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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Monoxide

  1. I only have one suggestion, and it has to do with the legacy job jigsaw. OKay so you know how while playing as jigsaw in order to kill someone you have to do !sleep right Well I was thinking that maybe we change this up a bit and maybe add a new legacy character. Jigsaw at his base is not a serial killer, and therefore maybe he shouldn't be able to tp and kill, but instead maybe he can tp and knock someone out, after which he could place them I'm a "torture chamber" and give them a certain amount of time to escape before he kills them. After rewatching the saw series for the hundredth time I figured this would be a good idea. What becomes of the sleep command though? Simple, Freddy Kreuger. Create a Freddy Krueger legacy job who uses the sleep command, only instead of just tping to kill the victim, this command puts the victim into a temporary state of "sleep paralysis" which could have the same vision effects of one of the drugs on the server without the physical effects while also freezing them in place for say ten seconds after Freddy teleported. I'm interested to see other people's opinions on this idea and what changes they could make to better perfect this idea
  2. And if you watch chat when there are mods on we are constantly teleporting around helping people. It's not that your report doesn't matter, it's that we are so busy handling other things. I'll admit some of the staff don't pull their own weight, and I see where you're coming because last night I was dealing with sits alone for a good two hours because other staff was afk. But life always take priority over gaming. Things happen that we can't help. I apologize if I missed your sits last night but my screen was literally so full with sits that they were disappearing before I could claim them
  3. Okay maybe I can shed a little light here. When you call for a sit, we get a little notification in the top left corner of the screen. Within an hour on a normal day at least twenty of these come up, usually more actually. We read through these reports and organize them based on priority. Unfortunately however these notifications only stay up for a minute and if we're already in a sit it's easy to miss another notification of priority. Not to mention the people who recognize us as staff and pull us over on the street to answer questions or handle issues off the record. I understand the frustration, however please do try to understand that we do the best we can . We can't always get to everyone in a timely fashion, and flying off the cuff by killing a member of staff for no reason does nothing to help your case, in fact it hinders you greatly as you may now know. Just be patient, you may have to call staff four times before it's seen, but eventually it will be seen and handled . We're people just like you, we want to play the game sometimes too, and we may make mistakes, but the staff on the server do the ABSOLUTE best we can. And we need your help in being patient to ensure that we are able to continue to do everything we can to help the users the best way we can.
  4. Gmod scripts generally access about four to five items standard having to do with your basic client information. These things are: Steam profile Both Steam IDs Family sharing accounts And the users IP address. I say again that these things are standard for any game mode in gmod or steam for that matter. When signing up for steam you agree to a EULA or end user license agreement which gives steam permission to obtain these items. As we all know a EULA if a legally binding agreement. Which is why being banned on a family shared account after already getting banned on a main account is, as I've found, pretty standard throughout all of gmod. And any add-on sugar creates to expedite this process is completely legal and does not access anything that is not already well known to steam and any user with a little bit of network knowhow (Excuse the rambling, I'm typing this on my smoke break at work, and I've only had about two hours of sleep. Coherent thoughts are not my strong suits when sleep deprived)
  5. "More ways to reduce sit calls / ideas for automatic systems to help prevent / assist with sits" Implement a system to prevent people from calling a sit for a single rdm
  6. Yeah it's all the crouch boxes that make 1 ways look bad. A good ol killbox is fun for the whole family. Only three total directionss you could be shot from in most cases.
  7. Only suggestion i have for this week is a clarification on what is and is not demotion worthy, so that a dedicated thread or rules post can be made. People don't seem to know how to handle demotion so I feel this needs MAJOR clarification for non staff users
  8. Yeah area copy. That's the term. Brain didn't want to work for a moment
  9. The issue only happens for me when I shift copy the dupe then immediately paste it
  10. I thought I was the only one having this issue. Glad to know it's not just me
  11. What in the unholy heck did I just look at
  12. Yeah I hit to close it. I guess it didn't work
  13. Closing this thread. A staff will unban you when they can. Your ban appeal is open therefore this is unnecessary.
  14. Last I was told sugar knew about this and was working on fixing it. But this is a major problem, how am I supposed to sell my criminally overpriced weapons without a shelf to put them on +1
  15. And where will these meetings be taking place if I want to attend?
  16. I know. I am confirming that this is considered an exploit
  17. This is definitely exploiting, which is bannable
  18. Okay so since I've heard a lot of people talking about client-side crashes I figured I'd put my two cents in on how I got the server running smoothly again on my system. set all of your render settings the lowest possible in gmod. This will not affect the way the game looks as gmod is a very low-res game to begin with. Turn antialiasing to either 2x MSAA or 4x MSAA this will smooth edges and increase the abysmal framerate on the downtown map due to the graphical overloading Disable multicore rendering in the menu, but enable it server-side when the game loads . This seems contradictory I know but trust me it works. Clean your add-on folder of any unnecessary files, these files may be affecting performance for one reason or another If you do all of these things it should stop your game from crashing and create an overall more fluid gameplay experience.
  19. It's especially fun when you're the only staff on for hours and handle all the sits, and then another staff comes on and you finally think you're gonna get a break and then BEEEEEEEEEP BEEEEEEEEEEP at the very least code it so that it deactivates when there are more than say 3 staff on. "If playergroup.staff >= 3 Then timer.adminmodule =off"
  20. I know you just added but PLEASE get rid of the new staff notification module. There are too many staff on during the day, especially with the new tmods that it's not effective. It honestly just serves as an annoyance. I can't even thoroughly get through one sit without it going off and distracting me from the task at hand. In theory and on paper it was a good idea. In practice it's a bit of a nuisance.
  21. Staff giving eachother shit about how they moderate. Whining and boohooing in @ chat. Typical stuff youd expect a four year old to do.
  22. accepting sits that dont follow the "Call for a staff" guidelines. Accepting sits for a single RDM even though stated explicitly in the MOTD that it violates one of the general rules (ties into number 1 but needs to be touched on individually) Staff drama, get everyone on the same page (or at least try to. This has been a huge issue as of late) Possibly create a proper "call for staff" guideline and checklist thread as I can't seem to find one anywhere on the forums.
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