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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Monoxide

  1. Haven't had much of an interaction with you. From what I've seen you're a cool guy, just need to learn not to let other people (especially other staff) get to you so much. Loosen up a bit.
  2. I ony ignore sits for a single RDM or for stupid reasons. We need to start enforcing the rule stating and I quote: "do not call staff for a single RDM. You have to understand that when four or more sits come in at the same time we have to read them all to see which takes priority. These sits however disappear very quickly so you can imagine with four lengthy sit reports on the screen a couple sits may vanish in the time it takes to read them all. We do the best we can, we volunteer our time and test our patience every day in an attempt to appease the masses. If you truly have staffed many servers they must've not been very populated, because this is a daily struggle on titsRP also i acknowledge that some staff need to better balance rp and staffing BUT there isn't a single staff that lives just to staff. We want to have fun too. Staffing is in no way a burden it can be lots of fun, at times it also becomes very stressful especially on a capacity server.
  3. Eh leave it as is. They'll probably vanish on server reset anyway. So somebody has to wait twelve hours to get new ents. That just makes proper base building more important
  4. I use that particular media player in single player. It works beautifully with short video load times
  5. I think it'd be cool if we could have personal tv's for our bases. I've seen it on a few servers in the past and the players seemed to absolutely adore it. Minor suggestion since the boomboxes are such a big hit.
  6. Just wait till the majik ninjas hit the streets. The carnival is coming to titsrp. (Probably not but I wanted to put in my input)
  7. +1 just because they can't fund a keypad cracker doesn't mean we should nerf basing. once you get better at raiding the only real issue is pvp skill Its not really nerfing a base by disllowing double fading doors. Honestly having played raider classes exclusively before I got staff, double fading doors feel a bit cheaty. Especially when you get to the above arguement of whether a doubled or tripled fd equals more than one door. I love advanced basing, its fun to test your skill, but just like the post about disallowing one ways, this situation is about the same thing. If you have to purchase a c4 or some expensive tool to raid a base then what is the point
  8. There are plenty of other ways to make a virtually unraidable base without using stacked fd's. And all of these alternate ways follow the rules. Doubled fading doors just make it near impossible to lockpick, which in my opinion is unfair to all the classes who don't have access to keypad crackers, c4, or blowtorches (or cant afford them if there's a black market dealer on). I have legitimately heard a player say and I quote "well if I cant raid any of the big bases here whats the point of playing?" And while there are plenty of ways to have fun in the server I agree. About 70% of player interaction on the server is through raiding, so if people cant get on and raid to make money it ruins the fun for them and leaves them with a negative opinion of the server. (Obviously loss of players isn't an issue as we max out almost every day, but say 20 people tell their friends not to play the server because they were new and couldn't figure out how to raid, the those friends tell their friends. Its a potential loss of hundreds of new players over time.) If im way wrong or way off feel free to make this post dissapear but this is my two cents on the matter.
  9. Now we need biker gangs
  10. Well I say "if shot at first" because this gives the cops an opportunity to assert their authority and issue an order to drop the weapon, thus giving the person being raided a chance to comply before they're gunned down. Which brings the thought of whether police should be able to confiscate weapons from unlicensed users during a base raid or not. Lets face it, the majority of cp abuse their power heavily. This abuse has started the wheels turning in my head on how they can be nerfed a bit to make things and bit more fun for everyone
  11. But cryptozz sugar is about to add a gang update specifically for something like this
  12. This is a very minor thing, however I believe that police officers should only be allowed to kill during a raid if shot at first. My reasoning behind this is, a real life cop isn't gonna break into a house guns blazing unless they know for sure the person they're going after is waiting for them with a gun. Theyre going to go in, clear the residence, cuff the perp if need be until the search is over. And then either go about their day or make an arrest if contraband is found. Once again this is a minor thing but I feel it could add an aire of realism to the whole police raid system
  13. I smell? What do I smell like? I suppose it does doesn't it
  14. Ive never actually coded in GLua. But most languages are very similar to one another, so im sure I could figure it out pretty quick
  15. In-game name is monoxide. Used to be bud-lightbeer. Of course like I said I am the resident nobody on the server =) Submit? Submit what? Bug report, mod app, discussion thread, player report, SERVER SUGGESTION? Oh dear if I have to submit all that just to be your friend I think we may have problems >.>
  16. I just realized that I have almost 100 hours on the server and have never introduced myself. I am doug.qst but you all can call me monoxide or The Monoxide Child. Im the resident nobody on the server. Meaning nobody really knows me and nobody really cares lol. Anyway im 21 years old and when not playing on the server I spend my time coding applications and working as a network webmaster. Also just realized that I sound like a bad infomercial talking about all this shit so..... if you or a loved one has mesothelioma....
  17. Sounds like a null error created by a faulty timer command. No clue how this is coded because I haven't seen the lines of code but id be willing to bet thats it
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