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[Official] Suggestions for the Server


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Could be used with the current pianist job or a new one.



I'm sure you can find a use for these.



To add that RP to DarkRP.



An extra pet model.


An extra detective model.



Instead of show cuffs maybe?



This would also work.



Another detective player model.



Batarang swep for Batman.



Useful for police.



A new job that goes with the next addon.



Goes with the addon above.


1. Yes I agree. 

2. Unless it would be filled up with food and healed people so the PD dont have 100% control of health and armor 30% of the time on the server then yes.

3. 100% unnecessary 

4. Very Nice and would be good to add.

5. Maybe (Neutral Vote)

6&7. Badges may be harder to see through one way props 

8. Again Neutral.

9. Would be good to replace the Smoke Grenades With

10. Not Needed as people would only use it to spam and minge with it. 

11&12. Good for a Custom Class not good for an official class.


I just think the third would add uniqueness because I haven't seen a dark rp server use it and it would add a bit of rp.


great suggestions.


@vexxi regarding health and armor medics can sell health, you can buy medkits, and apparently gun dealers can sell armor as well as chemists being able to make it.

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this map will realy needs help by adding the light tool. looking at it theres alot of stupid and laggy thing you can do now on the server with the tool gun. and alot of them areant usefull at all. like the elastic tool and so on and so forth. but we still dont have light tool. alot of bases are really dark and cant see. and sometimes you cant even see when someone is raiding cause it was too dark. we should realy let the light tool get atleast a chance for lets say a week. and if it works out keep it forever. because its really going to be usefull to alot of people and bases. and if brightness is an issue make the max brightness lower for non admin groups or take a tool from the workshop. because we have alot of stupid tools that can lag the server alot. but lights are realy usefull. if this is bad for the server i just wanna know why? cause in a server where people can make flashin walls and penises the lag and crash the server. lights dont look half bad

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JOB: Bail Bondsman


Description: Creates bail amounts for people to be released from jail early and sends bounty hunters after bad bois.




-Has access to arrest warrants (wanted logs)

-Has access to Set Bounties

-Has PD Keys

-Has Unarrest Baton

Since the new map has a courtroom connected to the jail I assume you already have another CP Update in mind but just in case I'd like to recommend sosome way to have actual court cases to add rp and to make this possible obviously people will need to be arrested for longer amounts of time and maybe have it where the judge is allowed to sentence them to more jail time after the shorter hold for court and only the judge can so that if no one is up for the rp of court then jail times will be shorter and they will just have to keep dealing with the same criminals.

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Possible add a legitimate taser, I’ve seen a good few on the workshop but idk how they’d work on a large server


As long as cops are still able to arrest the tased suspect that would be cool. Roblox devs can do it I don't see any reason Sugar couldn't if he wanted to. Plus I'm sure it would have a cooldown and thus less potential for minging as opposed to the stun gun we have now.

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Add notifications in chat for Sniffy missions. ("You got killed because of a sniffy mission!") I received a complaint about this when someone called a sit for RDM, it turns out it was just a Sniffy mission. Luckily everyone involved was understanding, but this kind of issue does pop up from time to time.


Add a "Your Mom" job. Model is a fat lady. Can yell at people. Has a pimp slap swep.

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Since we had a recent issue with people getting confused over the public places rule, I propose the following changes.

The rule is currently read as follows:



A public place is a place with open doors and no entities inside such as a restaurant. If the place does have closed doors and the owners refuse to let you in that room, the place is considered raidable.

- MOTD (https://titsrp.com/showthread.php?tid=4)

  • Change "A public place is a place with open doors" to "A public base is a base with all doors open or publicly available to enter upon request"
  • Require a sign to be posted clearly marking the base as a public place (like a building sign, except it says public place), so that public places are not accidentally raided and non-public place bases are not confused as public places. I personally always post a sign describing the public places rule on my public places so that no mistakes are made.
  • If people are going to be "trespassed" from a public place, require a sign listing conditions featured on the Public Place sign I suggested above(ex this person/gang is banned, no weapons out, no illegal activities, etc) or require warn adverts.

I feel like these changes would sufficiently clarify the rule for any it might confuse and gives benefits to both people building the public places and the people entering them.


Also, where the money pots at? 

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