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123 (3)


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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by 123 (3)

  1. Damn and i thought you were smarter than markcx
  2. Hurry Sugar make this guy Head Admin!
  3. Bro no need to call out markcx like that. :(
  4. Actually true we need to bring it back to 20k |
  5. Damn when will you apply for staff you obviously are the smartest person on the discord
  6. Holy this guy is a genius
  7. Actual good idea, tbh this would be a buff that cps actual need to compete against broken cc classes #buffcp #makecpgoodagain #unbanmarkcx
  8. The max fine limit should be double to 10k since 5k isn't a lot. Although there are alot of new players that play cp that difference of 5k would mean alot and would encourage players to play cp.
  9. Just allow people to base on the streets like the good old days. When wantednearby wasn't perma banned
  10. Smerexy stop posting pictures of red velvet
  11. True buff that c4 cause its breaking my immersion right now.
  12. But how do you know its a game and isn't real life?
  13. That is a subjective statement and has no objectivity in it please share what makes it easy in comparison to other activities.
  14. correct we need to make everyone mod than remove mod from those who abuse it, problem solved
  15. Not Wrong though 



    Based and RedPILL



  16. Correct revert it back to no cooldowns for kidnapping, than it will be immersive
  17. ZeshTheDoge the only name you need to know
  18. I too agree with that sound judgment even someone as blind as wantednearby would agree to that.
  19. 123 (3)

    Auction NPC

    Yes sugar said he is going to add sugar/doc npc to help new players learn the rules.
  20. True we want to make this server the dark souls dark rp equivalent and remove all currency to force players to barter for items, good post.
  21. I think i read somewhere or been told by someone maybe it was blacnova, those are songs specifically blacklisted by the developer of the boombox.
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