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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Cullen

  1. I think the biggest question is when are we going to transit over to this new map? Never mind, I am stupid.?
  2. We can harvest weed on this server, best server NA. What job do you have to be in order to grow weed?
  3. Are any jobs changing? For example, are we still able to make meth and grow weed?
  4. When i was in high school, Me and my friends would go to library and bypass the schools security system to play mine craft. Then I would put on porn at the end of class, so if you want to know how to bypass the school's security system talk to me
  5. Let me introduce myself for all you noobs to the server: My name is Matthew Cullen and my rp name is Cullen. I am one of the older children among the server. Sometimes I am on the server hammered or fucking baked, but I am a really serious Role player. My dedication to this server is huge. I've spend half of my weed fund/alcohol fund towards player models for the server. I am writing this thread in my World civilization class, so I am always looking at the forums. When I play on the server, my roommates chant ban him when I am in a sit. The point is that my dedication for this server is huge and I want to demolish anyone who takes that away from me.
  6. Will helicopters be introduced in this map? All I am saying is another way of making money is custom aircrafts, custom boats, ect ....
  7. Honestly, this map looks awesome and making cars useful will make this server not only cooler, but a way of making more money. Any map that will make cars more useful is a thumbs up for me; however I think there are more cons then what you just listed. For example, the map that you are showing us is a lot bigger than then original one, so there is going to be a lot more fps issues on both ends of the computer. (Sugar and the average player) In conclusion, the small map allows players and Sugar to play on the server with smooth fps. Another con would be player engagement. We all know the bigger the map, the less likely you are to engage with another person. Now if Sugar, increase the amount of people on the server, I still feel that it would affect player engagement. Now bringing that subject up, if sugar ups the amount of players on the current map or even the map with the sewers, I feel like its going to affect others fps. In conclusion to my paragraph, I think we should give it a shot, if sugar increases the amount of player on the server; however I still feel that we should be looking at the he average players fps.
  8. Can you please change the playermodel for staff on duty. The model reminds me of Neko sam's fake mod application and that's how I would look like if that mod application was accepted. It can be anything, but please change that playermodel. :D Another thing is a new map that will make cars usefull. Open the server to 10 more players, because of the increase in staff and the server is getting hard to get into.
  9. I AM APPLYING FOR Interview because I am good with people :)
  10. There names are: Abyss = http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198169913883 Pinhead Larry = http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198046470912 BTW I am on team speak with people, so don't mind some of the background noice [video=youtube] Fuck my life, sorry for posting in the wrong area
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