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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Cullen

  1. I also think we need chess and checkers
  2. I agree with Bobo for this weekend. Also, I hate to break the news, but I think what brought our playerbase up was popular youtubers would come onto the server and if there is a lot of funny things going on the server. I feel that would increase the population for the server, but if the server supports these popular youtubers then the server goes to shit. For example, I've never heard of HogwardsRP throughout my whole Garry's mod experience and when a popular youtuber (AKA Zuthar13) went on the one server (that most of the staff play on) and started to experience most of the funnyRP shit that went around the server. <- The server exploded and now it is most of the time really hard to get into the server. This is a 85 slot server also. I think if you work on this event system and it could make the server a lot more fun or funny, maybe we will see the increase in population. When the staff hold moderator and admin events, this helps lighten up the server.
  3. Bug Description: Guards DO NOT receive the offers from players to get hired. Basically if you try to hire a hitman for x amount of money and y amount of time, when the guard gets the offer it says, " Player has tried to hire you for $0 and 0 minutes" How to reproduce: Just have someone come up to you (as a guard) and try to hire you Priority: (High, Medium, Low): Low
  4. Yes, why else would cops have access to the bounty list? Just to look at it and say "Daaaaaaaamn this guy has a fucking huge bounty, glad i'm not that guy!" As a cop you can see who they killed, when they killed them and if they raided the PD. If you kill someone in self defense, you call the cops and tell them "Hey, this guy just tried to raid me, I killed him in the process, can you reset my bounty so the bounty hunter doesn't come and kill me" Or even "Hey, this guy just tried to raid me, I killed him in the process, can you reset my bounty so you guys don't try to arrest / fine me" -1 to kill myself I guess this gives a reason for cops to raid people's houses
  5. I could have made a staff report about this, but............. I decided in the end to make a suggestion about this: [video=youtube] To summarize this video for the lazy people on the server: Do cops have the authority to look through the bounties list and search you down and arrest them? I ended up killing a mass rdmers and my bounty kept raising because of this. Of course the person that I help to open this menu, ends up fining me and the reason was bounty.
  6. I think I shall be the new yellow teletubbie and become the Reverse-PO
  7. Can CP gangs get xp for destroying drugs [Edit]: Don't know how to spell
  8. Bug Description: When you look at a gang perk and read the description, then you quickly exit out of the gang menu. The description of the perk stays forever on your screen unless you log out. How to reproduce: My description says it all Priority: Medium
  9. Sugar told me to bring it to the suggestions: My main suggestions are going to be about the PD and the gang system revolving around the PD. [align=left] Getting experience as a Police officer is the hardest thing, so my suggestion is add every time you fine someone you get experience ---> The bigger the fine = The more experience you get ( I also want to point out that people can abuse this, so maybe a rule would be implemented <-- We can all see the fines in chat)[/align] [align=left] The PD Gang Perks: [/align] I am going to list what it is currently (Straight from the patch notes): [align=left]Perks: Police 5 tiers of perks each: Police Armor Up - Spawn with 10 - 20 - 30 - 40 - 50 armor each spawn respectively Leg Day - Increase run speed while CP by 4% - 8% - 12% - 16% - 20% Blood of the Lamb - When you spawn, you spawn with 2 - 4 - 6 - 8 - 10 health Capture Speed - Capturing a gang area is faster by 5 - 10 - 15 - 20 - 25 seconds each Boom - Destroying a raider gang's printer will give you 5 - 10 - 15 - 20 xp each 1 Tier Each Police Come First - As a cop, you get health and armor for free from the Police Panel Armory - Pressing E on the police bank will give you ammo Respected Officer - Bypass the vote to become CP Glorious Leader - Bypass the vote to become Mayor _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________[/align] Here is what I think it should be: [align=left]Perks: Police 5 tiers of perks each: Police Armor Up - Spawn with 20 - 40 - 60 - 80 - 100 armor each spawn respectively <-- Cops need more armor, period. Leg Day - Increase run speed while CP by 4% - 8% - 12% - 16% - 20% <--- This you can keep/Maybe a Tiny buff Blood of the Lamb - When you spawn, you spawn with 3 - 6 - 9 - 12 - 15 health Capture Speed - Capturing a gang area is faster by 5 - 10 - 15 - 20 - 25 seconds each <--- Going to be removed[/align] [align=left]Pay raise - Gain more money when you fine someone <--- I think this is on %, so Increase everytime you put 1 point into them Boom - Destroying a raider gang's printer will give you 10 - 25 - 30 - 50 xp each <-- The reason is because getting proof that a person has printers in there base is really difficult. Plus when you do a PD raid, there aren't that many printers 1 Tier Each Police Come First - As a cop, you get health and armor for free from the Police Panel <-- I like this Armory - Pressing E on the police bank will give you ammo and a flash/smoke grenade <--- I think that would be cool, but not neccessary Respected Officer and Glorious Leader - Bypass the vote to become CP and Mayor <--- Combine the two perks because there the same thing (kinda)[/align] Police Sense - Whenever a Non-Police officer or Mayor enters the 2nd door of the CP, it notifies everyone in the gang <-- I just thought of this, not the best idea
  10. I agree that should be added back. Even if they are more expensive than before. Plus they can be ultra rare drops for the processor too. + 1 More like, Hand Cannon = 1000m Neko Sam's Yee Berettas = $1.00 <-- Have it on my CC, not even that good Tyrones ppsh = 100m <-- People are abooseing it lately, so either it's going to get nerfed or needs a huge amount of money and more like: NO You guys need to realize that most of the CC weapons use a CSS weapon damage <- meaning they are just re-skins of most of the guns that you can buy.
  11. [video=youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TIIWPACxHDU Where dreams come true! :kappa: [GUIDE] How to dance like a Teletubbie: [video=youtube] When haters Mass RDM and responded in admin sit (THIS ACTUALLY HAPPEN TO ME, AS A TELETUBBIE): [video=youtube]
  12. We need to bring back the checkers and chess script :) I need to rekt people in chess Of course, when we get the new sever host
  13. He had like 3 weapons … pssshhhhh
  14. I am up to $270 dollar (Real money) towards donations to the server......... ... And btw, I plan on buying couple more player models soon. Yet sugar still picks on me, even though I never interrupt role playing and says I am a abusive moderator. :( So, my question is: Am I close to Neko Sam in Donations?
  15. I actually really like the staff members.... I think I need to chill as a staff member.
  16. So, recently I've really big argument over activities that I have done with all the head admin and Sugar. To summarize this, I have apperently abused No clipped and only taken 5 sits in a week. So, after getting yelled at, I told Erston to demote me to VIP and with NO QUESTIONS ASKED. I thought this was the best course of action and I'm not going to quit the server over this stupid little incident, but I am going to start to play less. I've recently gotten a good paying job and going to another job interview tomorrow. Soooooooooooooooooooo............. I'm not going to play as much as I used to, but because off all these things I've done. I've decided to demote myself. I will see by the end of this month, how things are going between myself and the server. Then I will make another application, but until then treat me like a normal person (VIP). [EDIT]: Gazook's pointed this post out to me and this was a month old, but I think this was the biggest trigger: https://gyazo.com/d500a3c5d08575de19bf888081900c30 And...... I still stand by that statement
  17. I guess I am not understanding the first question, but ........ Are you removing a lot of weapons and tools from custom classes? I'm trying to understand this : Sugar Tit's Quotes: The most you can have is like a pistol or two with a medkit and maybe a guy that acts like an AK-47. Can you help the more autistic kids like myself, and please explain this more.
  18. Im looking at this, and this can add a few jobs as well, like undercover cop, with skins like, Drug Dealer, or Bloods/Crips or other things. and it should be a VIP job only for the reason people will abuse it and arrest everyone not knowing how to RP. I totally agree with the undercover cop. I think the biggest problem with PD "Raiding" people is that they don't really get a chance to have proof of what's inside the base. Undercover cops are an actual thing, and they would make friends with illegal/Naughty people and then PD would storm inside. Think about Fast and Furious, with Brian (Paul walker) as an Undercover cop trying to get evidence of Dom (Vin deasel) as a illegal street racing and heists. Even though this is a movie, this actually happen in IRL. I think this can bring some interesting Role playing, but I can see there are going to need to have a lot of rules placed around it.
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