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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Akumi

  1. If we cant spawn water since its handled by hammer. Then if a fishing token does actually get approved, why not spawn a sort of bucket with a blue plate in it that the server treats like water when it comes to fishing? Just a thought I had.
  2. the scaling system is fine as it is. Spamming this all over discord wont fucking help lmao
  3. Mine was a master sword. Then after that I cant remember if i decided on a lockpick or an AS Val
  4. Akumi

    Res Bug

    Bug/Quality Of Life Description: When playing on 4:3 stretched, the heath/armor hud goes to the bottom of the screen and is unable to be seen. A easy fix to this is to be able to move the hud to wherever you want. How to reproduce: Set your graphics settings in your GPU to stretch to fit in the monitor part ig. And switch to any 4:3 res. Though the one in the screenshot is 1024x768 Priority: Medium, Could affect those who regularly play on a low res
  5. Fat fucking -1 from me chief. If the server had a economic reset, do you know how many people are going to stop fuckin playing on the server after they spent irl money on cash? I couldnt imagine the ammount of backlash the owners would get because of this An accessories shop already exists at fountain where most of the items are over 1 mil so
  6. akumi#1620 gimme shit
  7. Im the best admin hands down
  8. hi my name is acumi im 11 years old and i want staff i will mass rdm people if their model is black im biased give me access to all staff chat on discord free palesti e - lil akumi on the beat
  9. Yeah that roblox model has like no fucking hitbox its ridiculous. +1 For fix/removal
  10. Weird, I made a bug report on this a few days ago and its still happening. Oh well.
  11. Akumi

    Dumpster Bug

    Description: Whenever you use the Dumpster as a hobo. You get stuck, cant move and your cursor stays on your screen. The only thing you can do to get rid of the bug is to rejoin. Kill and Forcerespawn dont work. How to reproduce: Go to a dumpster, Collect the trash as usual, and the bug should occur https://youtu.be/KE4VVm0E61U Priority: Medium
  12. Wow. Just, Wow. I cant believe sugar would do something like this to his playerbase. Sadly, I am +1 for any punishment he faces. I am disgusted.
  13. who cares to be honest. the swastika is, or WAS the flag of a political party. Plus if you dont like it you can have one of the staff members have them take it down lol. As much of a sensitive bitch it makes you look like lmao. are we going around murdering innocent human beings? no. are we going around oppressing minorities? no. So whats the issue here? Its annoying? If so dont RP around that area then.
  14. Add a thing in the F4 menu to where we can select what class we want to join the server as. So that every time I join the server I can spawn as a bounty hunter or something like that. If the class is full, switch them to Civ. Also support for CC's could be nice as well.
  15. Its easy as fuck to avoid getting force taken. Have a friend force take you and you're good for like 30 minutes. Or you can just not stand still.
  16. Applying for T-MOD is Basically just signing a contract giving away your human rights. Now get back to watching sissy hypno scum.
  17. fuck you im not a queer
  18. Akumi

    Mute the pianist

    +1 For muting the piano. Its getting real fucken annoying having to listen to those loud ass notes. Also hi sugar I see you :eyes:
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