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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Monoxide

  1. "You can see people in a radius of you" - excerpt from todays changelog I don't think this is a bug. I think sugar did this intentionally
  2. That video looked like NLR to me. You killed him. He came back. He killed you. Unless the video was cut to edit out the time in between death and return
  3. Damn. Now im excited to get on tonight
  4. Shitposting (posting stupid things such as a one word post) - 1 week warning for 30%
  5. I'll buy you one of the new double chalupas from taco bell. They're well worth over 1mil usd [attachment=595]
  6. Any idea what time tomorrows meeting is, or are we winging it until tomorrow?
  7. Sugar have you used/ thought of using serenity servers to host? I used them when I ran my server and they were great. You could run a 120 man server for about $62 and some change a month Here's a link if you haven't www.serenityservers.net/game-servers/garrys-mod-server-hosting
  8. It's not a bad idea. But running a second server we'd have to double or triple our current staff roster
  9. Id change the name of this thread to "people to watch out for" and edit it to include both scams and general dishonest behavior
  10. Welcome back tunnel snake. I've never met you, So hecko for the first time, I am monoxide. If you see me on the server feel free to strike up a conversation.
  11. Where will I find the recording from the last meeting?
  12. Says the dude repping a Finnish metal band. Lol And yes it's no secret the dark carnival is named after psychopathic records
  13. Now ensiferum you can't say all the gangs suck. Mine has barely even gotten off the ground yet
  14. Welcome! Send me a PM if you want to join the dark carnival gang! (Everyone else is repping their gangs. So why not)
  15. Plot twist, the scam list is an intricate scam to divert attention away from the users own dishonest ways. Lol
  16. Here's a suggestion for a log system, if you're not custom making one already https://facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=1498803 This system supports about anything we have on the server, and supports ulx, fadmin, and mysql Plus has a search bar
  17. The other day a user thought it was a good idea to tell me "I don't have to listen to anything you say because you're not on duty" after which he proceeded to continue to break rules directly in front of me. Needless to say the user was punished. But this got me thinking, hence why I'm making this thread. I suppose this is more of a PSA than anything. On titsrp there is no such thing as "on duty staff" yes there's a job for it, but that means nothing. Whether a staff member is on duty, a thief, or the mayor it makes no difference. If a staff member tells you to stop doing something, and there's a valid reason behind it, you stop. You don't ask why, you don't question the authority of that staff member, you stop doing what you're doing. Now obviously what I'm talking about entails a rule being broken, don't get it twisted, I'm not saying if a staff member tells you to jump you ask how high. That's not what I mean. But what I'm saying is, if a member of staff sees you doing something you're not supposed to and tells you to stop, you listen. Were here to help and have fun, but we're also here to be strict and enforce the rules. Were the police force of the server. You wouldn't backtalk a police officer if they were telling you not to do something illegal while off duty, so why would you do it to the servers police officers when you're violating a server rule. Aright I feel as though I've ranted long enough.
  18. I am SO glad you made this thread. Here is my take on LTAP: the term LTAP should be reserved for special cases, I feel it is grossly overused. In order for the term LTAP to be included in a ban report one of two things should have to occur. 1) the user in question clearly and excessively breaks the rules and then disconnects (i.e. mass RDM, mass RDA, Server threats, etc.) 2) the user in question is brought to a sit, upon being teleported the user recognises they have been brought to said sit and disconnects immediately. I feel these are the only two instances in which LTAP should be a viable addition to a ban report, in any other case there is plausible deniability. We as staff can't prove the user left to avoid punishment, and the user can't prove that they didnt. It winds up landing in a "grey area" which makes it difficult and to be honest annoying to reach a clear verdict. This is my own opinion however, someone else may see it differently.
  19. The Dark Carnival would like to extend a hand in alliance to Dark Venom Mr. Harvey. Should you accept this offer of alliance then Dark Venom will become a member of the "family" meaning you will stay off our radar and be offered protection in trying times should you need it. Regards Monoxide, Dark Carnival ringmaster
  20. Please pm sugar about these things. Don't make a public thread. 1 week warning at 50%
  21. Yeah I changed my plus 1 to a denial and closure of the thread
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