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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Monoxide

  1. I may be mistaken, but this may have something to do with a talent or perk added in the gang update. It is very possible that something strange happened, because I know there are some perks that affect fining.
  2. See now this I can respect. You've shown you can articulate yourself in a mature and nonabrasive manner whilst still getting your points across. Now as far as the staffing problem, I apologize for the experiences youve had with unanswered sit calls, and I understand where you're coming from. Your best bet as far as getting something done is to document the staff who just simply WON'T do sits and report them. Yes were users, yes we want to play the game too, but complete disregard for the staff work we VOLUNTEERED to do is demotable from what I understand. And id also like to point out That if your sit goes unheard on the server, There is always the option to report that player here on the forums so long as you have evidence to support your claims. All in all yes we have a problem with what I'm going to call "staff laziness" and sadly there's not really a way to remedy that short of hiring an elite task force of sit ninjas to sit all day long and handle user reports (lol) and I fear it will only get worse being that the update is supposed to release today
  3. I kinda like the sit bubble idea. It'd keep outside bullshit to a minimum while doing a sit. I like this +1 for the addition of some sort of sit protection, be it a bubble or otherwise
  4. This isn't a bug. What you're doing is suggesting changes to the mayor's assassin class. There is a thread for that called "suggestions for the server" put this there and something may be done about the two points you've brought up
  5. Sure, I can make a backpack that allows you to store processors, printers and bitminers and then it drops them on death if you happen to get demolished Make it to where it slows you down/lowers your jump when you carry more items in it Make it so you can't master sword, spiderman gun, or speed swep when you carry items in it. Add money pots. Agreed. Please add money pots, theyre minimally invasive as far as resources go, and they'll make running a shop SO much easier.
  6. I don't see why everyone cares about the mastersword being nerfed. It's a two second cooldown, meaning as soon as you touch the ground, you can already jump again. All it affects is minor muscle memory being that you can no longer spam jump anymore.
  7. I like this. Very well thought out, grammatically correct, and highly detailed. I Look forward to reading more of this, and perhaps writing an article or two from time to time.
  8. As per MOTD a bank manager IS allowed to base. Says so under the civilian rule set.
  9. I think that we should make it so the movie theatre can actually be used for youtube videos and such, with a job called the cinema owner that plays stuff for people. I understand that the cinema is a very popular base to have for people. However i think if this was implemented we would have a lot more activity in there. (of course we would need to make it so weapons arnt allowed inside) and you can do that on the server side. like actually take guns away from people temporarily when they walk into the cinema doors. Kind of a random suggestion but i thought it was a good idea. thanks so much for your time, Munkir Sugar has said when the update comes we will have a real theatre. However I would like for said theater to be able to play more than just youtube, best believe given the opportunity id roleplay as theater manager just to play episodes of adult swim shows nonstop
  10. Might I suggest a name change for this gang. Since presidents is quite redundant and has nothing to do with the gang itself, I suggest you change the name to "The hierarchy" Hierarchy: a system or organization in which people or groups are ranked one above the other according to status or authority.
  11. There is a list if basic weapons in general discussion https://titsrp.com/showthread.php?tid=5490&highlight=Weapons
  12. The parkour was made by the person who posted this because he was pissed that we wouldn't remove Blake's which was a straight shot, no climbing or crouching whatsoever. The OP created the parkour to be a minge, yet here he is claiming that someone else did it, and that it was part of Blake's tunnel. Cute
  13. Could do what other servers do and allow printers, processors, and miners to be pocketed in a seperate slot than inventory. If you die while carrying them they drop back into the world, and you can spawn them in your base with very little hassle. I've seen many other servers use this and it seems to work wonderfully, and actually adds incentive to a raid aside from MAYBE getting a printer or two out before getting killed
  14. I'd gladly record myself reading the motd for this cause lmao
  15. Sugar said it won't be added until the map release. So it could be next month, or six months from now. It all depends on how fast gallium makes our map
  16. Actually this is a pretty good idea. Jailing is harshly underused as a punishment. I may actually start doing this to punish rule breakers considering a lot is left to staff discretion. +1 for this to be added to the official punishment guidelines. Its an effective idea
  17. I sent a pm on discord to him aswell, i guess you have connection :/ I just caught him when he was in staff chat on discord
  18. This has been brought up to sugar he's working on it
  19. Monoxide

    Staff Issue

    Half these kids won't listen. All they care about is bloody sit count, even though it doesn't matter much at all. It took me almost 5 months to get around 700 sits, because I did a lot of helping off the record, I still got promoted to mod. It's not about quantity of sits, it's about quality of attitude and willingness to be better. You're not just here to ban rule breakers and unstuck people from walls, you're here as an ambassador for the server. Good staff make players return, sit count does not.
  20. First off the paper when I first started it is about whatever I want it to be, we do try adding some stuff about the server but this is all about having fun writing and letting our creative juices out Second off the interview I will admit is cringy in a bad way like I said I didn't put any thought into that one but in the future they will be handle better Third we still need more ducking people I love the idea, I really do. And I understand that you're a two (maybe one after the drama that transpired earlier) man team. However I believe that shooting straight is important when delivering criticism, which is why I won't sugar coat this; nobody really wants to see things that pertain to out of server events. Not as often and in the quantity you've delivered at least. Now once again I love the idea, and I don't mean to offend in any way with what I'm saying, but unless you want more comments talking about how "cancerous" this is you'll probably want to step it up a bit. Make it more interesting for everyone.
  21. "An interview with all three of monoxides personalities" lmao
  22. Well the interview made me cringe a little. The paper is okay but I feel like it's missing something, this is a newspaper about the server, but there is very little content that actually pertains to titsrp. God knows there's enough to cover on the server with the corrupt cops, minges, shitty mayors, etc.
  23. One issue. The potion of Ebola doesnt GIVE you ebola. It makes you immune for 10 minutes
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