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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Monoxide

  1. Oh hell, that's a name I haven't heard in a bit. Forgot all about the DC gang
  2. That it has herb, that it has. Hope things are going well for ya
  3. What's up everybody? A lot of you may recognize and remember me, and many more of you will be wondering who this loser who just called themselves the chosen one is. I am a long time lurker and sometimes player on the server. I've come and gone multiple times over the last four years. Worked nearly two years as a staff member, and helped keep this server great through arguably one of the greatest times in this servers history. Anyway, I'm rambling. Names monoxide, if you see me wandering around on the server give me a shout, I'll typically be fairly friendly
  4. This happens more often than it should. If an entity or prop is too close to the ground, the server thinks its clipping through the map and deletes it. I have no idea if this can be fixed.
  5. Lol snailfuckers. Im gonna use that one
  6. Pronounced "duv" watch the commercials, they'll learn ya how to pronounce it correctly
  7. Monoxide


    Mostly lurking. Wanted to drop in and say hi though so i dont feel like a complete stalker
  8. Monoxide


    Its been a long time boys and girls. I see some new faces, old friends, and the like. To some I am a legend, a myth, a story told among the staff team. A story of what was and what couldve been To others I am "just a random guy" And to others still I am a complete stranger. However it is good to see this community still thriving. -Monoxide
  9. What do we have here? Seems as though tits is still alive and well, nice to see. Its been a while, just thought id jump on here and say wassup for old times sake.
  10. Cut him some slack guys. Hes taking initiative, thats more than i can say about 99% of the staff team
  11. Being jewish is considered both a race and a religion. The way I see it, if you disallow users to use racial slurs/ideologies against blacks, then slurs/ideologies against all other races should also be disallowed
  12. The vip seller across from the pd gives the option to buy for a friend with sugar dollars, or at least it did yesterday when i was looking at it.
  13. I just want to add a couple things as a "veteran" mod because ive seen this more times than i can count. If you yell at the staff to take your sit, and it looks like dogshit, then threaten to report us if we dont take it you are guaranteeing 100% of the time that your sit wont be taken. And also spamming "ADMIN TAKE MY SIT" will almost guarantee that the sit wont be taken, unless its something super important. We see the sits, we read the sits. And we have a set of guidelines on which sits should be taken and which shouldn't. Odds are if your sit isnt taken its on the list of sits we shouldnt take. Have some patience. If its not taken right away call it again, do not yell at us about it, and if its ignored READ THE IGNORE REASON. 9 times out of 10 it will tell you exactly why were not taking your sit.
  14. Yes very true we could put the sugar npc there. Whats a sugar npc? Also why would it be in a basing spot? D: Yeah what would the sugar npc be for? The sugar NPC is an idea bill came up with to help people learn the rules. Basically you would talk to the npc, and it would read you the motd iirc
  15. Hours Played : well over 500 Vote : (Against new admins) Reasoning: For the longest time I was rallying for the promotion of new admins due to the lack of a stable hierarchy on the server (too many lower ranks, too few higher ranks) but heres the thing, the issue is not with the admins, or lack thereof, the issue is with a disabled staff team. Literally anyone who can play nice and type out a half assed decent staff application can become a staff member. The problem arises when you end up with staff members who do just that, but then when promoted to staff will do the absolute bare minimum to retain their rank. I have a lot to say about this but ill keep it relatively short; no we dont need more admins, what we need is more motivated and able staff members as a whole
  16. Sugar is pretty unforgiving when you mess with the servers economy. I honestly dont see you getting your stuff back since you decided to take the easy way out and exploit money even if it was "only a little bit"
  17. Unfortunately this has been an issue for a while. Sugar said it has something to do with projectile rendering, meaning when a projectile hits a prop, it generates a second invisible projectile that "goes heckin far" I dont know if theres a way to fix this short of blacklisting the fence props
  18. The errors you saw today was an issue on my end. I updated the wrong pack with the wrong content on accident but it is fixed for the next reset. I will make a new collection with the full workshop pack with the things that the server doesn't need to download I thought about this and I was going to add a Gang Bank along with the trading system for an update. Issue is as Muffin said, people can just take items and leave. If you have ever played WoW and joined a Guild (Gang) they have a Guild Bank which people can take from. Depending on the permissions, it may have it so regular users can take out nothing and only contribute or that they can take out small items from different tabs, ect. The issue has always been that people will join a guild just to get high enough to rob it and leave. The system in itself seems really difficult to add in those extra permissions as everything has to be networked. On top of that, you would get to the point where a Gang is robbed of everything because either the permissions weren't set or that someone was trusted enough to take everything. I am down for punishing players for stupid things but actions like that will make players leave the server in a heartbeat which I don't want to do. If anything, it is a back burner idea which I may revisit at some point but I have no plays currently to do something along those lines Simple solution to the gang bank dilemma. Construct it in a way that the leader can set up a passcode (like a keypad) and only those with access to the passcode can withdraw from the bank, but anyone who is a member can deposit. However if doing it that way it should be a spawnable entity that can be hacked/stolen from in some way to give the mechanic an added level of danger for using it. Just my two cents on the idea.
  19. Talent/perk suggestion: Dirty bomb: as a terrorist you have a chance to spawn with explosives Or Allahu akbar: as a terrorist you explode upon death, killing everyone around you instantly.
  20. Whats good dude. Nice to see you (maybe) returning.
  21. Alright i had this issue the other day. The issue is caused when your pc is trying to update in the background, while youre playing a game. Basically what happens is your computer overloads ans causes the crash resulting in a blue screen. To fix this go to your windows update suite and run all the avaliable updates. Once its finished you shouldnt have this problem anymore. If using this method doesnt work then activate your f11 command key, and when booting up hit the key to take you to the windows 10 diagnostic boot menu and click the option that says troubleshoot. After that just follow the instructions your pc gives you
  22. Kidnappers are KOS to everyone if theyre seen kidnapping someone today. I dont think kidnapping will be much of a problem anymore. Players love a legal chance to RDM someone
  23. Well heres the thing, and lets look at this through an irl standpoint. The mayor of a city makes carrying a weapon (concealed or otherwise) illegal. It is then the duty of the police officers working under that mayor to secure anyone suspected of carrying a weapon. Now in real life if a cop tells someone to stop and subject to a random patdown 9/10 people will obey so they dont get shot. However on a darkrp server where dying is no big deal, the only way to get said person to conform is to detain them in cuffs so they have no choice but to comply. But that brings into question; should cops be allowed to hold an undisclosed number of citizens in cuffs while they are systematically checking for weapons? The answer to that would be no. Logic would dictate to instead create a checkpoint in a highly populated area of town where checkpoints can be conducted in an orderly and routine manner. TL: DR holding people in cuffs while routinely checking them for weapons is not good rp, and only serves to ruin ppeople's experiences on the server. Its allowed, but that doesnt make it any less bullshit
  24. This is buyer error, the million dollars for a talent point is so you can EDIT your preexisting talents, not so you can buy more from what I understand
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