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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Cullen

  1. Until someone explains this, my answer to Vinny's moderator application is Neutral. I don't like racists staff, even though half the staff is already racists.
  2. If admins go to sleep Do what I did when I was VIP for a short period of time Become a Police officer and keep arresting them
  3. I know I make a million suggestions, but I will try to keep this my last suggestion to the server: When we were talking about changing the map, we also were talking about increasing the population cap to 70. Now you could probably guess, what my suggestion is going to be about, but ... Could we increase the server population to 70?
  4. This is more of a suggestion for staff, and Frisk pointed it out in my video thread. When a player says in chat, "@ I need an admin for " We should have when an staff member clicks Claim, it should Tell the player, which staff member is coming to you. Tell the player, that the staff member will be with you shortly.
  5. Detectives should be allowed to open/lock the pd doors
  6. Honestly, I am expecting no one to watch the whole video because it's almost a half an hour of video. So, Here is a summary of the video ... The things that surprised me was that: They have 100+ people on that server and that server for some reason isn't toxic The server runs really smooth Some of the average commands like dropmoney, place a hit on someone, ects are all in the F4 menu The camera runs with the TV People actually sell property for a lot of money The staff are fucking gods compared to us, except Neko. I am talking about speed The Radios work in small areas, however they are crystal clear when it comes to sound There is a Hunger system, which makes the cook job really useful A Mortal Combat event, Which is an area that is secluded to the map and it's basically a free-for-all and whoever is the last one standing win. I believe the last one standing wins money. That is most of what I've experience throughout the video, and yes I don't think most of these things are going to happen because you are one man. However, I believe some of these things you could do, like the radio (was on previously, but was removed) and maybe the hunger system. I also think, you should add this Mortal combat event because it's really fun. Like I said in the subject of this thread they are just suggestions.
  7. [video=youtube]https://http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z5uMtx5w9xI Some of the stuff in this video might be Suggestion to the current server. Some of the stuff in this video might be funny to some viewers. [EDIT]: If video doesn't show the link is:
  8. Sooo the only people you do like are: Whites from the north that are christen All I want to say is that winter is coming, and most of the people from the north are going to die because of the white walkers
  9. Can we please bring back the NLR bubbles ... Too many people have been breaking NLR and soo many people complain to admin that player x is breaking NLR ... and also allow trial-moderators and up to see other players NLR bubbles. Lastly, bring back the capability of moderators and up of removing NLR bubbles ... For RDM reasons ... Thank you for reading my suggestion :D
  10. I beat all of you!! I had a psychology test and a 600 word essay due in one day, and I somehow am able to pull off at least a couple of sits. Also, I am in college!
  11. I want to make a request: Can you get rid of seeing what others have unboxed in chat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I AM GETTING AIDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. Yea, those are scriptfodder addons. I once helped another server out with optimization and this was one of the addons that was bogging their server down. I would give it a shot but I don't have any money to buy those lmao. https://scriptfodder.com/scripts/view/2048/casino-kit-hold-em I love this idea. I love gambling and when gambling is introduced in a game. When the new update hit I was one of those people standing next to the rock, paper, scissors npc and I lost 500k. :D
  13. It's called "school" and a good amount of our player base goes to one. Even the owner goes to college. More than 90% of our player base goes to some school; however you need to put in the factor that people live all around the world, so some people aren't in school when some people are. I go to college and I can tell you guys that college makes high school look like a joke, so for those who do go to college, I would expect less time on the server right now because it's mid semester and there are a lot of test coming up.
  14. For my suggestion on bringing back the rule "/advert Carjack" I believe that this should come back because of experiences of myself and other people. Whenever I spawn a car at spawn, somehow someone takes the car and runs away with it. When this happens I can either A log out (Which is FailRP) or B go look for that asshole and shove my gun up his ass for stealing my car. Before the update finding my car was fun; however on this map. Since the map is sooo big, I disagree with you sugar about how it's "fun" looking for my car. Since we cannot get another car to go look for the original car, most people result to option A. Now, because this rule has been taken out, I've been going to people's car and stealing people's car. If you've seen me on the server, you would know that I still do the advert even though we don't have to say it in chat. Something I didn't mention is that there is more Role playing when I advert carjack rather than me just randomly stealing a car. In conclusion, I disagree with you on your statement on not putting back this rule. Just because players have been abusing carjack and it's really pissing me off. P.S. There was one situation that I had a sit and I brought the player x that was responsible for RDM on player y and when I brought player x to the sit, someone stole player x's car. So, when the sit was done player x kept bothering me about getting his car back. What I did in response was I gave him my car to use.
  15. Some of my suggestions to the server: Map and/or Compass Bring back the rule /advert Carjack *Just because it's getting really annoying with people just stealing cars* Bring back Perks (Maybe) REMOVE PRINTERS/BIT MINERS (I know you are not going to remove this because of population demands)
  16. Honestly, Before the update I thought the money system was broken. What most people did in downtown was make a base that cannot be raided, put money printers/bit coin miners, and maybe make some meth. The only thing that made any of that fun was actually making the meth. In my eyes, the server before was kinda boring. Money was inflated and it was a big death match. Most of the jobs weren't being used, for example: There was never a PD. Now the server is amazing!!!!!!!! The server expands on the crafting, the server expands all the jobs, and in my opinion making money takes a lot more work. Now I'm going to state facts of what I've been reading and hearing people say on the server/forums. "I've been farming money for sooo long to get this new custom weapon and this new update fucked me in the ass!" - Like I stated, I believed that the money was inflated and was way to easy to make. Also, When you first started the server in downtown, you had 0$. Just make the money back and stop crying!"The new weapon swap is garbage!" -Honestly, I actually love the new weapon swap; however, if I had to say one thing is that it takes forever to switch from one weapon to another. If sugar is reading this, I know you love the weapon swap; however, I believe that maybe you should lower the timer on the weapon swap In conclusion, I believe that this new update is a huge upgrade from downtown!
  17. Cullen


    That will never happen. He does not want kiddies to mess with the Dev server. :) Wait a second, you are a kiddy :D
  18. Cullen


    Nooooooo, I am not 1920x1080
  19. Is there going to be any new staff tools in this new update?
  20. Dam that is sexy, keep up the good work! :D
  21. y not Interesting :-/ SMG are going to be free :D
  22. Why do the SMGs say, "I love to poop" ?
  23. 90m, can you share some of that wealth :D .
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