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wDs. KillerBob The Anal Av


wDs. KillerBob The Anal Av last won the day on January 13 2017

wDs. KillerBob The Anal Av had the most liked content!


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  1. Whelp as some of you have noticed I've been missing.. Sorry. I still have been and will remain forum active. But will be either intermittently on the server or not at all for a bit. Sorry but looks like no Anal Avenging for a bit. Any noodles, feel free to pm me here if you need anything. -Anal Avenger
  2. An AFK manager would also be in effect when the server has 3 players on it. Not only when the server is 70/70. Personally I think the AFK manager should auto kick for these reasons: AFK in spawn for 5mins+ Dead for 2mins+ That alone would be enough for what we need.
  3. I think this is a great idea. +1 For AFK Managing System Oh, one more thing. Make sure that it doesn't kick staff. Agreed, we as staff go AFK a lot. For various reasons. Plus last I knew spectating a player causes your character to technically be AFK if you don't use your mouse.
  4. I ran into this aswell player had 3 , 3 prop fading doors on 5 different key pads. We are allowed 3 individual fading doors 1 prop each as far as I've ever been told
  5. Weird, I tried selling the drugs at about 4:30 this morning
  6. BUG Description: No NPC will purchase processed drugs. When you place weed material in pocket, it gets re labeled as "cocaine" material. But when you drop it, it's weed again. When you make a shipment of processed drugs and press "e" on the ship sometimes the product disappears. You also cannot pocket the processed weed. They disappear. How to reproduce: Try sell processed drugs. pocket "weed material" Press E on a processed shipment. 1/10 times seems to dissapear. Try to pocket processed weed. Priority: medium
  7. Thank you, I really appreciate this post since most people on recognize poor/bad interactions. But you took time out of your day to show that there are some people who still recognize when someone is trying hard as a staff member. This doesn't happen often, so it makes it that much better when we do get a nice post about ourselves. You are a good dude, thanks again! - The Anal Avenger
  8. The only reason I didn't close it was because I wanted to let waffles dig his hole even deeper
  9. He also lied about his play time. Look at my reply to his app. The only Alias that popped from his list was "sparky" which was last seen on Christmas. I was trying to have him explain his alias then call him out for the app I found no proof that a player named "Johnny the kid" has ever been on the server according to game tracker. Psst.. Thatoneguy72 - 1-07-17 FrozenWaffles - 1-08-17 I'm also the only reply on his app.
  10. The point is that there was a live stream, and now a video of how amazing our staff is. Sarcasm aside, it's the fact that players who watched the stream/video see how our staff functions. Penguins fail-modding shows that it's ok to RDM staff as well as RDM the staff in a sit. Then it's ok to leave and re-join with no punishment. Get ready for more dumbasses to try this crap on the server.
  11. Penguin watched it happen! This kid LTAP'ped from the sit. That's where it should of ended, penguin should of banned for: Mass RDM | NITRP | RDM in SIT | FAILRP | please extend This would have been over much sooner if he did his job as T-Mod.
  12. Why would there be drama? Seriously? This happened with staff on, better yet more than one staff member on. You don't Think there will be repercussions? People who watche his stream clearly saw a server that was an easy target. So get your ban hammers ready. this is honestly disgusting, and highly embarrassing to Sugar as well as all current staff. Graveyard staff get ready to deal with an influx of stupidity.
  13. Your staff response was fine. But Penguin witnessed a good portion and watched him LTAP
  14. WHAT THE FUCK PENGUIN Him killing the hobo 3+ times = mass RDM He RDM'd you Killing staff in sit NITRP The fail-jails LTAP More MASS RDM What the heck happened here? The staff action was cringe worthy at best why did it take so long... And the holy grail of that whole vid? He was in the server for 45 mins pulling this crap, and at 1:09:54 he says " I like how the admins have not done a single thing about this."
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