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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Cullen

  1. This is how trading works: You can give out permission towards people to use your sweps/player models OR get sweps/player models. <-- Usually you would charge in game or trade permission like the old days The new thing (Kinda) is that you need to either give Sugar $5/5m/Swap a swep or player model.
  2. Cullen

    Mod applies

    i think he's saying that, since he became mod, it should be removed as people can just copy or reword his answers You know we can move the applications too, as moderators. You don't have to rely on higher ups to do everything.
  3. I support this. 100% Always wanted M9K weapons more than a Yacht in evocity. _______________________________________________ [suggestion towards the rules]: I believe that see through prop material should NOT be allowed on the server. I've seen this in plenty of bases and honesty, what is the difference between this and walls. This has been on the server for a long time and honestly it makes raiding a base 20x harder. I know that most of your guys base dupes involve this type of defense, but honestly when you attempt to raid everyone and everyone has the same setup, where is the fun in raiding. I was attempting to set a small area in admin zone to test, if smoke grenades block off the ability to see, but I wasn't able to see if this theory worked. What happened was I ended up removing part of event (Sorry). I still think it's exploiting even with the smoke grenade. Might as well have walls during a raid, right? P.S Trying to move the topic away from new map change.
  4. You need to worship gaben 10x a day and then message sugar
  5. Honestly, the server population would split between the 2 servers.... I would definitely supply the money to open another server, but it's not worth it.
  6. "It's not downtown" I love downtown and I don't want it to change. It's my favorite map and when server owners switch the map, I go towards another server. If you want to do more research on why a map change is not a great idea, look up New Map on the search bar and scroll through all those threads.
  7. Bug Description: The CW weapons turn invisible How to reproduce: Take out a CW weapon and sprint then it turns invisible, you also can't see the menu for all the attachments. Priority: Medium
  8. In My Opinion A Map Change Is Much Needed, All Reasons are very valid and true Here we go.... Another group of people want a map change.... Every time we switch the map, it destroys our player base. Sugar has said multiple times that he is not going to switch the map based on previous experiences. It's good to see recent players suggesting a map change again. <- This happens once or twice a month
  9. [suggestion]: *DISCLAIMER*: THESE ARE ALL SUGGESTIONS TOWARDS the PD Side of the GANG SYSTEM I really Love the gang system, but I think it should be improved. Here are some of my thoughts: Gang Wars: Using the War NPC, an option to start a war between 2 gangs would be really cool AND the winner gets a prize of either a gang level up or A LOT of Gang experience - If this idea is introduce, make each participant a Mafia Member and the owner of the Gang an Mafia Leader -War ends when the each of the gang members on a gang are dead. - This is introducing the event of Team death match, which would be cool. Showing the type of gang your in the UI or in chat tag (like the past) - This will show people what type of gang they are in or if they are in a gang. -This can go towards all gang (CP/Thief) Change the perk on the PD Perks about Drug dealer... -This is a really bad perk because no-one is a drug dealer on the server. -I think a cool perk that could replace this one is reduce the cool down for CALL BACKUP Arresting Pedophiles grants Experience (Maybe a perk that Increase the amount, just like the printer perk) -Most people don't know about this rule, but my favorite part about being CP is tracking down Pedophile *****This will increase amount of sit coming through***** A Perk that allows when one person becomes wanted, If you are CP then it shows on the map until they get arrested - This should have a timer and if the man is not arrested in a certain amount of time then it goes away on the map _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ There are a lot of servers that use the fire system and Honestly they destroy server performance... I love the idea of this, but I know the cons of having this type of system. Most servers are now trying to step away because of they legitly destroy there server performance. Unless Sugar could Optimize the shit out of the system, this is most likely not going to happen.
  10. No. I had to cut myself in order for sugar to fix the swep. But... I know the feeling. Maybe another solution because people actually keep kissing people for no reason and it's kinda like mingeing.
  11. Are you saying my man kaboing is lying?!??!?!? Yes
  12. If you have a problem with staff, please make a staff report about it. Juan Ogre Fist = Great Gazooks Head admin are doing better things with there life rather than baby sit us. I am not an admin -> I am a moderator. I do agree that we should organize the staff team, but Sugar is one person and he is in college. Also, this happens a lot on the server, kinda like a circle? This is all I am going to say about this topic.
  13. Sugar has stated that there will never be a map change,as it would cause a mass loss of players AND player intrest. Although i am working on a plan for a suggestion that is going to take some time. y He just said why, read his response I think coltz meant for why harley is working on a plan for a suggestion that is taking time
  14. All those drug suggestions were mentioned in the past and honestly not needed. The meth add on is perfect the way it is and it's a great script. There is no reason to have 2 meth addons because the server population will fall under one addon and the other addon will be just taking up space. Also, the meth addon on the server is one of the best meth addons compared to a lot of servers because it's original and it actually makes you think. We have a system to make cocaine… There already is a drug dealer class... I honestly have no thoughts about the knight class other than no one is going to use it. I barely see kings on the server. First off: you don't need to advert warn. It clearly states in the rules that you DON'T need to advert warn. Second off, I believe that should come back because it would help some sits.
  15. Greetings, [Problem]: I really didn't want to make this thread about my swep, but it has came to my attention that there are certain individuals that are taking my swep to the next level. This next level is causing people to get upset and really annoyed. [solution]: Sugar already gave my swep a damage value, so there is no need for any changes in the swep; however, people that abuse the swep.... which includes Owner of a Custom Class Friends on the Custom Class will result in the removal of the slapper off the custom class. Also, no refunds will be distributed because this is a serious matter and honestly I don't like when most of the server is unhappy just because of a swep. [How to Prevent]: Trust the people that you have access towards a custom class Don't use in RP situations Don't walk up to a group that is having a conversation Don't use on new players I never wanted this to happen, but it has came to my attention recently... If anyone does see a person abusing the swep, make sure to send me a message of the person and possibly some evidence. Even if you just send a message, I will end up talking to him/her.
  16. [suggestion]: I made this suggestion in another post, so I am going to say it again in this thread: I believe that the Kill the VIP event should be tweak and here is what I believe this event should be like: The person who pays for the event, should become the VIP <- This will allow people that DEFINITELY don't want to participate in the event have no chance of getting sucked into the event. If the VIP survives, I think he should get a better reward ( I actually don't know if this is implemented) <- This could be abused, so make it inorder to start the event needs +30 people currently on the server. Also, give the VIP a brief moment of Immunity and no vision on the map, because some people kill him sooooooo easily I believe the VIP should have more weapons in his arsenal: Grenades/Mines/Barracades Speed Swep of some kind or Just increase the speed and jump height of the VIP A LOT more ammo towards the gun Maybe a chance of getting the cannon/Rocket Launcher as the VIP? For the Boss Battle event, I also believe there should be some things added to the event: A bar indicating how many mobs/NPCs are left during the round Lower the population requirement towards this event (10+ people on the server) I don't know if this is possible to code, but... When you enter the event, it automatically puts you in a party with the people in the event.
  17. Agreed I think Idea 1 deserves a +1.........................
  18. TBH, I feel that small player models should be added to the rule list under No-RP. <- I know there isn't a section for no-RP in the rules, but anything that allows to have an advantage in the RP, shouldn't Be allowed. I know the feeling because I have 2 small player models, but I only use them to talk to people. When I am raising, I am going to be a huge player model (Sugar still hasn't fixed my diablo and Kerrigan player model:( ) But, still stuff like speed sweps, one shot custom sweps, and small player models shouldn't be in the purpose in role playing. I try to strictly enforce the speed swep rule because of Erston enforcing the rule. My point is that objects that give you an advantage in role play, too me is failrp.
  19. So you're not lazy enough to type 7 words yet you are lazy enough to not press 2 buttons and type 1 character. Listen, I don't want to hear you... I sometimes have to smoke 5 blunts and take 7 rips from the bong in order to play on the server... When you do that, then you can talk to me. :D
  20. I am too lazy to fix it.
  21. Honestly, How I think it Should work is (Suggestion): Whoever buys the event becomes the VIP. This would make people that don't want to participate a lot easier + Out of 10m I spend on that event, I HAVE NEVER BECAME THE VIP!
  22. Wait, Why are you selling rocks when you have over 100m?
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