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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Cullen

  1. HOLY FUCK... I WOULD KILL MYSELF IF I LOST THAT MUCH WEED... `kill --->DONE Weed is Illegal! Weed is Legal! Bernie Sanders help? _________________________________________________________________________________- Ok, now serious... Even though, the server crashes because of fuckering ddosing 12 year olds! Any staff member cannot refund any of that. Most of the staff member refund because we want people to be happy and enjoy the server; however, people need to realize that the money we are giving you guys are coming from our pockets.
  2. Cullen

    Need staff

    Sooo..... I went into this investigation with my detective custom class... I ended off not warning Emperor and tkmsnake because all of that information was false and according to the rules tkmsnake didn't have to advert (Destroyer of Worlds) I Banned deadalert for 1 week because of "LTAP/FAILRP/DIDN'T Advert kidnapp (He was pedophile)"
  3. Cullen

    Need staff

    I will investigate In a bit, my roommate just came back, so I'm just relaxing with him I will investigate In a bit, my roommate just came back, so I'm just relaxing with him
  4. Cullen

    Need staff

    There's another option... Gather all the VIPs and become swat and arrest the scrubs. And keep arresting them... I will be on in abit though. Why am I not admin?
  5. -SNIP- -SNIP- -SNIP- I LOVE TO -SNIP-.... THANKS SUGAR! Anyway I think this is a great suggestion; however, this post is getting out of hand. PLEASE, IF YOU'RE Quoting something and it gets to this point, please do -snip-
  6. Congrats man, you deserve it! :)
  7. Not to bring this up again but, HEY REMEMBER THAT TIME YOU GOT THE MOLOTOVS NERFED? OKAY COOL. So today I would like to express how much I dislike the slapper. They are very OP and I cannot handle them, especially because they are not shared to my class. See my point? Really... That wasn't point. I was just stating that it should do a little damage to you. DON'T YOU START DRAMA WITH ME
  8. I am the owner of the slapper.... No
  9. Well, I know were Erston got that picture from....
  10. The difference between a Sugar tits and Tits is the nazi hat on the raccon
  11. Radios are not in the game for a reason. Streaming music is pretty heavy in regards to how the addons available do it. So if I add in a DJ, they would have to stream music through their mic or something I mean that was my main point. Instead of hobos being the mic spammers of the server, make DJs the main mic spammers and limit it to 1 person. I just thought the radio would be cool. Radios are not in the game for a reason. Streaming music is pretty heavy in regards to how the addons available do it. So if I add in a DJ, they would have to stream music through their mic or something I mean that was my main point. Instead of hobos being the mic spammers of the server, make DJs the main mic spammers and limit it to 1 person. I just thought the radio would be cool.
  12. LOL Uhm.. This part was interesting... I would probably take my gun and shoot you... But all serious... Hobos literally build a wall around the global harvesting areas That is the point of this post. People are literally making those public global harvest area into a mini base.
  13. Wait, what about my suggestion on the new job?
  14. Ok, so this is how look at it... Global should allow anyone to use the global farming lands; however the rules clearly states that Hobo's can build anywhere, so we really can't do anything else. I think this should be a suggestion and also hobo's should be begging for money rather than growing illegal drugs. Lastly, I think people that mega base and claim the global farming areas should be allow to take over the global farming zones. In conclusion, they are allowed to take control of these global farming zones, but i think the rules should be change in that, the only way to claim a global farming land is with a mega base.
  15. Fuck these lizards Make downtown great again!
  16. Can we have a new job: DJ(Common in DarkRP Servers) Objective: Mic spamming is allowed on the class They get the radio (From the past) *So basically remove that Hobos can mic spam and change it to DJ* Hobos are more of a mic spammer class rather than an actual Hobo. Basically narfs custom class
  17. My name is Matthew Trump and I am here to make downtown great again. When I get elected as the corrupt, my plans are to make this community as safe as possible, which means getting rid of all these lizards. My plans are to trap these lizards at the fountain and make a wall, which the lizard king is going to pay for. Also, any lizard roaming the streets will be either put to death by our proud community or be trapped at the fountain. So... Vote for me to become the corrupt and together we can make downtown safe again. P.S I am talking about any player model that invovles a lizard!
  18. uhm ... ERSTON JAILED ME IN THE CORNER OF THE MAP, HELP!!! How is this relevant to the topic?
  19. Especially, when the server hits 70 slots!
  20. Ok.... My biggest vision of this steam group was to gather all the regulars to one page and make it easier to find there steam Id. I mean yah ... Most of the community group is leading towards the forums; however stuff like admin events will help be more visible to users, even if they aren't on the server. I mean it's optional, you don't have to join, but I wanted to make it also easier for staff to request for help, if there aren't enough staff on the server
  21. You can use it to alert people :P The reason for the steam group: Alert people about admin events To make players/staff find other staff for private messaging I always get the question, "How to make a moderator application." So, I want a place that it makes users easier way to get to places throughout the forums I also think it's worth a try
  22. The reason why I made a new community page is because we don't use it. I made a new community page for current players of the server and, so getting in touch with staff will be easier. This is a WIP, but once we have the group up and running I should be able to assign players to there respectful places. Anyway the link is: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/Tits_RP/
  23. I can't put the 2 together
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