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[Official] Suggestions for the Server


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Remove Thomas the Tank engine or rebalance it so it can't destroy entities. I lost 11 processors, 6 printers, and 4 bitcoin racks to random shit luck from some squeaker who bought up a bunch of cereal. As it is now people can just spend less than the cost of a single C4 and instantly nuke an entire base with no effort.


Thomas the tank engine is deisgned among other reasons to make people NOT camp inside ther base and I doubt it will have the entity blowing up feature removed

Bring back the feature so only mayor can spawn props in PD (possibly include secret service)


That would be really cool if only the pd commander and mayyor could build inside the pd and it would reduce the random clutter some cp make

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-Make a !thirdperson, !3p, /thirdperson, /3p command.

People should just stop fucking asking over and over, it's driving me insane while this is so easy to solve.

Go to server root -> lua/autorun/server and make a new file example.lua and put this code in there.


function PlayerCommandsCustom( pl, text, teamonly )

if (string.lowertext ) == "!3p") then 






hook.Add( "PlayerSay", "Chat", PlayerCommandsCustom )




-Make a !donate, /donate command

Go to server root -> lua/autorun/server and make a new file example.lua and put this code in there within the playercustomcommand example function.


if (text == "!donate") then 

pl:SendLua([[gui.OpenURL("prometheus shop url")]]) -- Change ADDRESS to your chosen page.

for k, v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do v:ChatPrint( "Player " .. pl:Nick() .. " has viewed the donate page via !donate" )






This would help many mods and people that had to help people to get out of third person over and over and over..o/

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-Make a !thirdperson, !3p, /thirdperson, /3p command.

People should just stop fucking asking over and over, it's driving me insane while this is so easy to solve.

Go to server root -> lua/autorun/server and make a new file example.lua and put this code in there.


function PlayerCommandsCustom( pl, text, teamonly )

if (string.lowertext ) == "!3p") then 






hook.Add( "PlayerSay", "Chat", PlayerCommandsCustom )




-Make a !donate, /donate command

Go to server root -> lua/autorun/server and make a new file example.lua and put this code in there within the playercustomcommand example function.


if (text == "!donate") then 

pl:SendLua([[gui.OpenURL("prometheus shop url")]]) -- Change ADDRESS to your chosen page.

for k, v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do v:ChatPrint( "Player " .. pl:Nick() .. " has viewed the donate page via !donate" )






This would help many mods and people that had to help people to get out of third person over and over and over..o/


Not going to be rude, but Sugar knows how to do all of this haha. But I recommend putting a ULX advert saying: "To get in and out of thirdperson, type thirdperson_toggle in console!" 


Or something along the lines of that. These would be okay, but regardless it isn't 100% need for a chat command for that.


My Suggestion would be to change up a chat tag color.


Perhaps, this, for Trial Moderator --> Trial Moderator 


or something like that. 


I guess the code would be this, but only a small detail that I have 


(This is only for the trial mod group I suppose even though Sugar already knows how to do this more than likely)


local Tags = {}
Tags["superadmin"] = { Color( 255, 0, 0 ), "Super Admin", Color( 255, 0, 0 ) }
Tags["headadmin"] = { Color( 0, 255, 0 ), "Head Admin", Color( 0, 255, 0 ) }
Tags["admin"] = { Color( 225, 255, 0 ), "Admin", Color( 225, 255, 0 ) }
Tags["vip"] = { Color( 255, 251, 0 ), "VIP", Color( 255, 251, 0 ) }
Tags["moderator"] = { Color( 0, 255, 85 ), "Moderator", Color( 0, 255, 85 ) }
Tags["trialmoderator"] = { Color( 0, 191, 255 ), "Trial Moderator", Color( 0, 191, 255 ) }
local function AddChatTags( ply, msg, team, dead, prefixText, col1, col2 )

if GAMEMODE.FolderName == "darkrp" then

	local text = {}
	local tag = Tags[ply:GetNWString("usergroup")]

	if tag then
		table.insert( text, tag[3] )
		table.insert( text, "[" )
		table.insert( text, tag[1] )
		table.insert( text, tag[2] )
		table.insert( text, tag[3] )
		table.insert( text, "] " )

	table.insert( text, col1 )
	table.insert( text, prefixText )
	table.insert( text, col2 )
	table.insert( text, ": " .. msg )

	chat.AddText( unpack( text ) )

	return true


hook.Add( "OnPlayerChat", "DarkRPChatTags", AddChatTags )

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Make everyone be able to throw a turkey at someone that explodes. It will do 0 damage, but when it explodes, it will say "Oh heck you :insert turkey noise here:"


Lol I'm so dumb.


Anyway, have a good Thanksgiving everyone!

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*Add new materials, I seriously think its time for some new materials 



*Buff juggernaut



*Add a Bob Ross job who can paint on a canvas in some way and have a paint pallet and brush, seriously please do this.

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More Building Props? more for base defense instead of just spamming 60 layers of a single fence and calling it a base.


More Materials. I know there are some material packs that add some extras but I dont want to look at the same generic texture in every base. 


The Damage Upgrades On Enhancing Weapons dont exactly work. (They dont apply the extra damage) // more of a issue I noticed //


Make EXP Gain Deteriorate per exp source, such as enhancing 30 weapons wont get you the full amount of exp as enhancing 5 weapons, going and getting blood from people. and enhancing 5 more weapons and doing that back and forth to ensure people arent just hording materials and farming exp in an OP base throwing the gang levels out the window.


Make the Dual Elites Fire Rate and recoil less to nothing as the damage isnt enough to back it up. // Or remove them all together. //


Make random droppings of money spawn on the map or make special logs / rocks that drop from their respective that sell for a good chunk of money.


Before the update I asked if there was going to be more ways to make money and it just seems like enhanced ways to make money even though new methods weren't added. People are still sitting in bases and buying 30 processors from people and farming till they decide to go to sleep and destroy it all.  We need more methods of money generation.


The CC Creator models should all be included in the CC editor, there are some pretty decent models in the creator that arent in the editor and it would be nice to have them available. 



///// Just a handful of ideas /////

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