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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Cullen

  1. [suggestion]: I told you in game about this, so I'm also going to post on here just in case you forgot. I find that the 911 calls to the police are useless. The reason why is because people write that there either kidnap or some stupid message, so What are the police going to do? We don't have a location, so most of the cops are going to ignore those calls. I will suggestion 2 things: Make the 911 like the need back up for the PD or something along those lines Just remove it because in the long run it's just a waste of server performance, sorry
  2. You stated that you warned 2 guys, but we aren't given names... Who is "his"?
  3. Cullen: Sugar, I suggest there should be a thread for rule suggestions for the server Sugar: Just put them in the suggestions thread Cullen: *Makes thread titles [suggestions] DarkRP Server Rules* Sugar: No Cullen like put the rule suggestions in the suggestion thread Cullen: OO Cullen: *Write a suggestion that we need a suggestion thread for rules* I am meaning to just put the actual suggestion for the rules in this thread lmao. Not bashing you, I just found it really funny. We don't need another thread. Just write what you gotta say. "I suggest all Hobos should be able to raid regardless if there is a hobo lord or not" or w/e what want to say. LMAO, I think I finally got it... To tell you the truth, I read your comment in like 5 seconds and then I was like, "DONE."
  4. A Suggestion Thread for the rules of the server... I think we need this because there are a lot of rules still not added that should be added and we the community are the ones
  5. Happy Birthday Gaazzoks! B.T.W Overwatch is hecka fun!
  6. LOL, you should have done the running man challenge :kappa:
  7. Bug Description: .357 Magnum doesn't show the ammo How to reproduce: Just pull out that weapon Priority: Low
  8. I made this suggestion in game to Sugar a long time ago... Can we please move the PD menu.... It is literally in the worst spot...
  9. 5m in game is soooo easy to get.... I was literally griding money yesturday, and it took me 10 minutes to make 1m... If anything, sugar should raise that price to 10m...
  10. Cullen


    Can we get a link to all the weapons in the collection?
  11. BANNED Just Kidding, I would never do that
  12. You shouldn't care if it's a youtuber or not.. stuff like this just gives bad publicity to our server and it legit hurts our playerbase. Just think of all of the little kids watching the video "Omg wat surver is dat! I am gunna troll spr hard beecus i know the admins will chear me on LOL". They then join the server and claim they are Zuther and then our staff becomes a bunch of school girls saying "HI YOUTUBE LOL!" This whole incident is just like the Unbound incident. I was watching console one day and some guy messages Unbound saying "Hey, can you give me some guns so I can mass RDM". Unbound to my surprise said "Yea, come to spawn and I will give you some". I logged onto the server and there he was, giving this guy guns. Then what a surprise, the guy killed like 3 people before I banned him. His excuse was "It was a youtuber. If we give them what they want, they will leave faster". Why don't you just ban the guy before they can cause havoc? These people have no other purpose but to show how shitty the DarkRP community is. I totally agree with sugar... After watching that video, I think we should re-evaluate the staff because I have a feeling they don't know what is right and what is wrong. Even though, he's "somewhat" a popular youtuber, that gives no reason to do that much mass rdm... ... and I think this video gives evidence that some of our own staff should be demoted because of this! Most of the youtubers in the past, staff took immediate action. For example: Most of the old staff probably remember this video of Zuthar: This was when I first became moderator and when he started his rampage, all the staff took immediate action!
  13. Cullen

    USP Bug

    Who uses the usp...... (But should still be fixed) I don't even use it in csgo and that is saying something
  14. I am famous at the end ... The Purple PD officer ...
  15. Huge suggestion: Make it show the Police officer's name when they fine someone sooooo..... for example: Cullen has fined Sugar 100k for being the sever owner (Name of PD) (Name of Player getting fined) (Amount) (Reason)
  16. A tf2 Hat system? I saw this on a different darkrp server and It is really cool... I would probably make it so Hat's cost a lot of ingame money… Suggestion #2: We should make it that the bigger the crime committed, the more time spend in jail…
  17. Cullen

    Drug Buyer

    I will use my voodoo magic to fix the drug buyer... By next reset the voodoo magic should have kicked in and the class should be fixed...
  18. Cullen


    Accordinn to sugar, Discord is shit compared to teamspeak.
  19. What should happen is have a separate class that only one person has access to and that class should be able to have access to radio/mic spamming/piano... But my ideas are poop..
  20. Ok can I just address something.... If there is no staff online, just come to the forums and report the guy. Also, most of the people on the server go by EST and are in the age range middle school to senior year of high school, so most of the staff aren't going to be on during the night and weekdays... Now that there is new rules, we shouldn't need staff on, unless some asshole is prop blocking spawn or ddosing the server. If that happens when there is no staff on go to the forums and report the guy. Lastly, being a moderator is a volunteer job, so most of the staff are going to put school work, hanging out with friends, and more exciting things ahead of being moderator. I always say in the general chat if I can't make it on the server, but I try to make up for it by being on the forums. That is all
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