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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Monoxide

  1. It is indeed a bug. My solution? Remove the boom box all together and find/code a better addon. Or give us personal tv's to use instead of boom boxes
  2. Computer tech monoxide is on the case. Okay DO NOT follow other suggestions and put your computer in rice, it WILL fuck the internals hard core. I'm talking the possibility of total meltdown here. What you should do is go to Wal-Mart and get a couple cans of compressed air, do not attempt to turn the computer on, an electrical current will more than likely short your motherboard. Open the bottom of the computer (or side if it's a desktop) and begin to blow the compressed air into the areas that got wet. If that doesn't dry fast enough get a hair dryer that has a COOL setting on it. Do not use heat in any form. Worst case scenario you may have to buy a couple new components for your computer but you can usually get them pretty cheap if you buy wholesale.
  3. I called staff but he said make a report on forums, I'd also like to note a crafting table disappeared so not only farming entities.. I'm about to call an admin to check that though thanks for tip. This has been an issue for a while. It also happens when you play chem engineer, every once in a while something will just phase through the floor and be lost to the void. Definitely an issue with Collison detection on some of the floors
  4. Monoxide


    Pm sugar on discord.
  5. I would appreciate the help. Maybe I won't log every staff in. I believe I would just make it an option for people. If you do want to play, simply PM me on the forums telling me your in-game name and sits. And make sure it'll be called "The Game" or something. Such as: In-game name: Rank of staff: Current amount of sits: I'll code something up to act as a leaderboard so people can track their progress
  6. If you need any help setting this up and keeping track of numbers let me know. I'll develop an application to track sits and percent change throughout the month.
  7. I believe we should allow mods to use ban logs and the ban menu in order to more easily extend bans from tmods
  8. Well the scratch off one is because someone hacked the pd console as hacker job. Idk about your lockpick problem though
  9. Staff disrespect is not a thing. As stated in the rules, staff are no better than normal players, we are just given the power to "police" If you will the rule breakers. "Staff disrespect" is treated the exact same as player disrespect. It doesn't become a big deal until it turns into persistent harassment. Whoever told these staff members that staff disrespect was any different than standard player disrespect was wrong and sadly misguided
  10. Monoxide


    ? This isn't a quality if life bug, it is very much 100% intentional.
  11. The point if this post and poll was to get feedback from the ENTIRE community on whether we need a dynamic change in the staff team, however it appears only staff contributed to this. I'm gonna send the poll results to sugar, where ultimately it will be his decision
  12. We're all just sheep man, even you, and sugar is our shepherd
  13. Like to point out that guest votes won't be counted in the final numbers, as per usual.
  14. See id like to expand upon this. I'd like to have a job where a dj can broadcast to radios on the server. The job has been suggested before but I like the idea
  15. Hmmmm honestly I'm half tempted to reclaim this gang and restore it to its former glory
  16. We’d have better luck suggesting sugar to make his own version of wire mod While wiremod would be awesome to have, it's far too intensive on the servers resources. If we were to have wiremod on here 90% of the tools/programmable aspects would have to be blacklisted, so in the end it really wouldn't be worth it to add it in
  17. Nah not gonna put a big long response on here dindu. Just a short one Yes we need more admins, no I don't care who actually ends up getting the position. My main reason for pushing so hard for admin promotions is to help staff morale. I've noticed staff members doing bare minimum because they think "well I'll never move up the ladder so why bother giving my best" and admin promotions would show that with sufficient work it is possible. That and the stark contrast between mod/tmod numbers and admins
  18. I do think the like a screen for 5 seconds when they die saying don't kill reds would be really good. I mean I feel like that is one of the biggest problems on the server as of right now with cops coming back to kill revolters when they died... Simple solution. If you die in a revolt it acts as if you've kidnapped. You can't do ANYTHING until the revolt is over
  19. Monoxide


    Never actually spoken to you. But you seem cool. Happy early birthday
  20. Monoxide

    Wacky Boombox

    You can do this with the stove as well Can confirm
  21. Can confirm this. Easiest way to prevent this is to remove toolgun access from kidnapped player, and prevent them from being allowed to sit
  22. Um, if the person doesn't own the doors, and no one else does either then the house is vacant, which means it's not raidable. However if someone owns the doors but the person inside isn't the owner the house is still raidable given that the person inside may be a party member, gang member, or a friend to the base owner who is basing there as well. Now as far as your comments toward the staff team; if you see a staff member being deliberately biased you can record the altercation and make a report on the forums. If the team proves your report to be valid the staff member will be demoted.
  23. Well the event system is kinda fucked right now. But sugar forgot to perma set the positions of the hoses and stuff today at reset I believe, so if the server crashed they probably all disappeared. I'm sure it'll be solved by reset though
  24. Monoxide

    Yes we did it

    And just to add the update is out with MINIMAL glitches and bugs. So far this is a very welcome and successful change
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