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Walter the Assaulter


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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Walter the Assaulter

  1. +1. We can probably differentiate between the chats to make it an automute for ooc and advert, then deal with local chat, gang chat, etc if it's an issue like we normally would.
  2. You don't appear to be one of the afflicted players and this does not appear to be a valid appeal. Stop trying to stir shit up on the forums. Closed. If you make a third thread, I will allow you to take a break from the forums to calm down since you appear in much distress.
  3. Your Steam Name: Walter the Assaulter Your ingame name: Walter the Assaulter Your Steam Profile/SteamID: https://steamcommunity.com/id/waltertheassaulter Who are you reporting? (Their name and profile): Sugar Tits (owner) Reasons why you are reporting: The Council of Former Smods has come together to review the evidence, and found out the truth behind why you crash/timeout when loading in. Sugar has set up a peer-to-peer sharing network that backdoors into your client when you connect to TitsRP. This backdoor forces your PC to download porn and bitcoins and stores it on the TitsRP server. Since your client is limited to 4gb ram, he makes his money from people who turtle base. This is why basing is so strong. The code for these backdoors are stored in the pedophile model, this is why he's aos, to throw off the trail Sugar's porn preferences are shit. He won't fix my visual glitch, my rank is still displaying as Admin instead of Head Admin Evidence: happy 2000 walter posts, may we have 2000 more cancerous tumors in the years to come
  4. I played a PoliceRP server that did this. You weren't allowed to shoot people that had their hands up surrendering unless they did something like shoot/shoot at a cop. You hit F1 to toggle the animation. If we added it to the keys, could we make it a toggle switch instead of just a temp animation like the rest? I think it'd be a great idea for RP.
  5. youre too far from the base you are trying to raid Incorrect. You also got who was where backwards. To answer the question posted in the original post: Don't be Jacket.
  6. Just...shoot him when you see him running at you? You just aren't allowed to like snipe him from across the sewers and shit.
  7. Building signs only protect you from being raided. Lock your doors, people.
  8. t h e s e r v e r c o n t r o l s a l l (except for the later answers) If the server allows you to kill yourself, you can. With the obvious exception of being in a sit, if the server allows you to kidnap someone, you can. If you are kidnapped, the server will prevent you from being kidnapped again for something like 10 minutes. If you are kidnapping, the server will stop you from kidnapping for a while. See my above answer for more details. The mayor cannot make assault or killing legal. This is in the MOTD. The server gives you a box of goods you can make them pay for, but if you want to "manually" charge them you can do whatever. Kill baiting is failRP and any kills because of it RDM. If you are hitting someone with the sole intent to start a fight (We know. We aren't dumb. I've been doing this for too long.), you aren't being clever. If someone's getting a big party together and doing this, I won't hesitate to remove all of them for minging. Cops can kill criminals who are a threat to public safety and legitimately threatening people's lives such as people who are raiding, kidnapping, or actively assaulting civilians. This is in the MOTD. It is. If you aren't using it to legitimately try to kidnap, you're damaging somebody for no reason. Attempted RDM. This is a holy grail of a suggestion. I'm +1 for this so hard that I need to replace my keyboard.
  9. This post shows poor understanding of basic economy balancing and is complaining because you personally can't farm 20+m per day. This complaint comes up every so often but nobody can supply an argument besides "IT'S KILLING THE SERVER!!1!," yet it's only a very few of the older players complaining about it and we continue to hit max player count night after night, many months after making this change. This server has been dying for over 5 years and has been through a few processor nerfs. Maybe we're just one nerf away from losing it all. Those things worth 50,000,000? You aren't supposed to be able to get them in a single day. In no case should that be possible. Ever. In a week, maybe, if you put in serious time.
  10. +1 This would allow for better RP with shops being able to sell potions and stuff. Letting people place down general wares at fountain would increase economic movement beyond just weapons, and allowing legendaries to be sold with the stats displayed would be great.
  11. If you are unlocking doors and breaking in, you are raiding the PD and killing you would not be RDM. If all the doors are already unlocked and you just walked in there, your argued case is a valid one since it's simple trespass. In general, you can /demote CP for police brutality or complain to the mayor if it's not part of the mayor's laws that non-CP in PD is KOS or that prisoners can be executed.
  12. Yes. No. The king rules do not state that he can override the following rule: The only rules that are able to be overridden by the king are in the MOTD. If a king is trying to break any rule not listed as allowed, it's not allowed. There isn't supposed to be anything "unwritten" (at least when I was admin/HA). If there is a contradiction with a staff member saying something different, have them contact an administrator to change the MOTD. I would like to point out that it actually specifically calls out " Basing Rules " as not allowed to be overridden because we anticipated this scenario and not only is this a rule about basing, it is literally under the basing rules section. If there are things that need to be updated, I would heavily encourage our local administrative representative to petition the rest of the group for a change of the rules list to make things clearer. Maybe it's only clear to me because I was there when we added to job and banged out all the rules for it.
  13. There's already a 5 minute timeout. They can't join any CP job including CCs if the mayor fires them. If you use /demote to start a demote vote it only bans them from that specific job. If this isn't working, something might be broken.
  14. What ways would those be? The only one I can think of involves gun stands, but those will literally tell you what you are actually buying before you buy something. Anything else (I'll buy you VIP which is 5m but you pay 999,999 which is conveniently under the scam limit) is either not allowed as per the server rules or are so ridiculous I don't believe anyone who doesn't read the MOTD and sees scamming is allowed in the first paragraph would fall for it. "you absolutely cannot scam over this set limit in any given transaction otherwise you will be permanently banned" is a loose rule? You do think it's reasonable that an admin could be called for every transaction period? Role play. I have somewhere around 3800 hours on gmod, all in DarkRP. It's called role play. Just because it "can't" occur in real life doesn't mean it can't occur in a game. This makes no sense. Absolutely regulating every single trade that players do with an influence outside RP is an extreme detriment to RP. RP stands for "role play," not admin-regulated safety scissor cut in the lines play. We have regulations in place to avoid detriments to RP like RDM or losing your IRL money, and free trades aren't stopping people from enjoying their RP. Scummy people exist IRL, and if you're scammed by a random person on the street for $10 you aren't going to be able to get your money back. See: Things like 3 card monte scams. Overall, I honestly believe this discussion does have merit but so far hasn't been given any support worth considering. You're trying to avoid the entire point of "it honestly just pisses players off" by using the "new players should be able to be braindead zombies and literally apply no sense to trades and be safe" argument. Just say it. It pisses people off, but if it's allowed you should use at least 3 brain cells and 99% of all scams can be avoided. At some point, people have to look out for their own interests. That point probably starts with saying "okay I can lose 1400 to this gun dealer but that's cool, but maybe with giving this random guy on the street 500k I should ask to see the merchandise first or use !trade." -1 for now. Any replies relating to "no RP value" or "no reason to allow" will embolden my views for the reasons listed above. Saying it is detrimental to new players is fine, but at some point you need to apply the cells in your brain you used to actually operate a computer in the first place. Give specific examples and logical reasoning. This is a huge rule to change and I'd like for my mind to be changed, but at this point I can't support it.
  15. I thought you meant trash items. I've literally never seen that before, but I've seen people talking about it, just didn't realize it was literally "Scrap Material." My bad mate. What's the trash items used for, then?
  16. Hitting E on it and dropping items into it doesn't do anything, how do we sell scrap items to it?
  17. I think it could be added to the tab menu, or a command would be good if it may take up resources in the GUI.
  18. Ebola killed more people than Corona has so far before we implemented it. We need to be on the ball for this one.
  19. You could try walking 3 extra feet to the street corner so you aren't jaywalking Yeah why should us stinky jays suffer any more than we have to, getting run over is our right
  20. That would be loggable and punishable. The issue I want to bring up is that your hud always updates in real time. IIRC Sugar wanted to find a way to work around that since it uses up a lot of processing power, and there's even an option to disable the hud in !help to boost FPS. I feel like adding it for the police wouldn't be too much of a stretch, the rest would be nice but not as necessary as a CP Agenda since the mayor can slap all the codes in there and he already has two big fancy panels that could make the job easier. Do remember that all of those jobs can use group chat to communicate, I feel like that's the reason he chose to not include them in the first place. Edit: As long as it isn't being drawn on your screen, it shouldn't effect you. Add an option in !help to just disable showing the agenda at all, separate from the "hide HUD" button.
  21. Your logical reasoning is a meme. Prepare to get gnomed.
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