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More Materials / Tool Suggestion


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As someone who spends 75% of their time building on the server, it would be cool to see more materials added. I believe sometime ago we had a lot more materials than we did now. Im not sure what the reasoning was to removed half the materials, but sometimes when building youre just kinda left outta options when looking for that perfect material. Compared to other servers aswell the amount of materials we have dont nearly come close to they have. Here is a material pack that most every darkrp server uses https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=730187817 


Another thing, ive seen this tool on many other servers. The Shadow remover tool, basically it just removes the shadow from your prop. My main reason it would be cool to add this in is because, sometimes when you build in certain areas. half of the props are much darker and the rest of the props are completely fine. This causes to make builds look very odd and not as appealing. Also im sure this could benfit basing in sewers some way


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Shadow remover tool is the only one that I REALLY want to be added as I am an avid builder who enjoys making RP auditoriums which end up looking very weird due to odd map shadows. Other inputs are good too so I guess all I can say is that if Mr Sugarlin and RubMcStub are willing to add these then, by all means please do 🙂 

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I actually made a suggestion about this before, the current mats the server has right now makes building good looking creations incedibly limited, examples of this are things like wood textures, there really isn't a great mat for a decent wood texture.


Also, that shading thing is good too, I hate when I need to stacker some of my props away from each other when they colide because usually one has a different shade so it flickers a lot.


Just a big +1 from me, we need this.

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