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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Cullen

  1. Agreeing on your statement about the game; however don't be rude... Or leave.
  2. Why do you want that game...
  3. Also, maybe this addon to the server: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=664581025
  4. Make a class that is the only class with the ability to plant drugs/plants. I don't think custom classes and pd should have access to growing
  5. i've been messing around with hammer for a few months, made a few maps, but probably nothing you're looking for\ Awhile ago you said you were making a map for the server. Back on evo city you told me this. Can you send links for the maps
  6. Can you not do this.... I mean Tod is a great guy... But you said that you will be stalking other admins/moderators and video taping them... This is your final warning
  7. Łîźãrdš ssssssssssss.......
  8. It's already in the !motd, so why change it? Honestly, if you can't read English then go to a espanol server. Sugar clearly defines what each class can and cannot do.
  9. Suggestion: What this server needs is more options for classes. Here are some of my suggestions: Can we do that there is only one class that can grow all the plants. Can we change how hobos are allowed to mic spamming to a DJ class (Make it VIP, and limit to 1 person) Those are the only 2 I can think of atm.
  10. Cullen


    I think this thread needs to be closed.... Just have a feeling.... RED TELETUBBIE SECRETLY PAYS ME!....
  11. Cullen


    -SNIP- Please don't.... I mean I been trying my hardest to get on the server, but I don't hardly have a chance If staff are abusing there powers by not doing sits and noclipping around, just send a proper formated staff report. Then a head admin or sugar will talk about this report with the moderator. It should be a simple as that, not some stupid witch hunt... P.S. I would look great on report videos
  12. Switch the current version to the AWP?
  13. This class also come with a custom swep: WOW
  14. It's a one story house, so how can there be any stairs...
  15. Then technically, you committed a crime, which in conclusion will get you arrested.. What you should do is call 911 on your hack phone and ask for detective cullen Then you will be rewarded for keeping crime of the street. :D
  16. I have a shitty IPhone 6 and I don't get that error anymore...
  17. When I am the only person on the server... I change my job to master stalker and pretend I am a red teletubbie... Then the actual red teletubbie can't kill me in the game... Cullen feels safe when no one on..
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