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Walter the Assaulter


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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Walter the Assaulter

  1. -1. Most people have their jobs spawn with master swords and shit. I don't use that kind of shit on hobo because I get RDM'd all the time, but back when cc spam was allowed I'd just fly circles around the people I was trying to annoy so they couldn't shoot me People are pissed off about killing in jail cells rn, do we really want cops micspamming earrape in the cells? I've only seen hobo job full 3 times in the last 6 months, all three being after dumpster diving came out CCs get FUCKING TINY. If they won't leave you alone, some of them are legit impossible to kill. If you support this being able to micspam, you're gonna get gnomed.
  2. This happens with any throwable weapon, I believe. It's why keys sometimes show up in logs as the weapon. IIRC unless it's fire or explosives, anything that can kill someone while you have another item out will show up as whatever you have out. I don't believe I've ever seen it not identify who threw it, though, so it should still show who the killer was. The exception being the molotov (possibly fixed) and a few explosive weapons (fixed a while ago).
  3. Come to think of it, I haven't seen it go off in a while and it'd usually go off several times a day. We definitely used to have it, did we remove it? Why?
  4. imagine demoting someone from something after you resign from it
  5. Staff literally tell you to do that. Who was it that warned him, exactly?
  6. this place has changed for the worst edit: also, hi Kamala. nice to see you here again. It's been pretty good since your 12th resignation.
  7. Are you retarded or something - Walter the Assaulter, one and only CEO of Booper Scooper INC
  8. I am pleased to report as of this moment, the CEO of Booper Scooper INC has stepped down from his position after pleading guilty for Unauthorized Rep Modification and Fraud. We thank you for your continued patronage. - Walter the Assaulter, new CEO of Booper Scooper INC
  9. When you inventory food it all turns into burgers. Maybe we could add more models and make it selectable.
  10. I agree. If we can add food props that don't take up a lot of resources, that would be awesome. Something like this (link) is only 15mb and can be cut down further by taking out "repeat/lookalike" items.
  11. I've found that no matter what your screen size is, when the rules pop up you will generally always see 1. Either you are choosing to say you are familiar with DarkRP and "don't need" to read our rules or 2. You are new to the gamemode and don't know what the terminology is, but are still choosing to not read the basic rules and guidelines for the server you joined. I would argue fault lies with the player and there isn't much additional we can do. Adding another menu may confuse newer players and would serve the exact same, if not less useful, purpose as telling them "Do !motd and read the section on what RDM is, also read the rest of what applies to your current RP while you're at it"
  12. It goes a bit beyond RP when you literally have outside AOS for 2 hours. At that point you aren't able to get back to your house without having to fight off a bunch of trigger-happy cops. You need a valid reason for a lockdown and coming up with random bullshit falls into the realm of failRP, as well as allowing it to go on for way too long. A system needs to be in place, but these unwritten rules should be added to the MOTD first so staff can administrate these actions.
  13. Citizens have no utility of the bounty board (aside from hackers, but their hacking activities are illegal) and the mayor's office has a button to stop the health station from working completely. In general, good RP dictates if the PD is KOS, an effort should be made to make sure it's blocked off or locked up. Citizens should still do their due diligence and use !laws if there's a mayor playing, that's the first command I run after !staff to see who else is online to assist players. Perhaps a solution that would benefit people of both opinion: Add another button to the mayor's PD screen making the PD AOS/KOS to non-CP that turns the front doors red or something, or add text to the "vault is raidable" sign that says either "PD IS OPEN" or "PD IS AOS/KOS TO NON-CP" when the mayor toggles the option. This would help to resolve any confusion regarding a player not realizing there's a KOS law and having their RP interrupted while allowing the mayor the freedom to secure the PD against hackers, hitmen going after cops, mic spammers, etc. If it is toggled, we could even make the doors automatically locked when closed (with like a 10s cooldown to stop people from spamming E)
  14. I've noticed an increase in the presence of RP bases lately. As I sit here trying to build a bakery, thinking of ways to make it stand out, my mind wanders to time spent on other servers and developing my own. I would like to see an increase in the amount of customization when building bases for RP and vending. This would make the RP experience very fun with little cost. This isn't the only "RP Props" available on the Workshop, but an example you can find https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1246554779
  15. since when Unless a change was made but not noted, that isn't the case.
  16. Utilize a firearm weapon if Batman is playing. Works 90% of the time.
  17. The issues boil down to: I don't know/don't want to use the tab menu mute function and, like Herb said I want to raid someone's stove or gun stand, which will do absolutely nothing for me. If they're dispensing food or shipments and it bothers you, try stealing it. Entities dropped anywhere on the map is fair game. If you get killed, don't go back and steal from the same guy for a while since the rules basically say "don't fuck with what killed you." If you get away, good for you. A lot of issues people have with the rules/supposed loopholes can be solved by using common sense or, preferably (but not really preferably), applying an Assaulter directly to the minge. We have the "don't minge or harass people" rule for a reason. Call for staff and have hobos yeeted out. The base owner also has the option of warning the hobo to stop and killing them if they refuse to comply, that's directly in the MOTD. If the boombox is bothering a bigly amount of people, just go destroy it. If it's inaccessible behind a fading door, public bases can't have fading doors. Utilize @ to get them slapped. I don't agree with the idea of constricting the rules and stopping people from having some genuine RP or chill-out fun for a very few fringe cases that can be resolved using the tab menu or a warn advert. When all else fails, you could also try the most drastic measure. Walking away.
  18. Base/raid balance has always been an issue. Sugar's idea was to make it a "base wars" type deal where you're just raiding for each other's items back and forth. A lot of people didn't like this, namely the turtle basers and new players. You either discriminate against the new, intermediate, or older players whatever you do.
  19. Server's been dying for 5 years. Seems to be doing okay.
  20. We introduced this rule due to the amount of people trying to do this while they were being chased, or were otherwise in RP situations where going through their own dupe may be slower than just replacing it. As with some other rules, I've seen it said that this one is enforced "when you're in an RP situation," the same way that you shouldn't be hitting your fading door bind when you're RPing vs. if nobody's following you then you just run through your fading doors. Basically, the good old "it's not illegal if you don't get caught."
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