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Golden Pup



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  1. Why is this in General Discussion?
  2. It was over half a year ago and most of the npc's were deleted before I started deleting them, the server would have been restarted. Theres no way they could have made it 7 hours without the NPC's I know. I fucked up, I was just messing around before a restart. You literally just said it was 7 hours before restart, and then reply to another comment that it was before a restart....
  3. My stuff was removed for Meemstar giving me 40 mil for a perm slot over 2 weeks ago. He also removed stuff i donated real money to get. The only money I got from the exploit was 20 mil from them buying my perms, which I told sugar about.
  4. I'm sure there are a ton of people who had nothing to do with the exploited money that lost their CC stuff. There is stuff that got removed that was donated with real money for. I'd just like to see the total amount of people that actually had stuff false removed from their CCs.
  5. Add a Real Estate Agent job, that way people actually have to go through selling their bases in an RP way and not just buying doors to try to sell a popular base for a few 100k.
  6. I wish my mom loved me like Yato's mom loves him :(
  7. Can we add the topic "Staff creating events i.e. purges, minigames, etc" I've noticed multiple staff members doing this and it needs to be talked about. They build something in admin land and then just bring people to participate in the event, this even has a current report on the topic. It should be added into guidelines because people lack common sense and think "It doesn't say no to do it in the guidelines, so why can't I?"
  8. Poor African Egyptian Cicada with his bad Pyramid internet
  9. There are also times when people rage over their sit not being taken when its something like "RDM adhfasdhfgashjkfasdjklfhadsjklhjkl" and then there are requests with actual details. Or times I'm gonna ignore a single RDM for something more important.
  10. Add a line to the basing section of the MOTD that's something like "If you're gonna own a base, build in it and do something with it." There are people that just buy bases and try to sell them with no intention of ever using them.
  11. Have a pop up on revolter's and CP's screen that says "You are out of the revolt!" Similar to how the bounty hunter's message is. Most revolts end when CPs that died already kill the leader.
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