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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Panduh

  1. I've never resigned, what? https://titsrp.com/showthread.php?tid=6830 "DISCLAIMER : I have been staff many times before. Just read further to know why I resigned many times. " :monkaS: n1 on deleting your goodbye threads
  2. You promoted be to T-Mod so you cool. Come back during the summer or Booper will resign again
  3. Uh, I had a problem like this happen to me. I was running my friends printers and it went to max. I dropped the 40k next to the printer and after a while it was gone. I never picked it up and it was never under the printers or anything.
  4. Maybe a proper apology will do better instead of a "I am back"
  5. Im closing this because Sugar is already working on this.
  6. Use this template and we will take a look at it. Otherwise I will be closing this right now. https://www.titsrp.com/showthread.php?tid=2182
  7. I'm sure that Sugar was already working on the Daily Login menu.
  8. Was just a visual bug and not an actual bug. Closing this.
  9. I’m not a stinky nerd like you. All I know is that’s it’s an ibuypower computer. I have Ibuypower and its really good. Just if u want it to be a beast replace some parts and have dual screen
  10. Its probably because the props that are in the dupe arent allowed on the server or certain types of materials are not on the server so it doesnt spawn the prop
  11. That was your house I went to yesterday? rip Squanch
  12. If only I had this when I was playing on the server when I had a mac.
  13. Panduh

    My Leave

    What about our wedding?
  14. Yea, but if you get shot at a raid and leave then raid over. From what I can see rn, I don't see much possibilities from being used in advantage too much. I havnt tested it out yet but this should def get fixed.
  15. Thank you! It's online. Get use to it m8. I am just simply agreeing with Griffin. If you have a problem with what Griffin said then you shouldn't be targeting me for me agreeing.
  16. Your spot on. Couldn't be done better
  17. It's just that we don't need new admins. We just need slightly more active admins ON FORUMS. We mods and t-mods are the ones helping in-game. But like, as long as Reports and Appeals can get accepted then things will simply be better. Maybe instead of giving effort into making a post like this and accept/deny some appeals, reports, and mod apps?
  18. Literally a lot of people including me said basically what Blacnova said. Just give em time for school. As of currently, Walter is doing fairy well with appeals and reports. Mod apps shouldn't be numba 1 priority. So like chilll when it comes to admins
  19. Everyone breaks the rules at some point. Whether it's on purpose or accident its human nature. It's usually quite easy to root out abusers. Just my thoughts. Yea, there is always pressure put onto you by others causing you to break rules. It's honestly fine depending on how badly the rule was broken.
  20. You guys do realize that we have no idea what these mods actually do? We don't watch them at all and have no idea. They may seem like a good mod by replying to reports and being active. But do we really know if they break rules or abuse? No. So if we see a possible admin. We spectate him/her for a while.
  21. Hours Played : Shows up as 74 hours. Really have like 300 hours and been around the server for more than 5 months. Vote : We don't need new admins. We just need the admins to accept Mod Apps. Walter has been doing a great job BY HIMSELF. Even though it would be nice to have another active admin I just don't think it's necessary. Reasoning: Alright, even though only Walter is like the only admin hes been doing fine with the ban appeals and such. Moderator applications aren't too important since we have plenty of staff for now. Also, for me time here I don't see anybody fit for admin as of currently. I have been here long enough to see how this server works and how basically the forums work as well. As of rn we could just tell the inactive admins to step up or they lose their rank. I know they will start picking up some stuff unless they give a valid excuse. Saying I would be a "good" admin is just stupid. If shugar wants another admin we need to actually see what he does. Spectate him and see what he does. We don't a admin who breaks rules. Not everything should be about votes Neko... We actually need to see what the moderator does! We may see them as a good moderator because he has 0 reports. But ya never know what he/she does. If anything I would be a great admin
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