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Walter the Assaulter


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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Walter the Assaulter

  1. Closing thread due to threats against users and staff. +1 don't hurt me
  2. Booper has chosen me to pass on this message. Effective immediately, he is hereby resigning from his Respected role on TitsRP for resignation number 11. Thank you for your time.
  3. I find that promoting people based solely on how "well known" they are usually doesn't work out well. yeah I'm sure people who have been on the server for 5 days are much more qualified If you have an issue with a staff member, I would request that you file a report or message an administrator with your concerns.
  4. I find that promoting people based solely on how "well known" they are usually doesn't work out well.
  5. Pretty much this. ITT: Unverified, unproven, unreported claims that will undoubtedly remain so. Incomplete stories. Straw man. Small amounts of legitimate conversation about basing and updates, getting ignored in favor of the above.
  6. I don't ever see staff get involved unless you're braindead and use racial slurs in global chat, you're literally harassing them for hours/days, or you're doing things literally only to annoy people. I'm checking the reports section but I'm not seeing any valid reports on staff for being overly strict. Complaining about the staff being overbearing and strict and "ruining the server" when they're literally just stopping you from, for the most part, saying a singular naughty word in OOC is a little weird. Are staff shitty and not doing anything or are they doing too much? I'm seeing both complaints here. CCs are something Sugar said he wished he never added. I do see his point, and I'm glad people are starting to think a little more about it. CCs have their upsides and downsides. Basing is definitely an issue. People weren't happy with basing because it was stupidly overpowered and were leaving over it (and coming back, of course) so we nerfed it, so people complained and started leaving over that (and coming back, of course). Finding a balance is going to be hard when you have people doing everything in their power to break basing and make it as powerful as possible, but not everyone is doing that, and we have to balance it around both kinds of people. The people doing that aren't in the wrong, either, finding ways to make shit interesting is the point, it's just making it hard for us to balance it in a way that's good for everyone.
  7. December 13th Changed Misc Rule: Macros/external programs/scripts are not allowed.
  8. I once saw a shop with a worse chance to win than the extreme gambler. i mean it was mine but don't mind that
  9. I did but they didn't let let explain anything now either as the same admin just denied it Actually, I was your banning staff member. Another member of the senior staff team was the one who handled your appeal and made the choice to deny it.
  10. Staff are supposed to look at the bans on file for a user before they ban them using the tab menu. If they've been banned before your punishment can be longer. If you have two MRDM bans in the last month and do it again, for example, we'll just perma ban or give you a month off.
  11. October 13th Added general rules: DO NOT switch jobs during a raid or other RP interaction Don't switch jobs during RP interactions like being raided, raiding a base, being arrested, etc. It gives you an unfair advantage. DO NOT incite other players to break the rules This includes things like Making up rules Lying to people about what is allowed Saying a staff member allowed/doesn't allow something when they never said that Saying things like "there's no staff online, mass rdm time!" If a staff doesn't immediately take your sit about prop climb, saying something like "Walter the Assaulter says prop climb is allowed now"
  12. Shh better delete that before you know who sees that. :pepehmm:
  13. Most guns can kill a fully armored person in under 2 seconds. I can kill people in less than a quarter of a second using an AWP quickscope. Baton rushing is my least used technique because of how unreliable it is against people who actually want to finish the raid they started. If they're anywhere but a small enclosed hallway, it's not gonna work. Maybe the steps to the second floor of the PD or the hallway on the first floor leading to the courtroom. Anywhere with more room than that, and especially anywhere on the streets, it won't work on anyone who doesn't actually want to take a baton up the butt. Pay attention during raids and use your gun. There are times where I succeed because instead of shooting me people actually stop and complain I'm running with my baton out like a teacher scolding me for running with scissors. How would we implement a rule like this? Someone's running at someone with a baton but the guy notices while they're still across the room and starts shooting so the cop has to stop and take it? Would it be cuff rushing if he switched to his cuffs? What if he's across fountain and it's a firefight? I've never been successfully baton rushed in any of my PD raids so I'm not exactly sure what the big deal is, and it's not for a lack of effort in people trying to get me. In most instances I see the cop just dies because they're running at the guy instead of shooting back and in the 1/10 instances it does succeed the arrestee will usually complain in chat how it's OP. Edit: I agree with Piklas. I rarely see a baton rush happen, much less succeed, but lowering the baton rate of fire might be an interesting balance against this, and would definitely make it more skill-based especially in the tight-corridor situations.
  14. People took advantage of it being an advert, which is global, and sniped across the map. By incorporating this it adds the idea he had but eliminating the abuse able factor. You have to be ridiculously straight forward and crystal clear about everything on this server. * *
  15. Those adverts are in no way legitimate. Roleplay is required to "counter" a situation. In fact, if you have to call it a "counter" instead of "role play," the situation should be suspect. People have been warned to stop doing adverts that in no way actually involve you in the situation and do not convey any information to the player actually doing it since it could apply to literally every person on the server. Staff should know this by now, it's been the rules for 8+ months. From the MOTD: Just because you are in a party / gang with somebody doesn't mean you are automatically "involved" with their situations. If you're going to kill someone because they attacked your party / gang member, make sure they know you're together. Using a generic advert without actually telling the person it applies to them is not a valid way of telling that person you are together. They would have no way of knowing. If one person adverts, you can't expect the entire map to stop what they're doing and check to see if it's them Deal with situations using role play. If you aren't role playing together or they have no reason to suspect that you are connected in any way, it makes no RP sense to randomly pull out a gun and shoot them. Examples of a BAD party / gang member Sniping a player from across the map because his party member got mugged Attacking a player because someone just killed their party / gang member when you were no where near by / not visible Examples of a GOOD party / gang member Running up to the player who killed their party / gang member and telling them they are about to die for killing their member Killing a cop for cuffing your party / gang member you are role playing with (fishing, mugging, kidnapping players together, etc) In short, if it's not obvious enough that it's necessary to say something in chat, a generic bind is not enough. You have to tell the person through voice, text, or mentioning their name in an advert. You have to let them know, as the motd says to. To make things ez, here's some short quotable rules: "If they have no way of knowing you're connected to this guy, you really aren't." "If you're a bunch of bloods riding a bike and you get off and a cop cuffs you, they're obviously all involved with you." "If you guys are two yoshis fishing side by side and a cop cuffs you, you're obviously involved with each other." "If you're yelling at a cop to drop your friend or you'll shoot, you're obviously involved with him." "Someone seemingly being randomly being shot from across the map makes Walter mad, stop using those fucking adverts." "If you are doing something with the dude, kill the cop. --> If not, tell the cop to stop."
  16. All of them. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/284534267600568320/493903672573689884/unknown.png https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/284534267600568320/493904303812247557/unknown.png When you can raid PD like this for 9 minutes straight without taking anything out of your inventory the entire time, there's an issue. sorry keith ;_;
  17. September 24th Changelog Added to Misc Rules: Hitman/Bounty Hunter/Master Stalker/etc is allowed to raid their target only to carry out job functions. They may not interact with entities inside the base. This rule also applies to Jigsaw or any job that would have a "target" inside a base like Spawn of heck. You are not allowed to interact with the entities inside the base since you are not performing a "true" raid, just going after your target. As these jobs you have no interest in their valuables. This would allow for, say, a hitman to raid the PD to kill the mayor. It does count towards your 20 minute cooldown to raid the same base.
  18. This is not a bug. This is a suggestion. Quality of life is for "hey my red sword is blue instead of red, gamebreaking, sugar pls fix" Moving to correct section
  19. You aren't allowed to like walk up and mug someone using an NPC I guess is what they meant. You shouldn't be initiating RP on people using NPCs, so I don't see why you can force drop someone while they are editing their CC. Even though that's all some people seem to be doing all day... https://titsrp.com/showthread.php?tid=4
  20. If you're RPing so little that the system can't detect any WASD movement, the system is doing its job correctly.
  21. Bases can be built in ways that you cannot lockpick them, but a keypad cracker would work. For example, having a nocollided prop in front of a fading door, or having 2-3 fading doors stacked together connected to a single keypad are both allowed. (Just keeping in mind each prop you have faded will count towards your 3 limit for the base). I don't see this as often after the meta switched to long crouch bases, though. To counteract the cracker being loud AF and the fact some bases might require it, it should be made faster. Maybe 1.5x faster than a lockpick.
  22. No discussion allowed about anything. No pictures allowed. No fun allowed. No talking allowed. You may exist in the Discord, but only so long as you do not attempted to speak. - this thread On a serious note, we need to make a containment channel for league so the normal people don't have to listen to rarted baby babble.
  23. September 10th Changelog Changed Basing Rules: Added: Do not abuse non-destructible entities when building your base. This means using them for anything other than their intended purpose.
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