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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Akumi

  1. I can confirm that this does happen to me as well lol. Annoying as fuckw hen youre trying to sync it up
  2. https://www.titsrp.com/showthread.php?tid=12739
  3. Bug Description: When you're a bounty hunter, when you kill your target the bounty doesnt reset and pick a new one. How to reproduce: Just fucking play bounty hunter for a bit, and when you kill your target it sometimes wont say you completed the bounty and keeps the red dot on them. You dont even get the XP for it either Priority: Medium
  4. [align=center]Do you fucking hate dons with a burning passion? Do you express a desire to take control over the server and reign supreme Do you love your glorious leader, Doc McStubbins? Well, Maybe you should join the McStubbins for fucks sake. We have: A Private VC and Text chat! Loving family members! And lots of other benefits! We Do: Raids together Terror Attacks Base together and so many other things I cant even mention! So hurry your sorry ass up and join the family! Qualifications: A 200 Word essay on why you want to become apart of the Family. 2 Letters of recommendation from current McStubbins members Contact Information: Yours Truly: Akumi McStubbins#1620 Our Glorious Leader: Doc McStubbins#0928[/align]
  5. /me hacks into the database and demotes herbalist and renames him to "daddys fuck toy"
  6. "Fuck you slick you stole my drilldo shipment"
  7. im gonna go meet with my totally real and legit e ""girl"". shes from Zimbabwe and shes hot :D
  8. Akumi

    Ways of banning

    I'm +1 for the public hanging
  9. Akumi

    PD Menu Bug

    Description: When you log into the game and try to use the pd screen at all. It wont let you use it, even when its open and not locked. In order to actually use it you have to Relog How to reproduce: Try interacting with the PD Menu. Like getting full health or armor. Priority: Medium/High I'm guessing it may have something to do with the gang perk that lets you get pd menu shit for free but hey it may be something else
  10. Im okay with either option
  11. hey uhm im akumi and doc mcstubbins is my dad and succ is my e slave
  12. stupid cunt and I hate him can we please remove him from the community
  13. +1 For ban. Called me gay and I cried
  14. Just get good at not being kidnapped lol -1
  15. This is happening to me as well with dupes that used to paste fully.
  16. The fate from CODOL. Its a sick as fuck gun and i love it. The one below is a reskin from CSS
  17. Akumi

    Cinema Owner Job

    Yeah this is 100% needed on the server since we just added cinema. But will people still be able to base in the cinema area? Besides that +1
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