible. I would just have to figure out a good template for them


The new map won't be released until it's 100% complete. You have one chance to give everyone a good impression on waiting all of these months


There will be new crafting materials and new items to craft


There will be more raiding items that make raiding a lot easier


An action type system is possible. I was going to go for trading though as that might be a whole lot easier. I can make a board though that shows what people are offering to trade.


Daily objectives are fine. I was going to add in something like quests


There is over 24 new jobs in the major update so I don't think you should have an issue on finding more interesting ways to make money

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Dont make it so the mayor can promote peoples ranks, that can be abused by two friends. Make it so if you blow up a level 5 printer you maybe get ranked up not a level 1 because again that can be abused

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Any form of ranks can easily be abused in this game unless it's not based off interaction with other players. One of the things you could do is put things on a cooldown. I was thinking of also including a rank icon next to your name when hovered as a CP to better indicate your status. I don't know what different ranks would get but I could think of something probably.

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I mean, we can try like having a ranking system for the CP to make it more RP related actually. Have the people who play and know CP the most at the very top (Mainly Dima or Walter from what I've seen) and they can promote people if they feel like they're doing a good job. This could add a bit more role play with the police and so it wouldn't be like "Hey, I just press f4, click on a high ranking CP job. Now I'm incharge!", Like, you could have to earn it now. Just an interesting thing that I might want to see. If the people don't like it then we can put it back on how it was before.


And for the pet revamps. Like, you don't need new models if you want. Besides getting newer models, could you make the pet models smaller at least? Like, not all of them. Just some of the models. To like, give more kind of variety with them and make some of them more better looking and fit in more maybe? I don't know. Just something else to think about.


I could give more suggestions when I come across it though.

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