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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Cullen

  1. For the Chatbox on the forums: Can we have a chat room for mods/admins only, please
  2. I suggested the idea to sugar and i got one response from him, but sugar didn't get the overall picture.
  3. Soooooo.... Basically you are asking for cameras that you can move over people's bases. I feel that drones will take a huge chunk of the server and make people lagg, but sugar knows more than me.
  4. Cullen

    Class Idea

    Btw all that information I wrote was at the top of my head, so hopefully I get an A on my next exam
  5. I AGREE :3 Most of the stuff that you said, was to make money more valuable before the map change. Now he's update it, so there is no need to change how it is... Making a bigger downtown map... Sugar was going to make downtown have a sewer system and a kinda updated pd... Idk whatever happened to that though...
  6. When you sell drugs to the guy (weed,cocaine,Olives,opium) you should get auto wanted. Just like how selling meth is like.
  7. Cullen

    Class Idea

    History lesson by Cullen: After WW1; Germany was fucked by the treaty of Versailles (Don't quote me on the name of this treaty). During this time, America was going through the Great Depression and Germany was 10x worst. Literally the treaty took away Germany's Economy, Military, and land. Germany decides to print money and gives the money to the people. This idea was retarted because the money is now inflated, which means money isn't worth anything. While this is going on a third Reich was growing, which is the Nazi party. The leader of this party was named Adolf Hitler. He promised the people that he would make Germany great again. (Donald Trump) Since Germany was in a terrible Depression, all the people had left was to believe him. When Hitler came to power, he started to blame the Jewish religion for all the stuff that caused the depression, so concentration camps started and basically WW2 started. Soooo.... In conclusion to my history lesson, Hitler having his own custom class is stupid, but the corrupt is basically Hitler. He didn't terrorize the people... He didn't take over Germany...
  8. I hate that minigun more than I hated the Molotovs. The emperor literally did a pd raid and once I enter... Keep in mind that I have 100 health and 100 armor on... He literally one shoted me with a minigun.. When I look at the juggernaut's minigun, that gun does not a lot of damage, sooooo much recoil, and takes a long time to reload. I have no idea about the reload part, but the accuracy is amazing when you shoot that and it's on does do a ton of damage.
  9. They used to have the ability to do that, then it was abused by someone who tried to kick Erston. ?????????????????? That's fucked up... Whatever happened to my suggestion about the dj class. I thought that was an amazing idea. Get rid of the mic spamming hobos!! Down with the hobos.
  10. Let me put it into mass reasonable death match. There was over 40 people on the server. There were atleast 10 people in this one sit. There was about 20 people watching me do this sit from the ledge. That's almost the whole server just watching me do this fucking sit, that was retarded. When I first noticed them up there, they were prop pushing through the wall and into the admin area. I took out my AK and killed half of them for being annoying. I wish I had the cannon... Omg that would been the best mass RDM I've ever done...
  11. When I am the only staff on the server... When Server goes to shit.... When there are 10 people in my sit... When I refunded over 250k worth of shit.... When people call me names... Well... The pictures aren't clear, but a whole bunch of people were watching my sit from a distance, so I decide to take a quick action :D I literally killed myself and had to log of because I had a ton of Calculus 2 Homework... Vote for me for admin :D
  12. I need to get my forum gaming going
  13. Yea, those sweps were made in like 3 seconds. I will polish them up tomorrow so it actually pinpoints what you're targeting instead of making you press it 90 times You could always just give all cops the permission to want without mayors concent then have people bind !want @ or what ever the command is, tbh idk if this works 100% tho cause @*^ work with ulx commands so i am asuming they work with darkrp commands but yeah, not 100% sure If there's no mayor/corrupt on, then PD can want people without getting consent. Actually now that I think about it if mayor/corrupt are on, I still think the pd can want people, but they cannot warrent people. Don't quote me on that
  14. Do you mean... Drinks on me? Or Drinks one me, mutherfucker?
  16. WTF.... Why would you close this thread... there is nothing going on.... The reason why I wanted to close your thread is because there was drama stirring in the comments section... If I were to believe that people were not being friendly, I would stop this thread.
  17. :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: You will be missed and when you do apply for moderator in future.... I will make sure that I plus +1 <3
  18. uhmmm, we can just use the force and spawn you back to life! <3
  19. hecko... I am closing this thread because of stupid reasons
  20. Uhm, how is this relevant to my topic:( ... Anyway about this topic... If a player is accused for failrp, then we have the right to bring them to a sit and warn/kick/ban them for failrp period. I will give an example... Neko Sam is a pedophile on the server looking for detective Cullen, so he canslaphim. Neko Sam, adverts kidnap, kidnapps me, goes to hisslaplayer. Detective Cullen wakes up, looks around and sees that he is in a jail cell, so he decides to kill himself in console. Neko gets mad, that he throws his computer out the window, but for some reason he can still type in admin chat. Soooooo He requests for an admins and says that, detective Cullen is an asshole and he failedrp. Detective Cullen and Pedophile Neko Sam go to a sit with a red teletubbie with the name of Erston. Erston explains to this detective that because you killed yourself, you will be demoted of your crime and burn in fire... I mean because you killed yourself in the pedophile's base, you will be warned/kicked/banned/rapped. I hope this story gives a sense of this topic and I did not get permission from either Erston or Neko, but I thought it would be funny.
  21. We wish it was easy as that, but it's a whole lot complicated than that. Change job description and abilities Change rules Tell the plebs that the rules changed Plebs riot and boycott Plebs start a revolution Sugar decides to bring back the original mic spamming idiots Now someone, decides to ask for a change Cycle starts all over If anyone was curious, I was referring to evocity. Never mind.
  22. No, this should never happen as it allows micspammers to be unkillable. Oh yeah this reminds me, from now on if a micspammer doesn't respawn after being killed and continues spamming, warn/kick then for failrp. That is why I suggested the DJ class, so we get rid of those mic spamming idiots.
  23. Once upon a time... When I was in my junior and senior year of high school, I worked at grocery store. Most of my job was customer service, going down the isles and seeing were shit is missed placed, bring all the items to the front, do some maintenance, and of course bring in all the shopping carts. Whenever I gathered all the shopping cart; this black homeless person came up to me in a Wheelchair and begged for money, so I gave him a penny and told him to get a job instead of begging for money. Then the homeless person went to another person with his wheel chair and begged for money. The funniest thing about this homeless person was that he wasn't cripple. He used it as a way to get attention, so people would give money to him. The reason why I am telling you guys this story is because of the whole discussion about hobos and there cars. Yes, we shouldn't allow hobos to luxury cars; however they should have access to the wheel chair
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