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[Official] Suggestions for the Server


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-Fix the problem when a pd raids and battering rams a prop that is nocolided it causes it to become un-noclided once it 're-appears', and once a prop is battering rammed it changes the color from 'glow' to 'normal' upon re-appearing.


-Add a rule clarifying that you can.. or can't raid someone who is currently raiding someone elses base. (Not assisting someone in your party)


-Nerf the juggernauts armor(150 or 200, the weapon is hard enough to deal with)


-Add a rule/adjust the rules so that police force can be corrupt, like... having printers, ignoring crimes, mayor disrepeect. It better fits into rp and is the reason that on every other darkrp server mayor can demote the police.

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-Fix the problem when a pd raids and battering rams a prop that is nocolided it causes it to become un-noclided once it 're-appears', and once a prop is battering rammed it changes the color from 'glow' to 'normal' upon re-appearing.


-Add a rule clarifying that you can.. or can't raid someone who is currently raiding someone elses base. (Not assisting someone in your party)


-Nerf the juggernauts armor(150 or 200, the weapon is hard enough to deal with)


-Add a rule/adjust the rules so that police force can be corrupt, like... having printers, ignoring crimes, mayor disrepeect. It better fits into rp and is the reason that on every other darkrp server mayor can demote the police.


first suggestion is fine


second you can be raided at anytime it doesn't matter what you're doing or whether or not you're even there. There doesn't need to be a rule that would be dumb.


third, you're just mad that I killed you


and last fuck no are you insane? CP cannot be corrupt and they still already manage to be half the time. making it officially allowed will just cause problems and make the raiders vs cops beef even hotter when it's already sizzling.


If you want to be a corrupt cop go mayors assassin, it has thief ruleset

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Add a bit more "harsh" punishment system.

RDM = warn + 5 min jail. It would be more effective. If people leave its a ban for avoiding punishment.

RDM x 2 = Warn + 10 min jail.

RDM x 3 = ban.

Same goes for NLR.

I think this would be effective at stopping people from breaking rules, as they can't do anything for 5-10 minutes and it's really boring to sit there doing nothing unless you can pull up porn hub for 5 mins.

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Add a bit more "harsh" punishment system.

RDM = warn + 5 min jail. It would be more effective. If people leave its a ban for avoiding punishment.

RDM x 2 = Warn + 10 min jail.

RDM x 3 = ban.

Same goes for NLR.

I think this would be effective at stopping people from breaking rules, as they can't do anything for 5-10 minutes and it's really boring to sit there doing nothing unless you can pull up porn hub for 5 mins.


Actually this is a pretty good idea. Jailing is harshly underused as a punishment. I may actually start doing this to punish rule breakers considering a lot is left to staff discretion. 

+1 for this to be added to the official punishment guidelines. Its an effective idea

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-Add a rule clarifying that you can.. or can't raid someone who is currently raiding someone elses base. (Not assisting someone in your party)


-Nerf the juggernauts armor(150 or 200, the weapon is hard enough to deal with)



second you can be raided at anytime it doesn't matter what you're doing or whether or not you're even there. There doesn't need to be a rule that would be dumb.


third, you're just mad that I killed you




I have been in at least 4 sits regarding me raiding people who are raiding.. "You didn't advert counter raid" "You had no rp relations with the house" It comes up all the time. 


Juggernaut is grossly overpowered. I'm sure you've killed me with it, I get killed multiple times a day by juggernaut's :P, it's an unstoppable force - never having to reload an op gun, 350 armor... I understand the role, you get voted into it, it fits into rp yada yada. But it needs nerfed..

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-Add a rule clarifying that you can.. or can't raid someone who is currently raiding someone elses base. (Not assisting someone in your party)


-Nerf the juggernauts armor(150 or 200, the weapon is hard enough to deal with)



second you can be raided at anytime it doesn't matter what you're doing or whether or not you're even there. There doesn't need to be a rule that would be dumb.


third, you're just mad that I killed you




I have been in at least 4 sits regarding me raiding people who are raiding.. "You didn't advert counter raid" "You had no rp relations with the house" It comes up all the time. 


Juggernaut is grossly overpowered. I'm sure you've killed me with it, I get killed multiple times a day by juggernaut's :P, it's an unstoppable force - never having to reload an op gun, 350 armor... I understand the role, you get voted into it, it fits into rp yada yada. But it needs nerfed..


ooohh you mean raiding a building while it's already being raided. okay I got you. This is entirely circumstantial. If you are COUNTER-raiding to stop someone's house from being raided by whoever is already inside, but leave after you kill them, it would fall under False Counter UNLESS you are in a party with them or had some rp relation to where you were already inside when the raid started because that would constitute self defense at that point. For example, if you were inside a gun shop and people started raiding it, you could defend yourself to escape or etc.


Now if you intended to raid a building that someone is already raiding, and you have no intention to protect the people inside, that would be allowed.


Also jugg actually only spawns with 1 magazine of rapidly firing ammo, so unless the mayor reinforces and you stay alive to use the ammo he gives you, you have to buy smg ammo like 15 times to get ONE more magazine, so you cannot say jugg has an ammo advantage at all.


Health and armor advantage is obvious, yes, but it's CP's ONLY counter to everyone and they mama with custom classes that are basically ALL OP af and have a shit ton more unfair stuff like 10 sweps that are all equal to or better than anything jugg has.


If you care about equality, please delete your CC and spread word for everyone else to do the same because there's no real reason to nerf jugg when it only takes a few more good shots than a regular cop to actually kill if you are a halfway decent aim

Add a bit more "harsh" punishment system.

RDM = warn + 5 min jail. It would be more effective. If people leave its a ban for avoiding punishment.

RDM x 2 = Warn + 10 min jail.

RDM x 3 = ban.

Same goes for NLR.

I think this would be effective at stopping people from breaking rules, as they can't do anything for 5-10 minutes and it's really boring to sit there doing nothing unless you can pull up porn hub for 5 mins.


Actually this is a pretty good idea. Jailing is harshly underused as a punishment. I may actually start doing this to punish rule breakers considering a lot is left to staff discretion. 

+1 for this to be added to the official punishment guidelines. Its an effective idea


time to turn adminland into the TitsRP Prison... err umm I mean yeah it might help, but really - who's gonna keep track of them and make sure they don't relog?

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Block off all of the roofs so people cant interrupt sits.



Make commands so the staff can tp to the roofs / admin land - {example} !TPAdmin (goes to adminland) - !TPRoof1 (Goes to the roof at the suburbs)

simple stuff like that


also, make it where in the logs, it will show that the undercover cop is actually undercover. it shows the job they switch to and it causes confusion.


Revamp the MOTD and make things more clear

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-Add a rule clarifying that you can.. or can't raid someone who is currently raiding someone elses base. (Not assisting someone in your party)


-Nerf the juggernauts armor(150 or 200, the weapon is hard enough to deal with)



second you can be raided at anytime it doesn't matter what you're doing or whether or not you're even there. There doesn't need to be a rule that would be dumb.


third, you're just mad that I killed you




I have been in at least 4 sits regarding me raiding people who are raiding.. "You didn't advert counter raid" "You had no rp relations with the house" It comes up all the time. 


Juggernaut is grossly overpowered. I'm sure you've killed me with it, I get killed multiple times a day by juggernaut's :P, it's an unstoppable force - never having to reload an op gun, 350 armor... I understand the role, you get voted into it, it fits into rp yada yada. But it needs nerfed..


I have to say that i agree with juggernaut nerf.


Altough you can nerf juggernaut in several different ways such as making them get the non-lethal debuff (or something similar) when they have the minigun out, increase damage multiplier on headshots for them to greater reward skill when facing a juggernaut or implement a weapon mod that ignores armor (idk if this exists already and it's kinda niche). 


Or we can just make juggy 101 armor so ti's still more than normal ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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Block off all of the roofs so people cant interrupt sits.



Make commands so the staff can tp to the roofs / admin land - {example} !TPAdmin (goes to adminland) - !TPRoof1 (Goes to the roof at the suburbs)

simple stuff like that


also, make it where in the logs, it will show that the undercover cop is actually undercover. it shows the job they switch to and it causes confusion.


Revamp the MOTD and make things more clear

I agree with the last part although it's a little vague, if you give some examples of changes you'd like to see i can see it getting pushed to happen!

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