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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Panduh

  1. Honestly, in my opinion. I start to hate and I see others hating on people if they tend to try too hard. For example, you. In my opinion I see you trying wayyy to hard and it's literally making me cringe and dislike you. Maybe add that as a tip? You can add it as "Don't try too hard to be liked and to be noticed"
  2. I will update it rn. I already had a list of names but thanks anyways! Its updated with promotions/demotions/new t-mods Would anyone want it to be listed from Active to Kinda Active to Inactive? It would be listed like that without going through the Admin/Mod/T-Mod boundaries.
  3. Can confirm. Was fishing a while ago and NEEDS to be fixed. I need those 20k fish
  4. Basically what Kryptonite said. Usually no one has the guts to man up and admit they did something wrong. Usually people continue to complain and then just "hate" the server but keep playing on it everyday.
  5. if u give me perm slot on ur cc I will give u a good night kiss
  6. apparently my tip is not useful even tho its literally a rule and one of the biggest reasons people complain because they are ignorant of that Sadly, I think we know that this rule will never be followed. Unless we ignore every singe RDM case.
  7. Panduh

    Please read

  8. Panduh


    Awhh, thanks for putting me on the list!! Booper stinks btw
  9. Most likely having "good" sits is never gonna happen. But if you atleast say a reason why u made a sit and say a name I will accept it.
  10. Panduh

    hey guys

    Bye guys bye guys
  11. I'll do it if you need me to. Nah, I got it. If anything you can give me some names of t-mods since I kinda forgot some.
  12. Ehh, I will update this completle somtime tomorrow. I guess I got a bit lazy cuz of the new staff list came out
  13. Panduh

    Unbox glitch

    Can confirm as well.
  14. Wait, what if he is raping the person raping him because that's is the only way of fighting back and only is meant for anger of getting raped. Is it still considered rape?
  15. Yea, it use to be wayyy worse when I first applied. NO STAFF taking sits at all, even when it was actually important like MASS RDMers or propblocking spawn. Staff just used their title to handle situations that THEY were involved them. That's what I saw when I applied. Things has been changing though. Not perfect but its good. Anyways have fun!
  16. Hey! (lets be friends. Panduh#3372)
  17. If you come back ima ban u for rogue staff again
  18. Contact Sugar on discord. We can't do anything about it.
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