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Walter the Assaulter


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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Walter the Assaulter

  1. Yeah that's a variation of the sit exploit. If you catch someone doing this or suspect someone, please report them because it's a 7 day+ ban depending on past offenses. If they were able to kill the mayor seconds after adverting PD raid while he was in his office and we see them buying a vehicle in the logs, it would be pretty obvious.
  2. Yeah, you can't be inside a prop. You know the bases that were just made entirely of large nocollided blocks so you couldn't shoot or arrest anyone inside no matter where you were. That rule is meant for those bases.
  3. You can appeal any warn that you like. Upload evidence that it is false, offer your explanation, or just ask the issuing staff member to remove it because of reason x. Just because we have ways of dealing with it now doesn't mean it wasn't against the rules when you did it.
  4. Pulling out the bacta nade instead of the camera may yield better results.
  5. In my experience, this has never been true any time I have ever played batman if the player has the sense to use the W, A, S, or D keys. Or use any form of situational awareness and mow him down before he can get close.
  6. Novel concept, but...try moving while you are shooting.
  7. "doing what the job is supposed to be doing" Do you also complain if the base owner runs up from behind you and shoots you?
  8. I think people who get 50 warns are exceedingly dumb for having so many chances to read the MOTD but choosing not to. These warns do not include verbal warnings, mutes, gags, kicks, and bans. You have the chance to appeal any warn you get after receiving it if it is false. Please note that people who gets warns ARE, by default, banned several times. - MOTD, https://titsrp.com/showthread.php?tid=4
  9. I am not implying. I am saying you are dumb to not see a giant wall blocking the entire road. If you are talking about the checkpoint Piklas built, the checkpoint in question went all the way up to the sky and covered the entirety of the road and sidewalk and required you to go in through a fading door, go down a hallway, turn around, go down another hallway, and then exit through another fading door, all the meanwhile CP are weapon checking you. Every single other checkpoint I have seen literally involves barricades or fences, things used in real life police checkpoints. By using critical thinking. I believe this was on a worksheet in fourth grade. You have the choice to not have weapons on you. The mayor is not required to sell you a license. You can walk around the other way. You can raid the checkpoint. You have several options of recourse, but you made the choice to try to give Walter a headache on the forums. Nothing is "iffy" but your intentions. I will discuss it with the staff team and add a text screen rule.
  10. Waste of server resources on someone who shouldn't be playing and they'll just run around bodyblocking
  11. There are. We recently gave someone a month ban instead of 7 days because that was their fourth 7 day in ~a month and a half.
  12. "It should be made clear that cops should obey their mayor" Mayors can fire cops at any time for any reason. "it should be clear that its a checkpoint and it has rules." You can't figure out the big wall or fences or barricades filled with CP in the middle of the road is a checkpoint and that you might get arrested for running through it? I will see about adding a rule for text screens, but there comes a point where you can't be spoonfed this stuff.
  13. Today I got arrested for doing nothing, just passing through with keys in hand and having some cc weaponry on me. having some weapons :thinking:
  14. i mean you literally can't base, unless u want to spend the next 25minutes of ur time materializing props, that are stacked and unreachable, "you literally can't base" https://wiki.garrysmod.com/page/Opening_The_Spawnmenu
  15. This is medium priority at most?
  16. We have elected to revoke your 20% warn. While we appreciate any new ideas for general server rules, please try to post them in the most appropriate spot. The post in question was about the staff team and how we handle the server, while your reply was not out of line it probably would've done better in the general rules/features suggestions thread or as a thread of its own. There was simply a bit of mix-up that caused our current situation. Be a good boy. What I'm interested in is that other 70% worth of warns
  17. Irrelevant Reply (+2 points) 2 hours ago 08-02-2018, 07:20 PM Nibster Your post looked like a suggested rule change in response to being asked for suggestions about the staff team, how we run the server, and the rules in general. I'm not sure but I'll point Nibster here.
  18. Whoever told you that they crashed anyone with it is a dumb. It will mess up the chat until the anon leaves the screen. Doing it will get you muted/kicked.
  19. I mean you wouldnt know the difference since you are one of those perma banned users. r u disabled im not banned did we get the wrong ID? again?
  20. WANTED IS TRYING TO BRING BACK GRA- *shot* Implement them with gangs. Perhaps every gang could have a "Legal Operations" and "Illegal Operations" subset that you are able to join and switch between with a cool down. It could have perks that you get just for joining and ones that are unlockable. Maybe have them tied to a different XP pool, and while you get XP for things like selling a weapon from your gun stand, you also get "Operations/Union/Job Experience" that unlocks these perks. Some of my ideas include, if you're a gun dealer and you're on the illegal team your adverts will be a different color/bolded to make them stand out, or you get 10% off a random shipment that changes every 30 minutes and can advertise it as a sale, or as a hitman you have a chance to randomly receive a hit from an "anonymous source," possibilities are endless with how auti creative we all are. I like wanted's idea of adding more legal ways of making money, and especially for utilizing the sewers for something other than hiding the mayor. I also recall a Baker job from 1942 that made bread somehow. All I remember is there were five of us in a tiny building down the road from the reich and we were scared as shit we were gonna be found out. add back meth
  21. randomly shooting someone from a rooftop i don't see why not
  22. Strange. I used to get that but I can't remember having it happen to me in the last few months. Here's a link to the MOTD for you. https://titsrp.com/showthread.php?tid=4
  23. We know. This is also the fourth story you're giving us.
  24. Exactly this. "The mayor should defend his vault" Makes no RP sense. The CP he hired should defend the police department's vault. The mayor should not be putting himself in harm's way at any point unless you choose to play the job that way. "should rp with his cp" The mayor is not a job where you patrol the streets, unless you choose to play the job that way. "not just go hide behind one ways in his 4 c4 sewer base" You are making your true intentions obvious.
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