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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Cullen

  1. (Suggeston): Can the PD have this swep. (I know it sounds ridiculous, but it can help determine some of the CC PDs) <--- Pretty much me/Osp and ghostly Also I almost 99% sure it will not affect the server anyway other than a little bit of memory: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=313279727&searchtext=
  2. I think these new rules are dumb......... Why do I say that.... Well..... The old system worked perfectly and What the actual fuck is the point of the Silient, if Advert Kidnap isn't a thing? Also... Getting rid of donald trumps great wall as a hobo.... ----->and btw this isn't in the rules These are my opinions and I don't expect the server to change
  3. Wow, not this guy.......................................................
  4. I honestly thought cars were pointless.... That is because of the size of the map.… Then when sugar added damage with the vehicle and 5 year olds would mass vehicle deatmatch I hate vehicles 10x more than everyone using explosives on the server 10 times…
  5. Cullen

    Erston exposed?

    See if Erston never posted this, everyone would believe that he is a teletubbie... But now, everyone is going to question: Is Erston a real teletubbie? Is Erston a Raccoon? What is Erston?
  6. Cullen

    The Wabbajack

    I want to bump this thread up because I've recently encountered people using the Wabbajack and it's too strong
  7. Cullen

    The Wabbajack

    No it doesn't. He's denied VIP+ many many times on suggestions. :P Someone already made a suggestion about VIP+ and Sugar denied it... Just like Draygon said. But, I want to stick on topic about the Wabbajack.
  8. I'm pretty sure that sugar added a rule that the same people can't raid the same building/house/base. I think everyone in the raid needs to wait the 15 minutes, but don't take my word for that.
  9. Cullen

    The Wabbajack

    Going to Tyrant saying of needing more "Fun" weapons to the server. I feel that should be more towards Custom weapons rather then actual server weapons. That is just my opinion though...
  10. Cullen

    The Wabbajack

    I only know a couple of people that actually enjoy this weapon and there not even regulars for the server... But, some people have it on there CC, so I really don't want to start the whole Custom weapon drama again. <- This isn't a custom weapon
  11. WTF, is this a suggest thread? Go to the suggest thread, if you are going to make suggestions to the server
  12. Wow, I spelled Metagaming wrong.... Time for bed :kappa:
  13. The Wabbajack I want to hear everyone's opinion on this weapon because it causes a lot of problems and creating NPCs are really annoying. I am not going to lie here, I honestly think sugar should replace this stupid weapon with something cooler. This weapon causes many problems towards interaction with other players and creates NPC that do nothing except annoy the living shit out of you. Also, the fact that it could turn players into a NPC is really annoying. Those are my points about this weapon and I want to hear other opinions.
  14. If you look at chat and see people adverting raid, it's kind of metagaming. Think of it... If someone was going to rob your house (IRL)... Do you think they're going to scream, so the whole world can hear them. No! I also agree with Draygon on the cameras and Blacnova's idea on the wait 10 minutes. NLR Bubbles are annoying... Mass RDMers lead to everyone writing in admin chat, "Can an admin remove my NLR Bubble." Also, they also require a lot of something with the server <- I want to say memory.
  15. I low keyed posted this video because of the red haired girl.
  16. [video=youtube] It was a prank :RackAttack:
  17. Fountain (Downtown Fountain) Detective Cullen *me* Jerking off into the Fountain
  18. Basically, what I got from this video was 2 things: We need more staff or staff is just being stupid and not taking sits Kaboing needs a new pc.... I also Edit the post, so the video is now on the thread.
  19. Cullen


    Why do you put your text in black?
  20. I saw this on another server and I thought it was a great idea, Suggestion: PD gets a radio... A radio will allow all the PD officers/Government Officials communicate with voice chat...
  21. Everyone is misinterpreting the video neko sam is in: [video=youtube]
  22. -SNIP- -SNIP- -SNIP- Ik I was thinking that sugar wanted to keep it without location so people could send messages like I'm going to blow up the pd without giving away their locations. Why would someone say that in a 911 message... In real life, you would go to jail -> if you send that message (In real life) All I am saying is soo far, I've seen no point of the 911 calls and tbh I wish there was a way to disable it because some people send stupid messages
  23. It has no impact on server performance since it's all clientside. I purposely did not make it show the location of the caller for a reason but I can if you really want me to. I think I know what your reason is, and if it's what I think it is, people can just use /anon instead. I just find that people are writing comments to the PD and as a PD officer (Ingame). what am I going to do? Lets put it like this: If you called 911 right now (Real life scenario), What is going to happen? If you call 911 in a back ally way to your mother's house, what is going to happen? No one prank calls the police because if you do, they show up at your door step. ---> Now lets bring this to the Roleplaying server. Someone writes Kidnap in the 911 phone, what do the police do? Unless they see the person kidnapping them, they are going to do nothing. I thought this was a great idea, but I just find it useless... And for this is different from the /anon ...
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